Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-07-28 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris: Bonjour, Chérie! (Post #83)

Bonjour, my lovely pink tutu darlings! It's Saturday again, which means a new Pink Tutu Blog post is fluttering into your inbox (or, if you're reading this online, straight into your internet heart!). This week, we're stepping into the magic of Paris, city of lights, romance, and yes, believe it or not, the odd pink tutu!

Oh, Paris! You really do steal my heart. The cobblestone streets, the stunning architecture, the delicious pastries… I could go on forever. But the truth is, this city has been buzzing with excitement for me, ever since I boarded the EuroStar, (fancy dress code, obviously - pink tutu, white cardigan, and a darling little pink hat!) heading across the Channel. The Eurostar is the best way to get to Paris from Derbyshire – a luxurious, magical train journey right to the heart of the city! You simply cannot resist a train journey when it allows you to wear a tutu and you get a chance to stare out of the window in awe at the scenery passing you by!

This time, I decided to treat myself to a first class carriage – pink and elegant, of course! – complete with a complimentary bottle of champagne and some adorable pink macarons. Just call me "Miss Tutu High Life," haha!

Arriving in Paris is always a joy! This time, I even caught a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower from my taxi. The city already feels alive and bursting with potential for pink tutu magic!

Parisian Adventures

As soon as I got to my darling hotel, a gorgeous boutique hotel in the heart of Montmartre, I changed into a lovely pale pink silk dress - I knew my tutus would have to wait! There's nothing quite like swirling through the streets of Paris in a fabulous frock, sipping coffee at a charming sidewalk café. The sun was shining and everyone was laughing. Such an amazing day to be here! Of course, after a few hours exploring and admiring all the beautiful people, I couldn’t resist a quick trip to the nearby shops.

Let's just say I might have succumbed to the siren call of a little pink handbag (very Chanel-inspired, but much less expensive!) It's a bit bigger than my usual bag, so I'll be able to stuff it full of goodies like chocolates and souvenirs!

The afternoon, of course, was all about ballet! I caught a matinee of "The Sleeping Beauty" at the Paris Opera House, and I am still reeling from the beauty of it all. The costumes were stunning, the music was magical, and the ballerinas, oh my, the ballerinas! They glided across the stage with such grace and elegance, it was truly inspiring! Seeing a ballet in the City of Light - how much more romantic can life get?!

But hold on, my sweethearts! There's even more to tell.

A Pink Tutu Feast

Later that night, I had a very special encounter. It was dinner time and I was about to take myself for a lovely plate of delicious mussels at a small French restaurant - oh, that bread! As I made my way inside, I saw her. A beautiful woman with bright blue eyes and auburn hair, gracefully moving in a shimmering black tutu, doing a beautiful 'arabesque' on a cobblestone path - there, under the pale glow of the streetlights! Oh, the magic! I was totally mesmerized!

“ Bonjour,” I smiled as I caught my breath. “Your ballet looks spectacular!"

She laughed, with a musical trill that matched the chimes in the tower at the end of the street. "Merci beaucoup! There's always an opportunity to do a little dance. My name is Celine."

"I'm Emma." It all seemed so… serendipitous. I couldn't resist pulling a pink tutu out of my bag. “Oh, this is my lovely pink tutu!”

And then, the most wonderful thing happened… She smiled, a lovely genuine smile, her eyes sparkling in the shadows of the French night, and she pulled out her tutu - a dark, exquisite ballet tutu, edged with lace, like a spider’s web of silk. She extended it, then she twirled! I did a twirl too, with my pink tutu catching the Parisian evening wind.

Celine started humming, her tune light and airy, as though she was dancing on air. And I started to hum too. We hummed together! That night we became dancing companions - swirling, gliding and giggling on the Paris street, laughing and whispering under the night sky.

“Do you ever think of dressing everyone in pink tutus?”, Celine asked, as if reading my mind.

And as I danced along with her, I knew what I needed to do. “I’m determined, my friend,” I replied. “I'm spreading the word one tutu at a time, and soon everyone will be dancing! Pink tutus for everyone!”

So that, my little pink tutu lovelies, was my magical day in Paris.

I hope you have a fabulous weekend - go have an adventure! I'd love to hear all about it. Remember, if you’re ever feeling like your inner ballerina needs a little boost, remember, all you need is a tutu. A pink tutu, of course. Oh, and a touch of Parisian magic!

See you next Saturday for more Paris adventures!


Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-07-28 Exploring Paris