Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-07-12 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 185: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Saturday 12th July 2003)

Oh, my darlings! Paris. I am officially in Paris! The City of Lights, the City of Love, the City of... well, everything wonderful, basically! I just had to share all my Parisian adventures with you.

It's Saturday, the perfect day to dive into a Parisian adventure, and let me tell you, this one's a real treat!

First things first, let's talk about getting here. As always, I travelled by EuroStar, because it's the most glamorous way to reach this beautiful city. My favourite part? The elegant carriages, and of course, the opportunity to squeeze into my trusty pink tutu for the journey (after all, when can one not wear a tutu, I ask you!). My fellow passengers looked a bit surprised to see a pink-clad ballerina hopping onto the train, but they just couldn't help smiling - even the French appreciate a touch of whimsical flair.

Speaking of flair, let's talk about my Paris outfit, because every good blog needs a little fashion chat, right? I went for a classic Parisienne look, inspired by Audrey Hepburn, of course. A chic black dress, perfect for twirling (no matter how slightly inconvenient the Parisian cobblestones can be!). It flowed beautifully as I strutted through the station, my trusty ballet pumps clicking along in perfect time. Of course, no look is complete without my signature accessory - a hot pink tutu, peeking out from underneath my skirt, just begging to be seen. It was my little statement piece, reminding everyone that even amidst all this Parisian elegance, a dash of vibrant, joyful colour is always a good idea!

Now, where did I go once I arrived? Where else but the Galeries Lafayette! I simply cannot resist the dazzling world of Parisian fashion. I wandered through the floors, marvelling at the couture displays, trying on countless hats (including a charming little beret, very much on-theme, if I do say so myself), and eventually finding myself in the beauty hall, indulging in a lavish hand cream. After all, it’s only fair to pamper oneself when surrounded by such opulence!

But, my darlings, don't think I forgot the main reason for this trip – the ballet, of course! This week I’m seeing a truly special performance at the Palais Garnier. I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement – not just about the exquisite choreography but also the opulent theatre itself! It's simply glorious. A true symbol of Parisian artistic prowess, and something straight out of my ballet dreams!

Today I also went for a delightful little promenade through the Luxembourg Gardens, where I had the pleasure of encountering a magnificent horse-drawn carriage, its horses magnificently adorned, a perfect symbol of the city’s enduring charm. Imagine my delight when I realised the coachman was wearing a pink waistcoat! He smiled at me and winked, giving me a little tip of his hat - it seems even Parisian coachmen can appreciate a bit of pink. It truly did feel like stepping back in time, which, if I’m being honest, is exactly the sort of dreamy experience that brings me to Paris.

As I write this blog, the sound of a charming street musician, accompanied by his violin and the lilting French song, drifts into my window, and the Eiffel Tower, dazzling under the sunset, twinkles on the horizon. Could there be anything more perfect?

I've only just started to explore this captivating city, and my love affair with Paris is already blossoming like a perfect Parisian rose! There's still so much more to see - from museums to cafes, art galleries to quaint boutiques - and I can’t wait to share my discoveries with you.

Until next Saturday,

Emma xx

P.S. Don’t forget to follow my Instagram for all my latest pink-tutu-tastic adventures! #pinktutuparis

A Day in the Life - Sunday 13th July 2003

As much as I love exploring new places, it’s so lovely to start my day with a proper English breakfast. I find a quaint little café tucked away in a side street, not far from my hotel, serving full English breakfasts. The owner even gives me a free petit croissant - a lovely bonus for my breakfast delight. This is Parisian life - charming and delightful!

This morning, I indulge in a leisurely walk to the Musee Rodin. I've been wanting to see The Thinker for years, and now my wish is granted! Rodin's work truly resonates with the soul of this artistic city - it’s pure magic.

The afternoon is devoted to one of my favourite Parisian experiences – shopping! It's the only way to discover the city’s amazing fashion and flair! I wander through charming little boutiques on the Rue de Rivoli, the perfect spot for some vintage finds, picking up some lovely accessories for my pink-tutu wardrobe. My eyes are simply filled with inspiration!

Tonight I finally get to visit that famous Parisian haunt, the Moulin Rouge, where the dance is as exhilarating as it is mesmerizing. A classic French experience, filled with elegance, vibrant reds and sparkles! And while it is not strictly ballet, it's certainly something every ballerina should see.

Later on, I head for a classic French dinner at a charming bistro - the atmosphere is romantic, the service is friendly and the food is divine! It’s all part of embracing Parisian life at its most authentic.

After dinner, I grab a warm crepe from a street vendor (one filled with Nutella, naturally!). With a sugar-coated smile and my heart filled with Parisian enchantment, I settle into my hotel bed, ready for another Parisian adventure.

The Parisian Ballet Experience - Tuesday 15th July 2003

Today, the day I’ve been waiting for! I’m ready to dive into the world of ballet at the Palais Garnier, and I must admit, my pink tutu is ready to take centre stage.

As I step into the Opera House, it feels like I'm entering a grand fairytale. Every detail, from the sweeping staircase to the gilded ceilings, transports me back in time. I almost expect to see a cast of characters from a classic ballet right there, pirouetting gracefully among the opulence.

And what a ballet I witness! Swan Lake. The story of love, tragedy, and the grace of the swans unfolds before my very eyes. It's simply breath-taking! The beauty, emotion, and energy of the dancers leave me utterly enchanted. It truly is one of the greatest ballets in the world!

After the ballet, I grab a late-night dessert – a deliciously delicate éclair, and, as the streets empty out for the night, I soak in the Parisian ambience and dream of dancing among the stars.

A Touch of Romance - Wednesday 16th July 2003

Today, it's a lovely leisurely exploration of Paris through a quartier I haven't experienced yet. This quartier, nestled among winding streets, features enchanting bookstores bursting with literary delights, quaint tea rooms where I spend a happy hour sipping thé à la rose, and a charming street vendor selling exquisite flowers, some with petals in shades of... yes, you guessed it... pink! It is simply impossible for me to resist the beautiful lilies, with their gentle fragrance, I cannot leave them behind. I'll put them in my hotel room - a reminder of this special Parisian day.

And oh, to add a dash of romance to my adventure, I found the most delightful, intimate little cafe with views of the Seine and the iconic Eiffel Tower! While I savoured my creamy coffee and pain au chocolat, a delightful couple strolled past, holding hands and laughing. The scene just radiates Parisian romance! It’s these everyday moments of genuine Parisian joy that make this city so captivating!

From Pink Tutu to Pink Ribbon - Friday 18th July 2003

Today's focus isn't just about ballet or shopping, but a cause close to my heart.

I’m so proud to support the amazing Ribbon Project, which works to empower and help people affected by breast cancer. And what better way to express my support than with a bright pink tutu, adorned with delicate ribbons in colours representing all different forms of cancer. The ribbons flow beautifully as I walk, a joyful reminder to everyone we must stand together in support.

I choose the beautiful gardens of the Palais Royale, bathed in afternoon sunlight, for my symbolic tutu dance. It is the perfect setting for such a beautiful message of hope. The light plays on the fabric as I turn, each movement filled with grace, and my tutu ripples like the soft waves of a gentle wave, a symbol of how together, we can create positive ripples of hope and encouragement.

And I hope you’ll all join me! Because the best way to embrace this world is to do it with joy and kindness - a truly pink tutu moment!

Bonjour from the Left Bank - Saturday 19th July 2003

Today is all about exploring a very different side of Paris: the Left Bank.

I love wandering along the bustling streets of Saint-Germain-des-Pres, soaking up the vibrant bohemian atmosphere. I spot cafes brimming with artists and writers, bookshops stacked with literary treasures, and charming little boutiques with independent designs. The air buzzes with creativity. I must admit, this bohemian spirit has already rubbed off on me - I find myself drawn to a fascinating street artist creating a work of vibrant graffiti art, and I feel an irresistible urge to take up a paintbrush myself! But alas, perhaps that can wait for another trip…

I treat myself to a lunch at a tiny, quaint cafe in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Pres. I select a croque monsieur (always a winner!), which I enjoy alongside the chatter of the surrounding clientele and the lively atmosphere. It is a quintessential Parisian experience – a delightful combination of food, laughter, and lively conversations.

Return to Derbyshire - Sunday 20th July 2003

A bittersweet morning. The time has come to leave Paris behind - at least for now.

My journey home via EuroStar allows me one last chance to enjoy the sights from the comfort of a plush, elegant carriage. Of course, my signature pink tutu makes an appearance, catching the admiring glances of other passengers and adding a little flair to my last Parisian hours. And of course, as I watch the iconic French countryside slowly disappear in the rearview, I dream of my next visit to this magical city.

After a very welcoming "home" from my Mum and Dad in Derbyshire, I unpack, but the scent of Parisian bakery still lingers on my clothes - a lovely reminder of the magic of the City of Lights. I promise myself that this will not be my last Parisian adventure.

P.S Be sure to check in with my pink-tutu-filled Paris adventures on my website each week!

See you all next Saturday,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis #pinktutufashion #Paris #Travel #Fashion #Dance #Ballet #Parisian #Romance #Inspiration #London

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-07-12 Exploring Paris