Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-08-23 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-08-23: Parisian Dreams and Pink Tutus

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite tutu-wearing travel blogger, Emma, here, writing to you from the magical city of Paris! This week, I'm so excited to be sharing post number 191 with you from my Parisian adventures. I just had to pop over for a few days to soak up the romance and style of this magnificent city.

Now, you know I'm a firm believer in travelling by the most delightful means possible, so naturally, I took the Eurostar. Oh, the glamour! It's such a treat to settle into my comfy seat, tuck into some delicious sandwiches and imagine all the fabulous Parisian adventures awaiting me. The Eurostar truly adds an element of excitement to any trip, and I swear it even manages to sprinkle some fairy dust over my tutu!

Speaking of fairy dust, Paris itself is practically made of it! It’s as if the city has been sprinkled with a generous helping of magic. Everywhere you look, there’s beauty – from the iconic Eiffel Tower, with its delicate latticework glittering against the Parisian sky, to the quaint, cobbled streets, where you could imagine Marie Antoinette herself strolling along, adorned in her most fashionable finery.

It seems like my timing was spot-on too, as Paris is in full bloom for its Fête de la Musique celebration! Today, the city is buzzing with music – street performers serenading everyone from every nook and cranny, buskers on street corners adding a layer of magic to the air, and musicians setting up their instruments in squares, ready to serenade the passing crowds. It's an absolute treat to walk through the city, listening to the different melodies merging into a symphony of sound.

As much as I love music, my other love is shopping, and I simply cannot resist the call of Parisian boutiques! It’s a delight just walking around the beautiful avenues, admiring the chic window displays. You never know what little treasures you might discover. This morning, I popped into the Galeries Lafayette department store, which is literally an art deco paradise of fashion, jewellery and beautiful things. I'm particularly drawn to the charming little vintage shops tucked away in quiet side streets - places where you can stumble upon beautiful old treasures with stories to tell.

After a spot of shopping, there’s nothing quite as delightful as relaxing in a charming cafe with a hot chocolate, watching the world go by. My favourite cafe today has been one just around the corner from the Louvre – a quaint little spot with pretty tables set out under a charming awning.

Oh, and I simply must mention the stunning ballet performances in Paris. Today, I've got tickets to see a splendid show at the Palais Garnier! It's a grand and opulent theatre, where you can almost feel the history within the walls. It's always such a joy to watch graceful ballerinas dance across the stage, their movements so beautiful and inspiring. It truly makes me want to whirl around in my tutu and twirl the day away!

Of course, I'm also looking forward to some ballet classes at the École de Danse de Paris. It’s so important to keep practicing and perfecting my technique, and it’s a thrill to learn from the most esteemed instructors in the city. They teach me new moves and help me achieve those perfect poses. And the best part is that I get to try out new steps in my gorgeous pink tutus!

It wouldn't be a trip to Paris without some of those charming horse-drawn carriages, would it? I love seeing the beautiful steeds pulling those carriages with elegance and grace. It’s a romantic, vintage way to explore the city. And there’s something just so glamorous about riding in a carriage, with the sun warm on my face and the sounds of Paris bustling around me.

I know I say it all the time, but Paris truly is a magical place! I feel inspired to wear my tutus and twirl a little bit more with each step. It’s a city that embraces the feminine, the flamboyant, the bold.

And with that, I must bid you adieu for now, darling readers. Don’t forget to check out next Saturday for my next Paris blog post. Until then, keep twirling and stay fabulous!

Lots of love and pirouettes,

Emma Xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-08-23 Exploring Paris