Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-11-08 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #202: Oh La La, Paris! 🩰🗼💖

Hello my lovely pink tutu lovers! It’s Emma here, back from my little trip to the magical city of Paris!

Can you believe it’s been a whole week since I set foot in this enchanting metropolis? Time flies when you’re twirling in a Parisian café, browsing vintage shops, and watching breathtaking ballet performances! This week's Paris post is going to be a whirlwind of Parisian magic, just like the last seven days have been for me!

Before we dive into the delights of Paris, a little bit about my journey… I travelled by Eurostar – such a civilised way to travel! You've got to admit, there’s something very glamorous about sipping a cup of tea while watching the countryside blur past. It felt so different from hopping on a plane – more… well, like I’d stepped out of a film!

This week's Parisian escapades were funded by, of course, the love of ballet! It’s been a whirlwind of performances, and this week I was fortunate enough to perform in a charming little theatre nestled in the heart of the city. You'd be amazed how much people love to watch ballet here – even in little theatres, it’s as popular as, well, shopping! Speaking of which...

Fashion Faves and Finding French Flair

Okay, let's talk shopping, shall we? Paris, of course, is a shopper's paradise! It’s absolutely overflowing with incredible fashion boutiques and vintage stores. The day I arrived, I wandered through the labyrinthine streets, taking in all the beautiful shops.

Oh, the joy of vintage hunting! I was particularly drawn to a shop filled with gorgeous antique clothes, a few of which I may have had to sneak into my suitcase! You know me, a touch of vintage always makes a statement! 😉

Taking the Stage – Ballet Performances That Took My Breath Away

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a touch of balletic grace! The Paris Opera Ballet has got to be one of the most amazing ballet companies in the world! And their costumes – oh my word, absolutely divine!

This week I was fortunate to watch a truly magical performance of Swan Lake (I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it) with absolutely phenomenal dancers. I almost forgot I was in the audience and felt like I was part of the stage, twirling along with the graceful ballerinas! I don't know what they put in the air at the Palais Garnier, but it made me want to leap onto the stage myself!

Saturday Magic: Exploring The Heart Of The City

Saturday – well, that's a day for exploring! The streets were abuzz with life and Parisian chic, everyone looking so effortlessly stylish, and me, of course, feeling right at home! We had breakfast in a little bistro, where the waiters were all so charming, the coffee tasted divine and I indulged in a croissant that melted in my mouth!

The Seine: Romantic River Boat Ride

One of the highlights of this week was a boat ride along the Seine! I found a charming little boat, and it felt so much like a storybook – the Seine sparkling, the Eiffel Tower shimmering in the distance! We had a little picnic on deck, with some French cheese and grapes and even a small bottle of wine. So lovely!

A Little Tip For My Pink Tutu Followers: Don't forget to snap pictures of the city! I mean, with all these stunning vistas, you'd be silly not to! And remember, with a little bit of pink tutu magic, every photo looks even more fabulous!

My Favourite Pink Parisienne: I can't help but feel like the Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris' feminine elegance! I don’t know, maybe I’m just a sucker for things that twirl! But every time I look at it, it’s like the Parisian version of my pink tutu!

Back To The Ballet: Back Home In Derbyshire

But Paris, for now, is just a beautiful memory. It’s time for me to pack my tutu bag, and say au revoir to this dazzling city. I’ll miss the fashion, the ballet, the romantic strolls along the Seine, but I’ll be back, my dear Paris, you can be sure of it!

Now, it’s time for me to prepare for a lovely ballet performance in Derby. I may be miles from Paris, but my heart still beats with that French flair!

*Keep twirling my lovely pink tutu wearers! And don’t forget to keep the sparkle in your hearts! * 💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-11-08 Exploring Paris