Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-04-17 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - #225: Oh la la, Paris!

Saturday 17th April, 2004

Bonjour, darlings! It's Emma, your resident pink-tutu-clad, Parisian adventuress, and guess what? I'm in Paris! That's right, I finally made it to the City of Lights, and let me tell you, it's even more magical than I imagined.

My journey began bright and early in Derbyshire, where I hopped on the Eurostar, feeling like a real-life Marie Antoinette heading to the court of Versailles. But instead of fancy carriages, I was treated to a smooth ride, and of course, I rocked my signature pink tutu (it’s perfect for travelling in style, wouldn't you agree?).

Arriving in Paris was like stepping into a dream – the air smells of fresh pastries, the streets are lined with beautiful buildings, and even the pigeons wear berets! But let's be honest, for me, the most enchanting sight was the charming boutique on the Rue de Rivoli. I just knew it had to be my first stop.

My first foray into Parisian fashion was a triumph! Imagine my delight when I found the most adorable pink tutu – with sparkly pink feathers, no less! It's utterly divine and perfect for a night at the opera or perhaps a twirl at the Moulin Rouge. I know, I know, I should be keeping some of this to myself, but darling, you have to indulge me with these Parisian gems! I’m pretty sure I made at least ten Parisian ladies’ day with my fashion choices. My favourite moment was a chatty Madame about the differences between Parisian tutus and those from the UK - so fascinating!

I’m staying at a small but sweet little hotel called ‘The Pink Flamingo’, quite aptly named considering my sartorial style! It’s a bit out of the way, tucked into a peaceful corner of the city, which feels miles away from the bustling centre of Paris. You know me, I can’t help but have a bit of a pink obsession! Luckily, the hotel is full of it - from the rose-pink bathroom tiles to the blush-pink linen on my bed, I’m practically in a marshmallow wonderland!

So, what's happening today, you ask? Well, today's all about immersing myself in the vibrant cultural heart of Paris. First on the agenda is a delightful visit to the Musée du Louvre. I'm particularly excited to see the Mona Lisa – that iconic smile! It always makes me ponder… What’s she thinking about, hmm? Perhaps a good ballet show, I imagine. Or a brand new pink tutu, who knows?

Afterward, it's off to the ballet! I've been eagerly anticipating this performance ever since I booked my trip. This evening, I'm indulging in a sumptuous performance by the Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris. It's "Giselle" - an iconic ballet masterpiece that's known for its dramatic storyline and breathtaking choreography. My tutu, naturally, will be perfectly coordinating, but just a hint - I'm thinking sequins and tulle. What could be more divine, my darling?

Later, we’re catching up with a few lovely ballet friends over some bubbly in a cafe nestled in the Montmartre district. The bohemian energy is a stark contrast to the grandeur of the Opera.

This is just a glimpse into my Parisian escapade! I have so much more to share – from fabulous shopping sprees at the Chanel and Dior boutiques to enchanting explorations of historic monuments and captivating strolls along the Seine. Don’t forget to come back next Saturday for more Parisian adventures!

Au revoir, my dears! Until then, may your tutus be as fabulous as your dreams!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out for updates on all my adventures. And don’t forget, there's a special offer running on all my favourite tutus, just for my readers!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-04-17 Exploring Paris