Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-05-15 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris – Post 229

Bonjour mes chéries!

It’s Emma here, writing to you live from the City of Lights, Paris! I’ve arrived in this enchanting metropolis by EuroStar, of course. Who needs a stuffy airplane when you can have a comfortable train ride through the countryside, enjoying a croissant and a cup of tea? And with the gorgeous scenery whizzing by my window, it was almost as exciting as watching a ballet performance.

Oh my goodness, you guys, Paris is everything I imagined and more! The cobblestone streets are whispering romantic secrets, the air is thick with the aroma of freshly baked bread, and everywhere you look, there are stunning buildings and beautiful flowers. Even the pigeons here seem more fashionable!

Speaking of fashionable, Paris is like a haven for a girl who loves pink and tutus! This city breathes elegance and whimsy, a combination I find simply irresistible. My wardrobe has been doing a happy dance ever since I stepped off the train! And let’s not even mention the beautiful shoes
 My feet are going to be absolutely spoiled this week.

This week in Paris I've planned a jam-packed schedule of activities, so grab a glass of champagne, sit back, and let me fill you in on what's going on in this pink tutu princess’s life!

Day 1: Bonjour, Paris!

After settling into my hotel, I wasted no time in putting on my new floral-print pink tutu and heading straight to the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es. The iconic avenue is truly a sight to behold. With its glamorous shops, Parisian cafes, and lively atmosphere, I felt like I was walking through a fairytale. I picked up some of the most beautiful French lace and delicate ribbons, the kind of details that will make my future tutus absolutely dreamy!

My Parisian adventure was then crowned with the most exquisite treat – dinner at Le SoufflĂ©, a restaurant known for their melt-in-your-mouth soufflĂ©s. After the dinner, I wandered down a charming, lamplit street, the gentle sound of laughter and music filling the air. And I realised then, this is what living the pink tutu life is all about. It's about creating memories, soaking in beauty, and discovering joy in the simplest things.

Day 2: Shopping till you drop
 but with a tutu on!

Today was dedicated to the pursuit of fashion excellence! I found myself drawn to the beautiful vintage boutiques and Parisian designer shops in the Marais district. There, amidst antique jewellery, chic clothing, and whimsical decorations, I stumbled upon a perfectly pink cashmere cardigan with pearl buttons. This is going to be my go-to piece for the rest of my Paris trip. Of course, the hunt wasn’t complete without finding a stunning, blush-colored tutu adorned with exquisite floral embroidery. This will be perfect for a graceful waltz around the Tuileries Gardens – stay tuned for some photos of that later!

Day 3: A touch of culture in a ballet masterpiece.

No visit to Paris would be complete without a performance at the Palais Garnier. This grand theatre is not only a magnificent architectural marvel, but also a centre for exceptional ballet performances. Tonight, I will be witnessing “Swan Lake,” and let me tell you, my excitement levels are at a pirouette-worthy high! I'm even thinking of attending a ballet class while I’m here, just to keep my pointe shoes sharp and my spirit inspired.

Day 4: Riding on a whimsical wave.

Today, I indulged my adventurous spirit by riding a carousel! Okay, so I may not have been the ideal target audience, but the joy and magic of this old-fashioned carousel transported me right back to my childhood dreams. Afterward, I strolled through the beautiful Luxembourg Gardens, marvelling at the cascading fountains and the statues that seemed to whisper stories of the past. The warm afternoon sun painted everything in golden hues, making for the perfect moment to write some entries in my journal.

Day 5: Indulging in Parisian flair
 and the odd glass of rosé!

Paris is all about embracing the charming ambiance, the quaint cafes, and the delectable French pastries. Today, I enjoyed a relaxing afternoon by the Seine, basking in the warm sun while indulging in a pain au chocolat and a glass of rosĂ©. This kind of simple pleasure is what makes travel truly enriching. You see, there’s something about being in a new city that allows you to simply breathe and enjoy the moment.

Later this evening, I’m looking forward to a delightful dinner at one of Paris' most renowned restaurants, followed by a visit to the MusĂ©e d’Orsay for a glimpse into the impressionist movement. They say Paris is for lovers, but for me, Paris is a canvas where creativity and imagination are the brushes, and a pink tutu is the ultimate masterpiece.

Day 6: Exploring hidden gems.

After the grand avenues and iconic landmarks, it's time to delve into the heart of Paris, to discover the quiet charm of hidden alleyways, the art and poetry in a tiny bookstore, and the warm, inviting atmosphere of local bistros. Today, I will be wandering through the streets of Montmartre, home to the SacrĂ©-Coeur Basilica and its breathtaking view of the city. Later, I’ll join a small dance group in a delightful studio in the Marais district, for a playful ballet street performance. Imagine me and my pink tutu, waltzing along with a group of passionate dancers. That’s going to be an unforgettable experience!

Day 7: Parisian Farewell.

As my week in Paris comes to a close, I can’t help but feel a wave of bittersweet emotions. This city has stolen a piece of my heart. It's taught me to appreciate the simple beauty in life, the joy in a single petal, and the elegance in every moment. And though it’s time for me to head back to Derbyshire, I'll be taking a piece of Paris home with me. A piece of elegance, a piece of whimsical joy, and most importantly, a reminder that no matter where I go, I can always embrace my love for tutus, and share my passion for life with the world.

But don't you worry! My adventure doesn’t end here. I’ll be sharing more of my Paris experiences, my discoveries, my thoughts, and of course, my fabulous fashion choices on the blog next week. Stay tuned, mes chĂ©ries!

Until then, dance on!

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-05-15 Exploring Paris