Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-07-29 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #344)

Oh my darlings, can you believe it? I’m actually in Paris! The City of Love, the City of Lights, the City of Fashion – and of course, the City of Pink Tutu (in my wildest dreams!).

This week’s blog post comes to you direct from my Parisian hotel room, with the Eiffel Tower glittering just outside my window. This Parisian adventure is one I’ve dreamt of for years, ever since my Mum and I took that magical trip to the Moulin Rouge back when I was a little ballerina. And here I am, all grown up, in my tutu (naturally!), ready to explore this iconic city!

You may be wondering, "How on earth can you afford a trip like this, Emma?" Well, my darlings, my love for the stage and my twirling talent are my ticket to travel! I’ve been performing non-stop these past months, earning enough to indulge in my Parisian dream. I’ve even taken on a couple of extra classes with my dance school – teaching those budding little ballerinas how to pirouette like a Parisian princess – because, as we all know, practice makes perfect, and money talks!

This time, I'm embracing the ultimate glamorous travel mode: the Eurostar! It's all about sleek, chic elegance, just like my perfect Parisian outfit, and oh my, it was such a luxurious journey! My carriage was practically a personal boutique, filled with beautiful people in even more beautiful attire, and I practically had to resist pulling out my own tiny mirror and applying a touch of blush.

It was like something out of a classic ballet movie – all champagne, sparkling lights, and endless chatter about fashion. We whizzed through the countryside with a thrilling mix of speed and elegance, arriving in the heart of Paris as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery oranges and reds.

The first thing I did, of course, was take a little dance at Gare du Nord, where I stepped out onto the cobblestones, all swirling, leaping and spinning with joy. The air buzzed with excitement, just like a pre-performance warm-up! It was exhilarating!

Once at my hotel, after a long and adventurous Eurostar journey (complete with a hilarious incident involving a bag of croissant crumbs and a grumpy French bulldog - long story!) I just had to slip into something fabulous! You guessed it - a sparkling, blush pink tutu with a cute little tulle top. And the most adorable silver ballerina shoes I ever did see. I’m sure my Parisian neighbours loved the view as I did a little “tour de chambre” with a final celebratory curtsy at the window, just to thank them for being so wonderfully chic!

I just knew I needed to grab some coffee and croissants for the perfect Parisian breakfast (the perfect excuse for wearing a lovely pink dress, don't you think?). With a bit of a wiggle and a twirl, I hit the street. Oh my darling, the atmosphere, the lights, the architecture, the food – this place is like a fairytale! My inner ballerina was definitely on high alert. Everywhere I looked, I felt like I was walking into one of those old French ballets!

This week, I’ll be posting daily blog updates with the most gorgeous fashion finds, my Parisian ballet adventures (did you know there’s a gorgeous, traditional Parisian Ballet on at the Palais Garnier this weekend? I snagged tickets!), and even a bit of a cooking lesson – hopefully, I’ll have enough time to bake a delightful raspberry and macadamia macaron to enjoy with my tea later!

Oh, and while I’m here, I'm trying my absolute hardest to convert Paris into a sea of pink tulle. A little bit of ballet goes a long way – a gentle nudge to make everyone just a little bit twirlier and brighter! We can change the world, one pink tutu at a time!

I'll be back next week, my loves! And, of course, don’t forget to visit my blog: every Saturday for more of my adventures. Au revoir!

Emma’s Pink Tutu Paris Day-by-Day Itinerary

Now, without further ado, my darling lovelies, let’s delve into the exquisite details of my week in Paris! Buckle up, because it's going to be a tutu-fully fantastic adventure!

Saturday, 29th July:

I’m up and ready to go! After that scrumptious breakfast – and who knew croissant could be even tastier with a little champagne? – I'm on my way to explore. I've planned my Saturday adventures like a meticulous pirouette – every detail precise and fabulous.

10:00 am: La Marais – Where Chic Meets Couture

This charming neighbourhood is just what the doctor ordered – the perfect balance of historic charm, quirky shops, and high fashion. Today’s sartorial inspiration is, of course, all about pink! I’ve been lusting over that adorable pink silk dress from Chanel for ages. So, guess what? Paris is calling me to find it! If it doesn't exist, well, then I'm creating it! It’s all about a ballerina’s spirit – that can-do attitude! And oh darling, you should see the ballet shops around here. They're like a dream! Think delicate ribbons, lace, and tiny tutus. I may or may not have splurged on a new pair of shoes… maybe two.

12:30 pm: La Bastille – The Sounds of the City

No Parisian adventure is complete without the vibrant energy of La Bastille. Today, this buzzing heart of Paris is a melting pot of artists, musicians, and vibrant personalities, all living it up in true French style!

I’m imagining myself dancing amongst them, twirling like a free-spirited sylph – but in a decidedly elegant and pink tutu, of course!

Today is all about savouring those authentic French street performances. A ballet, of course, is always welcome, but there's a certain “je ne sais quoi” about watching a street musician, an acrobat, or even a breakdancer – all set against the beautiful backdrop of Paris! It just feels so romantic! It makes my soul want to do a little impromptu grand jeté in the middle of the square!

2:00 pm: Jardin du Luxembourg - Ballet Inspiration

The Jardin du Luxembourg! Just imagine the perfect ballet scene: sun dappling through leaves, children laughing, lovers stealing kisses… This is truly Paris at its most picturesque! Today is all about taking a moment for a touch of tranquility and admiring the sculptures (some are more beautiful than the Eiffel Tower! Don’t worry, my little darlings, I haven't forgotten about the tower, we’ll be visiting it shortly!),

Oh darling, the sheer beauty and romance are already getting me in the mood for the most elegant ballet of them all, Swan Lake!

5:30 pm: Palais Garnier - Ballet Bliss!

The big event! A true highlight of my trip. It's time for ballet night! It’s an old Parisian tradition, don’t you think, to catch a ballet show at the legendary Palais Garnier – with a lovely little dinner and drinks beforehand. Oh, I do love this city! It's the perfect setting for a ballet. Just wait until I show you all my pictures!

Sunday, 30th July:

Up early for another day filled with Parisian glamour, the day after the Palais Garnier ballet performance is for a bit of Parisian rest and rejuvenation, perfect for ballet stretching and some new routines in the park, because we can never have too much ballet! After my little breakfast at my favorite café in Paris with the pinkest tables (seriously, it’s a total delight for the eyes!), I'll be making my way to the heart of the city – the famous Champs-Élysées! The most chic avenue in the world! It’s a ballerina’s heaven of glittering lights, high-end fashion houses, and endless opportunities for a photoshoot! I'm not even going to tell you how many adorable tutu skirts I managed to squeeze into my already packed suitcase. Don’t judge me. 😉

Today's my ‘French fashion shopping day'! I will, of course, post my new style hauls on the Pink Tutu blog next Saturday! I need some new outfit ideas to bring you all the pink tutu magic! You can’t visit Paris without indulging in a bit of French luxury, now can you? My favourite store is Chanel but it is just SO expensive so a bit out of my budget, at the moment. However, darling, we'll be getting that Chanel pink dress – eventually!

Monday, 31st July:

Okay, it’s been a whirl of an amazing weekend – I need to recover a little. My tutu could use a good washing, as can my little self! Paris is a bit of a whirlwind, and I'm trying to keep pace, but some pampering is needed!

Luckily, my day is a classic “Parisian Monday” – all about coffee, pastries and taking time to absorb all the magic around me. Nothing feels more divine than soaking up a Parisian café atmosphere with a delicious pain au chocolat. Or, maybe even one of those exquisite macarons, which the Parisians know so well how to make.

I think I need a spa day, don’t you? It's not really my thing, this resting, but my tootsies are aching and I really need a pamper to regain my inner elegance. You all deserve it, too! Maybe I can even book myself an “all-things-pink” spa treatment… just an excuse for pink glitter on my nails, you know how I love it!

Tuesday, 1st August:

You know, sometimes it’s okay to just let loose and follow the rhythm of the city! And that is just what I intend to do! I’ve booked myself onto a whirlwind tour through the city to experience it all – like a ballet choreographed just for me!

Think Seine River cruise with a little Champagne (I love Champagne in my hair! It gives such an elegant shine, and when the bubbles dry – well, you wouldn’t believe what it does for your volume!)

The Montmartre: Where Dreams Take Flight

Of course, no Parisian escapade is complete without exploring the hilltop of Montmartre – home to the Sacré-Cœur Basilica – and that oh-so-fabulous artist, Vincent van Gogh! (Don't worry darling, I'll definitely get a selfie in front of that iconic 'Starry Night' painting at the Musée d'Orsay – so pink tutu and star-struck, of course.)

As always, Montmartre is a feast for the senses. I just adore how it makes you feel like a magical and timeless place – so full of creative energy and whimsical charm!

An Unexpected Detour

If time allows, a delightful little ballet school popped up on my itinerary - Ballet École Montmartre! Now, there’s nothing I love more than ballet, and let me tell you, even with my French vocabulary lacking – those ballet movements speak a universal language. This morning, I discovered the most delightful group of ballerinas and had to step in! Maybe I’ll stay for a couple of weeks – they have adorable ballet leotards here.

Wednesday, 2nd August:

Bonjour Paris! You really are a wonder! And what better way to start the day than by treating myself to a perfect Parisian lunch!

It’s hard to decide, so I may just have to enjoy a bit of everything, wouldn’t you agree? This time, I’m off on an adventure of food! French food – oh my darlings, what more could you want! The French cuisine is an artistic masterpiece, like a graceful pirouette with flavourful movements and every little detail so exquisitely crafted!

I just need to find the perfect spot in a trendy café to enjoy some local specialities, from decadent croissants to cheese boards overflowing with textures, and oh my, all the cheese! So much cheese! It's practically ballet!

My shopping will have to wait as I've decided to spend a whole day exploring and trying the different cuisines!

A Taste of Parisian Pastry

You see, this journey is just like a ballet - a captivating mix of artistry, delicate beauty and that unforgettable sweetness! Just like the taste of Parisian pastry - delicate but delicious, it’s the perfect ballet between the art of the bakery and the pleasure of the palate! I just cannot get enough.

Lunchtime – Indulging in Parisian Perfection

First stop: the most charming, cute little cafe on rue Saint-André-des-Arts. They even have the tiniest pink table - all set and ready to welcome me! A croissant (but not just any ordinary croissant – think golden-brown on the outside, fluffy and warm inside) is a perfect start to my Parisian foodie adventure.

But wait, there’s more! A cup of steaming hot chocolate - it's smooth and decadent - like dancing on air! The aroma is like being enfolded in a blanket of sweet French charm. This café has my heart – especially after their pastry platter filled with dainty little treats - meringues, éclairs, and of course, a macaron, just to finish things off with that little French kiss!

This whole experience makes me think: what if there was a tutu-themed restaurant in Paris? Imagine it! All shades of pink, deliciously delicate treats and, of course, all accompanied by live ballet music! The perfect Parisian night!


Today’s been a tutu-fully delightful exploration of Parisian gastronomy! I'm heading back to my hotel with my sweet little tummy completely full! Maybe a few practice pirouettes – the food always makes me a bit wobbly. And I still need to fit into my tutu! Later tonight, I need to plan my outfit for my Parisian horse ride – we all need to have our dream horse ride while in Paris. Pink saddle anyone?

Thursday, 3rd August:

Today, I’m getting into a true Parisian mood, and it involves horse riding! Parisian horses are a beautiful sight – think gleaming, well-trained steeds – the perfect blend of strength, elegance, and grace. You have to feel the magic of galloping through the heart of this charming city. My horse ride starts near the Arc de Triomphe - think magnificent views from atop a steed that matches my energy perfectly! What’s more glamorous than that!

Later this evening I’ll be trying to capture all the Parisian essence! A Parisian evening should always involve some wine – after all, the Parisian spirit is about good times, fabulous people and a generous serving of bubbly cheer! And tonight’s a special occasion. I have the opportunity to take a “Ballet in Paris” workshop with some of the city's leading professional ballerinas. A little practice to polish my steps, so that when I finally take the stage with my own performance, the whole world will hear those ballet shoes click with an unmistakable rhythm.

More Pink? Why Not?

Of course, a new tutu would go perfectly with this opportunity, wouldn’t you agree? You’ve never seen so much pink in your life! Maybe it’s a special pink outfit - with a beautiful flow and delicate details to compliment my skills! After all, ballet is an art that demands the most gorgeous outfit to match! It's almost time! The magic has begun – so get your tutus ready, darlings. The Pink Tutu is on her way to a new world!

Friday, 4th August:

Oh, it's a delightful morning in Paris! Today is for me to take in the beauty of this majestic city one last time before heading back to my beloved England. You see, my dear lovelies, there’s more to this French city than the obvious.

For those of you who don’t know me, it’s the small things that create the beauty of a ballet, and for Paris, it's about discovering these treasures hidden just under the surface. It's like the most subtle little arabesque – hidden away yet absolutely stunning!

Uncovering Paris’s Secrets

You wouldn’t believe what I've found today: an antique shop nestled in the Latin Quarter! It’s full of forgotten jewels and treasures. They’re practically designed to be placed inside a beautiful, ornate box, wrapped in pink ribbons and then nestled among tutu tulle. It’s such a romantic little discovery. I found a few things I have to buy to take back home with me – to add to my personal collection.

Now for the big final act! After my Parisian lunch, I am headed for the famous Louvre museum! It’s the museum for all of the world’s artistic history! You cannot miss it! And after the Louvre, it’s going to be the most magical Parisian ballet ever – in my heart!

I have been busy putting together a special final ballet performance in this wonderful Parisian park! Oh, it is the perfect final farewell – think swirling tulle in the sunshine with all the Parisian enchantment and energy that has filled my days! The finale of a ballet performance is about making every movement count, you see!

Saturday, 5th August:

That was a lovely farewell dance - so I will definitely do one last round of blog updates.

Oh darlings, the moment we have all been waiting for is finally here: My return to my beautiful Derbyshire! You see, my darling lovelies, Derbyshire has such a beautiful soul – like a graceful ballet movement! And I will return to a peaceful and quiet evening – I'm missing those peaceful Derbyshire lanes. And maybe I'll start sketching ideas for a new show that includes some Parisian flavour – all those beautiful cobblestones are begging for a ballet performance!

Don't forget my loves, every Saturday we will be meeting here at for another magical week in the life of a pink-tutu loving ballerina!

Final thoughts, from a tutu-filled heart

This Parisian journey is like a special little waltz. Each day has brought so much joy, elegance, and magic, and it's time to go home and start thinking about how I’ll make it all last forever. All of my beautiful moments will live on through my blog.

But before I head off, I need to say one thing, darlings: life is all about the pink-tutu moments – the things that make you twirl, laugh, and live with an air of joy and glamour! It is all about following your dreams and making them reality, one pirouette at a time!

See you next Saturday for new Pink Tutu adventures!

PinkTutu #Paris #Ballet #Fashion #Travel #Love #Bonjour #AuRevoir

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-07-29 Exploring Paris