Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-12-13 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 468 - Saturday 12th December 2008 - Paris, Je t'aime!

Bonjour mes amis! It's Emma here, and it feels like ages since I last wrote a blog post. Don't worry though, I've been awfully busy - a girl can't be a ballerina AND a Parisian fashionista all the time, right?! (Well, she could... whispers but only if she can somehow squeeze a whole extra day into the week.)

Today I'm bursting with excitement, though! As you may know, Paris is my second home. There's a special magic about this city, it's where my inner ballerina feels truly at home. I'm here on another adventure - this time, courtesy of a very pink opportunity - a performance at the fabulous Théâtre des Champs-Élysées - which I'll tell you all about later, but don't worry, my lovely followers, because, you know, Pink Tutu Blog is ALL about keeping those tutus twirling and Paris is THE place to do just that!

But before I get to the glittering details, a quick rundown on my Parisian trip... I whizzed up to Paris this week on the Eurostar, of course, my travel uniform of choice? Well, obviously! The pinkest tulle-filled ensemble I could manage, coupled with my signature glitter and sparkles, naturally.

You just can't travel to Paris in anything less than fabulously dressed - it wouldn't be Parisian, darling! Now, where was I? Oh yes, the Eurostar. Let me tell you, those French trains are positively magnifique! So spacious, comfortable, and, dare I say it, a bit luxurious! Who needs champagne? When you have a view of the French countryside, passing by at high speed? (Don't worry, my head was firmly stuck in a fluffy tutu-filled cloud, and not leaning out the window. Safety first, people, but... maybe just slightly tilting one's head).

As you all know, Paris has a magic pink aura! (Especially if you choose your surroundings wisely, and bring enough glitter). This city loves a little extravagance, a touch of glamour, and the occasional sprinkling of pink tutus - and who am I to argue? My weekend here has already been absolutely perfection. So much fabulousness that I had to stop myself from literally squealing. I'm going to break it down for you:

The Parisien Shopping Experience

I swear, you can smell the haute couture from the train station, even through a thick layer of glitter (that, surprisingly, seems to manage to stay put here. That Paris magic, darlings). I just adore the boutiques in Paris! The first thing I did after getting to my gorgeous Parisian hotel (think, Parisian romance meets classic charm, with the tiniest hint of sparkling tulle…and lots of fluffy pillows, but that's a secret...shh) was get down to some seriously important business - that's shopping, in case you couldn't tell!

I had to go and admire some divine shoes at Christian Louboutin... the perfect shoe for dancing en pointe on Parisian cobblestone streets, though frankly they look so perfect you might be tempted to just stare at them!

Then I stopped in for a cup of tea at the Ladurée salon de thé. It was pure Parisian dream - you know, those tiny dainty cakes, all rose-tinted frosting, delicately crafted to melt in your mouth... you could even say... they are pink perfection! It was divine. The whole place was positively charming! All white lace and pink and pastel shades, even the pastries themselves!

That evening I treated myself to an extraordinary dining experience in the Marais at the La Maison Rose. Pink everywhere! (What else did you expect, darling?!) It was an utterly dreamy restaurant, every little detail pink, it just screamed French fairy-tale and I ate every bit of deliciousness I could, knowing it would feed my dancing spirit!

The best part? My afternoon stroll along the Seine was the epitome of Parisian romanticism! Oh, those magical city lights! I stood, head in the clouds...and you guessed it... my Pink Tutu flowing...and twirled to my heart's content! Quelle romantic Parisian déjà vu moment.

(Because, well...when in must twirl)

The Show Must Go On

You just have to see a ballet show in Paris. It's an absolute must! There is something undeniably magic about experiencing the art of ballet in a city that truly loves it, appreciates it, and cherishes it, you know. It's just not complete without it. The Parisian culture - so rich in artistic expression - has a very special place in its heart for dance, and as an English ballerina, let me tell you... that makes me feel right at home.

I'll talk more about that performance next week (stay tuned, darlings, the photos will be a must-see!), but trust was just a little bit breathtaking, just a tiny bit magical, and definitely worth adding to your Parisian bucket list.

Of course, my adventure doesn't end there! You can't visit Paris without going to see the Eiffel Tower. So that's exactly what I did! It truly is a magnificent landmark, the most magical way to witness a sunset in Paris. I sat, took in the breathtaking view of the city below...the sky filled with pink (and more than a touch of golden glitter), and just marvelled at the beauty of it all. It's a sight that makes your heart swirl with joy.

I can't believe my Paris weekend is almost over. I can't wait to tell you more about my ballet experience next week! But until then...let's talk pink, shall we? Let me know what you love about Paris in the comments below! What’s your favourite thing about this beautiful city? I’m always open to suggestions and I want to know all about your own adventures!


Emma x

*(P.S. Did you know that 12th December is *International Day of the Donkey? Did you know that every day should be International Day of the Donkey? Well, it's true! Because donkeys are...simply amazing and if there’s one thing I love, besides twirling tutus, it’s a furry friend...or maybe even 10...because the more furry friends there are the more wonderful the world becomes! That’s how I roll! Anyway, I thought I’d share the donkey love!) **

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-12-13 Exploring Paris