Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-08-15 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #503)

Saturday 15th August 2009

Bonjour mes amies!

It's Emma here, your Pink Tutu girl, writing to you from the most magical city on earth: Paris! I just know I've said it before, but it truly feels like I've stepped into a fairytale.

This week, I decided to leave the rolling green hills of Derbyshire behind for a whirlwind adventure. Yes, you guessed it! The Eurostar took me all the way to Paris in just a few short hours. You wouldn't believe how chic it is! I felt like a character from a Parisian novel, all pink tutu and glamorous whispers.

Now, before we dive into my Paris escapades, let me tell you about how I managed to fund this fab trip! You see, I had a little ballet recital at the local theatre back in Derby. The applause was thunderous, the audience enraptured. The result? I was able to use my performance earnings to fulfil a dream: visiting the City of Love and Fashion!

So, here's a quick glimpse into my Parisian weekend, full of ballet, shopping, and Parisian delights:

Day One: Ballet Bliss and a Pinch of Romance

My very first afternoon in Paris was pure magic! It was spent exploring the gorgeous Palais Garnier Opera House. Imagine a building dripping with gold, chandeliers that could bring the stars down from the sky, and enough velvet to cushion a whole kingdom! I felt like a princess in my little pink tutu as I strolled through those grand corridors.

The best bit? I managed to get tickets to see Swan Lake that evening! Talk about an amazing start to my Parisian adventure! The ballet was spectacular! All the graceful movements, the beautifully sculpted sets, the romantic story – it had me utterly enchanted. Even the Parisian audiences were giving the ballerinas a standing ovation. It really does make me want to step back onto the stage, although I doubt my dancing skills would compare!

After the ballet, I discovered a tiny café tucked away near the theatre. The aroma of freshly baked croissants was just divine, and my little sugar-dusted treat (oh, so good!) came with a beautiful Parisian view.

Day Two: A Shopping Spree Like No Other

Now, every fashion-loving ballerina knows that Paris is the ultimate shopping paradise! I woke up on Saturday with a giddy energy and knew this was the day to hit the city's chic boutiques. I headed to the very heart of fashion: The Champs-Élysées! My oh my, the atmosphere! I'm not going to lie, it was a bit overwhelming! But oh, the temptation of those Parisian stores.

Firstly, I simply HAD to visit Galeries Lafayette. It's this incredible, grand department store with a giant glass dome – it’s a sight to behold! I felt like I was walking into a fairytale.

Inside, I indulged in my love of all things feminine and sparkly. I tried on shoes, picked up pretty accessories, and maybe treated myself to a little Parisian perfume! A pink bow, naturally. Let’s just say, I found a whole load of new Parisian staples to add to my wardrobe! The French girls have a certain style – understated but with that je ne sais quoi that makes them effortlessly chic.

Day Three: Exploring the City of Love

Today, I woke up in my Parisian hotel with the most beautiful sunlight streaming in through the window. Paris is the city of love, they say, and it feels like it. The air itself buzzes with romantic whispers. I spent the morning wandering along the Seine River, admiring the stunning views, and, of course, snapping some lovely pictures.

You know, there’s nothing quite like strolling by the Seine and watching the boats go by. And did I mention the gorgeous bridges! The Eiffel Tower looked magical in the distance, reminding me that I'd come to the most magical place in the world.

To truly feel the heartbeat of Paris, I hopped on the metro (oh, it's a different level of chic!). It wasn't long before I found myself in the Latin Quarter, wandering past cute bookstores and charming cafes. I indulged in the most decadent pastries I’ve ever seen (you simply have to have one when you’re in Paris!) and let myself be swept away by the Parisian charm.

A Glimpse into the Paris I Love

This isn't just about my trip, it's about sharing with you the beauty of Paris. I love the way light dances on the city streets. I love the way every corner holds a secret, a history that breathes through every brick. But above all, I love how Paris encourages every little girl, and I do mean EVERY little girl, to dream big. To chase after those big, bold dreams and turn them into something beautiful, just like a pink tutu, dancing gracefully under the city lights.

See you next Saturday for another adventure from Paris! Don't forget to share your own Parisian experiences!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2009-08-15 Exploring Paris