Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-01-02 Exploring Paris

Paris, Oh Paris! Post 523: Tutu-ing Around the City of Lights 💖

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, Emma, back with another instalment of my Paris adventures. I've been absolutely smitten with this magical city since I first set foot here. There's something so romantic, so whimsical, so inspiring about Paris that just sets my heart aflutter.

Today is Saturday, January 2nd, 2010, and the streets are positively bustling with life, the air thick with the aroma of freshly baked bread and the excited chatter of locals. I couldn't resist getting my day started with a hot chocolate and a croissant at a charming little café nestled amongst the cobblestone streets - it's practically tradition for me now!

I'm in Paris thanks to the magical Eurostar. I always travel by train - there's something so calming and luxurious about it. It lets you gaze out the window and take in the scenery. And then, the magical journey to Paris, with the little Eurostar tunnels - just wonderful! It’s a bit of a luxury to fund this trip through my ballet performances, but it’s worth it to get me to Paris, oh, it really is. And of course, my blog,, is a big part of it. It’s my life’s passion, sharing all the lovely adventures I have with you all.

And let me tell you, Paris has been throwing some real magic my way this week! On Wednesday, I saw the most incredible ballet performance at the Palais Garnier. Oh, the costumes, the music, the choreography… just absolutely breathtaking! You see, it was my dream, even as a little girl from Derbyshire, to become a ballerina and to dance in Paris, so it was pretty amazing. It got me thinking, even now, I can really be a ballerina with every graceful step in this magical city! Then on Thursday, I found myself completely enchanted by the sheer artistry of the street performers in Montmartre. The buskers, the artists, the storytellers… It was like a scene right out of a movie, only even more captivating in real life!

Yesterday, I ventured out into the bohemian atmosphere of Le Marais to check out the local boutiques and find some hidden gems for my ever-growing tutu collection. Let’s be honest, this pink tutu wearing ballerina is always on the lookout for a beautiful new outfit, just something a little bit special! It wasn't a total shock to discover a vintage shop filled to the brim with glorious, pastel pink, vintage tutus. Needless to say, a little treat came home with me. I've already planned the outfit!

Speaking of outfits, today is dedicated to all things fashionable! First stop, the famous Galeries Lafayette department store for a spot of window-shopping and maybe even some serious indulgence! You can't beat a bit of retail therapy, right? But not only do I love to shop for outfits, I’ve just got to visit some of Paris’ legendary fashion museums - it’s important for me to learn about the history and development of fashion. And where better to do that than Paris?! They have so much style, they are just so on trend - they really inspire me.

Now, it's going to be a long day - shopping can be exhausting, so I need a delicious, decadent lunch - perhaps something French? A little pain au chocolat from that little café just round the corner from where I’m staying sounds divine right now.

But tonight, the real fun begins! There's a fabulous ballet performance happening in the 11th arrondissement, so of course I have to check it out! The reviews are saying it's an absolute must-see, so I’m all prepped with a stunning, brand new, hot pink tutu ready to enjoy the performance. And trust me, it won't be complete without my gorgeous ballerina flats. This is a new little tradition of mine - ballet classes and performances call for a fabulous pink tutu and the perfect ballerina flat.

You see, the more tutus, the better the mood! A little touch of pink, a little touch of tutu is all anyone needs for a great day. You all know my aim in life is to get everyone to wear a pink tutu! You'd be surprised what it can do to your confidence and brighten your day. My aim is that the whole world should join my pink tutu revolution. Who knows, maybe you’ll even join me next time in Paris!

This magical city truly holds a piece of my heart and my imagination. It inspires me with its beauty, elegance, and the magic that is all around.

And speaking of beauty, did you know that the beautiful iconic pink and white striped awning was replaced on the front of the Galerie Lafayette in June 2009? I bet you didn't. I found out when I visited for a day of shopping. They put up new ones every ten years and it has become an iconic image, like a pink, tutu… in my eyes, anyway! It has to be pink, of course!

I’m off now, to find a good spot for some incredible people-watching in Paris. Who knows what magic will unfold next? You'll be hearing all about it next Saturday, darling!

Until then, don’t forget to wear your tutu!

Love and pink glitter,

Emma 💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-01-02 Exploring Paris