Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-11-06 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #567: Ooh La La, It's Paris!

Bonjour, my darlings!

It's Saturday, and you know what that means - time for another Pink Tutu Blog Paris post! This week, I'm writing to you from the City of Lights, the heart of romance, the birthplace of fashion: Paris! This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, and I finally did it - I hopped on the Eurostar (which, by the way, is the most glamorous way to travel!) and made my way to this beautiful city.

Getting to Paris

Now, before I tell you all about the amazing things I've seen and done, let's talk about the journey. As a ballerina, I truly believe that travelling by train is the ultimate romantic adventure. You can just sit back, relax, admire the views whizzing past your window, and let your imagination run wild. This time, my journey on the Eurostar was even more special, because I wore a glorious, pale pink tutu for the trip, and believe me, heads turned! (And who can blame them, really? Pink tutus always work their magic!)

I arrived in Gare du Nord, feeling like I'd stepped into a movie set. The station is bustling, brimming with life, and everyone seems to have this "je ne sais quoi" about them. I even saw a few people wearing pink tutus! (My mission to inspire everyone to wear one is slowly but surely becoming a reality! 😉).

The Pink Tutu Magic in Paris

Speaking of tutus, I had a little mishap right at the beginning of my trip! Imagine this: I'm feeling on top of the world, standing on the platform, a giant grin plastered across my face, tutu billowing in the wind…and then BAM! a little girl, maybe five years old, with the brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen, comes barrelling towards me with an adorable puppy! (Don't you just love Paris pups?) The next thing I know, my tutu gets entangled with her leash and, poof! Right in the middle of Gare du Nord, it turned into a giant, pink-fringed mess. But here's the thing, my darlings: she just giggled! I laughed too, because let's face it, what's a bit of tutu mayhem in the grand scheme of Parisian adventures? We even ended up sharing a picture together - me, with my tattered tutu, and her with her adorable puppy. She even looked at my tutu and smiled - clearly she approved of pink tutus!

Ballet Shows and Classes in Paris

I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't tell you about the ballet, darling! I've already booked tickets to see a spectacular performance of Swan Lake at the Paris Opera! I'm literally buzzing with excitement. Paris is renowned for its ballet heritage and to witness a performance here is like a dream come true. Plus, I plan on attending some ballet classes while I'm here! Imagine learning the graceful art of ballet in the city that birthed so many legendary ballerinas. It’s beyond anything I could have dreamed of!

My Pink Tutu Paris Itinerary: The Shopping Spree Begins!

Paris is not just about ballet and art, darlings. This city is practically made for fashionistas! And I, your little pink-loving, tutu-wearing blogger, will definitely embrace it. Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a serious shopping spree, right? I’m ready to get my hands on the most incredible French designs. And I can’t forget about the iconic Parisian street style! I'm so excited to check out the latest trends, get inspired, and find those hidden gems that are perfect for a pink tutu ensemble!

This week, I'm staying at the cutest little hotel in the heart of Montmartre. I feel like I'm in a vintage film! The walls are adorned with portraits of Parisian ladies in their glamorous frocks, the windows overlook the city with their quintessential Parisian rooftops. It’s perfect! I even found a gorgeous, little boutique on the corner, brimming with sparkling trinkets, handmade jewelry, and vintage accessories – the perfect places to pick up some gifts for myself, obviously!

The Best Treats for my Parisian Sweet Tooth

Speaking of Montmartre, it's not only about the artistry and charm. My trip wouldn't be complete without exploring the iconic Parisian bakeries. There’s just something so enchanting about their warm, inviting aroma. And the pastries are like works of art – delicate, buttery, and unbelievably delicious. You bet I’ve been sampling all the best Parisian treats! I even indulged in the Macarons de Paris. I tried to taste all the rainbow – pink, of course, was my favourite!

Follow me, darlings!

As you know, I’m documenting my whole Parisian adventure! I've taken countless pictures of all the amazing places I've been, the beautiful people I've met, the tasty treats I've eaten, and most importantly, my pink tutus! Keep a lookout for my Instagram page, @pinktutubloggerparis, and join me on my pink tutu adventures!

I know this blog post has been long, darlings, but trust me, there’s so much more to share! Stay tuned for more Paris adventures in next week’s Pink Tutu Blog Paris, and until then, remember – pink tutus make the world a more magical place!

Lots of love and pink sparkles,


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-11-06 Exploring Paris