Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-03-08 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post Number 741: Parisian Whirlwind! đŸ©°đŸ‡«đŸ‡·

Hello my darling tutu twirlers!

It's Saturday again, and you know what that means... Pink Tutu Blog Paris time!

This week has been an absolute whirlwind - I'm not just talking about the whirl in my pirouette, but a real whirl of Parisian excitement! I popped over to Paris on the Eurostar, whizzing through the Channel Tunnel and arriving in the City of Lights with a happy grin on my face, ready to soak up all the romance, fashion, and artistic wonder that Paris offers.

It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Paris trip without a splash of pink, right? Well, I might have accidentally packed a little too much
 Let's just say my suitcase is bursting with blush hues and rosy shades, and even my suitcase lining got a little pink-tinted thanks to a burst of glitter from a runaway ballet shoe! Oops! đŸ€­

Anyway, I was feeling pretty pink and pretty excited to dive straight into Paris' vibrant cultural scene. My first stop? The Palais Garnier! I just had to see the glorious building that inspired Gaston Leroux’s The Phantom of the Opera! You can imagine my delight when I realised there was a performance on: “La Bayadùre”. A ballet filled with romantic intrigue and spectacular dancing - just my kind of show! It had me spellbound, especially the White Act!

And what's a Paris trip without a spot of shopping? (Or ten?!) I just couldn’t resist browsing the beautifully-crafted shoes and handbags at Hermùs, marveling at the intricate lace details in Chanel's collection, and being utterly mesmerized by the stunning display of jewellery at Van Cleef & Arpels! And who needs diamonds when you've got the bouquinistes along the Seine selling gorgeous vintage treasures! It's a bookworm's paradise - I spent ages lost in the charm of dusty, well-loved books and maps.

But Paris isn't just about fancy shops and iconic buildings - it's also about those hidden Parisian gems that whisper of romance and beauty. After all, a Parisian adventure wouldn't be complete without a croissant and a coffee enjoyed amidst the delightful bustle of a charming cafĂ©! And, let’s be honest, you simply cannot visit Paris without indulging in some of that divine French chocolate

So, where did I eat all that delicious chocolate? Oh, you know
 I wandered around some little patisseries, savoured the ambiance at LadurĂ©e while having the most scrumptious macaroons ever, and just couldn't resist picking up a delicious bag of pastries from PĂątisserie PoilĂąne – they even have the most delightful pink croissants, obviously!

On my Parisian explorations, I also popped into Shakespeare & Company bookstore, a haven for literature lovers, and took in the serene charm of Jardin du Luxembourg - the perfect spot to don my pink tutu, practise a few twirls and just breathe in the peaceful atmosphere. (Okay, I admit I may have had a little photo-op in my tutu there!)

After all, every Paris day needs a bit of ballet in my life!

Of course, I also wandered along The Champs-ÉlysĂ©es, the grand avenue filled with boutiques and Parisian energy. The energy of the City of Lights is just something special, isn't it?

But my adventures in Paris didn't end there! I ventured beyond the classic tourist spots and explored some of the more local areas, discovering charming bakeries hidden down quiet alleyways and finding unique vintage clothing shops that would make any fashionista swoon!

I can’t leave Paris without seeing The Louvre! It's such a marvel – and who can resist those gorgeous marble statues, and the Mona Lisa, the art world’s celebrity? (Oh, I took a slightly blurry selfie in front of her - you know how it is! đŸ€« )

Speaking of art, I took in the world of Impressionism at Musée d'Orsay, marveling at Monet's Water Lilies - the perfect embodiment of French romanticism! (It really was the most amazing thing ever, you'll have to come see it for yourself! It was utterly captivating!)

Paris, you have stolen my heart once again!

This little adventure has filled my soul with inspiration and happiness. It’s a reminder that every city holds magic and every corner can be filled with adventure if you just open your eyes and look for it! And of course, it goes without saying
 a little sprinkle of pink makes everything even more magical!

Until next week, my darling twirlers, don’t forget to embrace the beauty that’s all around you, and keep twirling!

Bisous, Emma 💕

P.S. Have you discovered any hidden gems in your own town or city? I'd love to hear your suggestions! You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest by searching for #PinkTutuBlogParis

P.P.S. Don't forget to visit every Saturday for another #PinkTutuBlogParis post! Let's make the world a more pink and twirly place together! ✹

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-03-08 Exploring Paris