Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-01-17 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris, Post #786: Tutuing Around the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes chéris! 👋 It's Emma here, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, ballerina blogger, back from a whirlwind adventure in the City of Lights, Paris! As usual, I'm buzzing with excitement to share all my fabulous Parisian escapades with you. This week, we're diving headfirst into all things French – fashion, food, and of course, a dash of ballet magic! ✨

As you know, my Parisian adventures are always funded by my beloved ballet performances. My dancing shoes have become my passport to new places and experiences! This trip was a bit different though, as I journeyed to Paris by Eurostar. It's always an experience. You know what's exciting, and very chic? The whole journey feels like an elaborate performance. Getting to dress up, the journey itself, even the announcements, feel more theatrical and artistic on the Eurostar. And, of course, the pink tutu travelled too, squeezed into my stylish travel bag – ready to take over the streets of Paris.

This week's post is dedicated to exploring the beauty and elegance that Paris offers in spades. So, pour yourself a glass of French wine and settle in! We're going on a virtual Parisian adventure.

Fashion and Tutu Power in Paris!

Paris is a city that speaks the language of fashion. The streets are lined with luxury boutiques, quirky vintage shops, and charming independent designers, each waiting to inspire. Honestly, I could get lost for days in the Marais, Wandering through the boutiques, exploring the treasures, it's exhilarating!

You know how I always advocate for adding a dash of pink and a touch of tutu magic to every outfit. Well, Paris, my friends, is the perfect place to indulge this inner passion! Imagine: Parisian chic, but with a pink tulle overlay and the graceful flow of a tutu? Divine, I tell you!

Parisian Performances:

Every Parisian experience wouldn't be complete without indulging in the rich tapestry of theatre and performing arts. So of course, on Friday night, I found myself mesmerised at the Théâtre du Châtelet. It was a production of “Giselle,” – a classic that I've loved since I was a little girl. The energy was palpable, the costumes spectacular, and the music just swept me away. You can be sure that my own pink tutu got a twirl or two to celebrate!

The theatre and ballet scenes in Paris are bursting with so much talent. Every performance is a captivating escape. You know, the costumes, the dancers, the orchestra. They bring everything to life! The entire theatre felt like one giant performance.

Charming Coffee Breaks and Delicious Eats!

Okay, let's be honest. You can't explore Paris without enjoying the city's vibrant café culture. My Parisian adventure started with a hot chocolate in a charming café with a warm croissant on the side. I was on cloud nine, enjoying the gentle Paris bustle and the sound of French conversation around me. It was pure magic. Even in the coffee shops and street side restaurants, you feel like you are surrounded by something magical!

Let's face it, Parisian food is legendary, and I savoured every mouthful. A plate of the most delectable cheese platter at a quaint cafe, an elegant lunch in a bistro filled with sunshine and laughter, and a delectable dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant that was pure sensory delight! It all felt so elegant!

Day Tripping and River Seine Romance

Of course, no Paris trip would be complete without a cruise down the romantic Seine River. Taking a bateau-mouche was a real treat. I found myself sitting in the cool Parisian air and enjoying the stunning scenery and the romantic atmosphere that just surrounded the entire experience. You can even buy snacks from the boat!

To truly capture the Parisian experience, I went on a day trip to Versailles Palace. Stepping into the opulent grounds was a breath of fresh air – and a stunning reminder of the rich history and grandeur that still fills the heart of France. The grandeur of this place – and the story behind the grounds, the palace and gardens – took my breath away. I almost got caught up in a wedding!

The Parisian Spirit of Joy

You know, there is something truly magical about Paris that I feel it's important to share. Paris, the French language, and the history behind France, have this elegance about them. You feel the culture and the art and history – I mean, every Parisian adventure was a journey filled with breathtaking sights and romantic corners, a captivating journey through time and art. The entire city was a ballet!

Paris, with all its romance and captivating charm, I’ve felt it seep into every fibre of my being – just like a dose of that classic French chic I'm so fond of. You know what they say, “Dress for the life you want”. I was walking through life dressed for a magical fairy tale. And, when I'm twirling around in a tutu, I can tell you, it really does feel like that! I will definitely be back! Stay tuned for my next blog – next week, it's Florence!

Until then, remember: be fearless, be fabulous, and wear pink! 💖 Tutu power! 💖

P.S. Make sure you follow me on social media @pinktutuemma and keep those pink tutu requests coming! Let's spread the pink tutu magic together. See you next week, my dear followers! Until then, spread the magic!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-01-17 Exploring Paris