Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-06-06 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #806: A Parisian Waltz of Whimsy!

Bonjour, mes chères amies!

It’s Saturday again, which means it’s time for another Parisian escapade on the #PinkTutuBlog!

The air is filled with the aroma of freshly baked croissants and the chatter of tourists, the streets bustling with life, the Eiffel Tower shimmering in the distance, and I'm swirling through it all in my favourite, oh-so-pink tutu! This week, Paris feels extra magical, thanks to a fabulous trip planned solely around a ballet performance I just couldn't miss! But let me start from the beginning...

My journey started with a trip on the Eurostar – what can I say? The sheer elegance of gliding through the English Channel while nibbling on a dainty sandwich just adds to the romantic feel of a Parisian getaway. I love how trains seamlessly connect countries and cultures, and I feel there's a certain magic to watching the scenery change as I speed towards my destination.

Landing in Paris, my heart skipped a beat – I can’t deny my eternal infatuation with this city. The streets are overflowing with fashion inspiration, and the aroma of the cafés just draws me in. This time, I made a bee-line for my favourite Parisian hotel, "The Pink Elephant," with its wonderfully pink rooms and adorable balcony overlooking the bustling boulevards. Honestly, I’m just slightly obsessed with pink and everything about it, and this place embodies the feeling beautifully. It was like stepping into a fairytale. The staff was so sweet – a Parisian gentleman wearing a pink waistcoat even brought me a box of chocolates and a personal note welcoming me back!

Speaking of sweets, I am completely enamoured by all things French pastry. They’re like edible works of art, so delicately crafted and presented. Imagine tiny cakes filled with delicate fruit fillings, or crispy, golden-brown croissants that crumble like the softest whisper when you bite into them. It’s like every bite is a Parisian ballet, graceful, exquisite, and perfect!

But on this trip, the star of the show is undeniably the ballet! I am thrilled to be here for a performance of Swan Lake by the renowned Paris Opera Ballet at the Palais Garnier. I actually travelled specifically for this, it is such a renowned production. And oh my, the performance was simply exquisite! The dancers were like ethereal beings, gliding through the air, their movements telling stories that went far beyond words.

From the delicate movements of the white swans to the graceful strides of the Black Swan, every nuance of this classic ballet felt utterly enchanting. And of course, I made sure to capture it all with my Instagram stories – how can I share my love for dance without visualising it, right?

In-between rehearsals and shows, I indulged in the city's fashion treasures – shopping along the chic boutiques of the Marais district, searching for vintage lace and sparkling fabrics. And when I found a few pink silk scarves that perfectly complemented my ballet outfits, I knew it was a sign that I was living my best Parisian life! Every time I travel, I try to pick up something that reminds me of the destination - and silk scarves are the perfect reminder of Parisian style and romance.

The last thing to mention is this - did you know that 6th June is the date for Jour de la Musique in Paris? Now, imagine the city transformed into a symphony of sounds, with musicians filling every corner of the city! The streets, squares, and parks transform into music venues, celebrating all genres and encouraging participation from both professional and amateur artists. It's the perfect way to blend my passion for music and performance, all within the enchanting setting of Paris.

But my dear readers, you must remember that my love for Parisian exploration doesn’t stop at the grand operas and grand shopping sprees. For me, the heart of the city truly beats within its hidden treasures. A tiny tea room nestled between bustling cafes, the quaint bookstores that smell like magic and history, a local art studio filled with vibrant colours and passionate creators, and even a street performance where a mime gracefully painted the air with a story – each moment whispers tales of artistry, passion, and joy that are the very soul of Paris.

As I sip on a frothy cappuccino under the watchful eyes of the Eiffel Tower, watching children chase pigeons on the cobblestone streets, and witnessing the artistry unfolding in every nook and cranny of this city, I can’t help but be reminded of why Paris holds such a special place in my heart.

The city's elegance is palpable, its spirit is exhilarating, and the love for art, music, and beauty seeps into your very core. I hope you, my darling readers, can find your own special corner of this magical city to lose yourself in!

Until next week, darling readers! I promise to share more of my Parisian adventures. Au revoir!



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-06-06 Exploring Paris