Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-10-24 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 826 - 24th October 2015: Parisian Adventures!

Bonjour mes chéries!

Well, I've done it! I'm finally in Paris, the city of love, light and… yes, you guessed it… Tutus! The Eiffel Tower sparkles like a giant tiara in the distance, and the streets are alive with the whispers of chic Parisians, and… a hint of ballet! I can't even begin to express the joy this pink-tutu-loving girl feels right now.

This trip has been a long time coming, a dream woven from tulle and glitter! I saved up every penny I could, performing in shows all over Derbyshire to make this Parisian dream a reality. The EuroStar was just magical - smooth sailing with beautiful views, perfect for catching up on the latest ballet news and whipping up some Pinterest-worthy outfits in the mirror!

Of course, a girl’s gotta wear her pink tutu even when she’s not twirling on stage! This week I went for a gorgeous tulle creation with a sequined waistband, perfect for exploring the Parisian streets. Imagine it, me in a sea of vintage boutiques, overflowing with vintage clothing, surrounded by art deco buildings and the aroma of freshly baked croissants. Yes, it’s the kind of scene I've been daydreaming about since I was a little girl.

Speaking of dreams… This weekend’s packed with fabulousness!

Saturday’s ballet brilliance

Firstly, there’s a matinee performance at the Opera Garnier. I've never seen anything quite so stunning! It’s not just about the grandeur, the incredible architecture and the iconic chandelier… It's the feeling in the air, the expectation of magic before the curtains even rise. I can't wait! The program's a mix of classic favourites and some new choreography, promising some seriously graceful moves. I'm particularly excited about the opening scene with the pas de deux, the chemistry between the two dancers will be explosive, I’m sure!

French fashion fix

Then, after a whirlwind of swirling, we’re going straight to Le Marais for a bit of fashion browsing. This neighbourhood is famous for its independent designers, quirky shops, and a plethora of hidden boutiques that beg to be discovered. My little ballerina heart is ready to beat to the rhythm of vintage lace, vibrant fabrics and whimsical prints! I’m expecting to pick up a few gems to add to my wardrobe, maybe a cute pink beret or some gorgeous new tights - perhaps even some tulle to make another pink tutu for next weekend’s adventures.

Sunday’s culinary delights

On Sunday, it’s time for a traditional Parisian breakfast of flaky pastries and strong coffee! And of course, I wouldn’t be a true Pink Tutu girl without indulging in a little sweetness. I’ve got my eyes on a pink macaroon that's practically calling out to me from a picture in a magazine! Later on, a little trip to the marché des puces is in order – a vibrant, colourful marketplace with everything from antiques and vintage finds to artisanal creations and locally produced treats. It’s like stepping back in time with the scent of fresh bread, blooming flowers, and whispered stories of the city’s history. I can’t wait to immerse myself in the energy and soak up all the colourful delights!

Pink Tutus and Parisian streets

The whole trip is about living life to the fullest, finding joy in every corner of this beautiful city and capturing those special moments to share with you all. So, get ready for a week filled with laughter, elegance, pink tulle, and of course, some Parisian romance! And don't forget to put on your own pink tutu!

The world is our stage and we're all in the show, one tutu at a time!

Love always, Emma x

Don’t forget to follow the adventures on for more Parisian fun. Au revoir for now!

PS. The Pink Tutu blog is updated every Saturday with new travel adventures! I can’t wait to share more of my Parisian experience with you next week!

PPS. Did I mention the Eiffel Tower sparkles like a giant tiara?! It really is just too amazing!

Things I loved this week:

  • My new pink sequined tutu.
  • A little cafe tucked away on a cobblestone street where I had the best macaroons ever.
  • Watching a street performer do a dazzling display of ballet moves to the sound of a violinist playing Bach.

To do list for next week:

  • Catching a show at the Moulin Rouge - It's one of the most famous dance theaters in the world and the iconic pink decor is right up my street!
  • Taking a boat ride on the Seine – it’s like stepping out of a dream!
  • Discovering the magic of Montmartre, home to so many famous artists and the birthplace of some incredible French history.

I’ll be sharing all my favourite tips and tricks with you as we go, so be sure to check back next week!

Stay tuned! Don't forget to subscribe!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-10-24 Exploring Paris