
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-08-19 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris #921: Oh la la, Paris!

Bonjour, mes amies! It's Emma here, and oh my goodness, guess what? I'm in Paris! That's right, the City of Lights, the home of croissants, and... drumrollā€¦ the birthplace of ballet. I literally canā€™t contain my excitement! I feel like Iā€™m bursting with a million pink tutu twirls!

You might be wondering how this little ballerina from Derbyshire landed in the heart of Paris. Well, my dears, let me tell you all about it! It all started with a little bit of dream weaving, a lot of careful planning, and some wonderful, beautiful, sparkling ballet performances, the kind that really take you away. You see, I've been funding my travels with these lovely shows, and this week, Iā€™ve finally made it to Paris. I just canā€™t believe Iā€™m actually here! I had to jump on the EuroStar for this adventure ā€“ I absolutely love those zippy train journeys ā€“ makes it so much easier than getting on a plane, even though the journey does take a little bit longer! I'll be sure to give you all the juicy details about the trip and my outfits, of course! šŸ˜‰

This whole Parisian trip is a bit of a dream come true. You see, Iā€™ve been obsessed with the Paris ballet scene since I was a little girl ā€“ I remember reading ā€œThe Nutcrackerā€ over and over again. Thereā€™s something so utterly romantic about a big, classic show in the centre of this historic city! Of course, my trip would never be complete without visiting the most famous dance stores in the world ā€“ you just have to see them if you're ever in the city.

So, letā€™s jump right in! This week Iā€™ve beenā€¦

Saturday: Paris! I'm here!

Stepping out of the Gare du Nord and onto Parisian soilā€¦ honestly, I nearly squealed! This place was just like something out of a film ā€“ the Eiffel Tower peeking through the buildings, those little Parisian cafes lining the streets. The scent of fresh bread! It's truly magic, darling. It felt incredible to arrive and finally, after all this time, I'm finally in my favourite city in the world!

We settled into our gorgeous apartment right by the river. (My travel buddy and photographer, Chloe, couldn't leave without me, she loves the city almost as much as I do!), I had a good nightā€™s rest. (The view was gorgeous! Just wait for those pictures!). Parisian nights are quite magical, if I may say so.

Sunday: Dance, Fashion, and Afternoon Tea

Woke up feeling like I was going to float off into the sky. Itā€™s Paris, darling! What can I say?. Chloe and I made the most of a bright and sunny Sunday. I grabbed my favourite pink tutu, and my trusty pink beret (it had to match the colour of my bag!) and then we headed for a walk along the Seine. We stopped for coffee and a pastry in one of the many charming little cafes before making our way to the beautiful Tuileries Garden. Think beautiful trees, green gardens, beautiful sculptures, the perfect setting to admire the flowers, do some people-watching, and get those essential Paris photographs.

Our next stop was on rue de la Paix. Now, I had to pop into Chanel - what kind of fashionista could visit Paris and not pop into Chanel? Seriously, even just the window displays were spectacular. They were a beautiful symphony of couture. After admiring the displays, we went for the most luxurious, delicious afternoon tea in one of the best Parisian cafes. Honestly, this tea was like an explosion of sugar, delicate biscuits, fluffy cream, and perfectly steeped, loose leaf teas. Can I stay here forever, please?

Monday: Fashion and Ballet Bliss

Feeling as inspired as a prima ballerina, my dears, as I went on the most delicious shopping spree you could imagine! My first stop: Berceau Magique. That shop, oh my goodness, is a wonderland! My eyes practically popped out of my head when I saw all the tutus - they were just gorgeous - and so, so many different styles and colors! I have to show you some of the amazing designs, I can't wait to add them to my pink tutu collection!

I then strolled around the neighbourhood and, wouldnā€™t you know it? I found the cutest little vintage shop on Rue de la Paix. You see, I adore finding old, vintage clothing to bring back the old Parisian charm into my life. Iā€™m obsessed with vintage shoes too! After my vintage spree, we got our dose of culture at the Opera Garnier. Oh my, the architecture! Simply breathtaking. I spent ages just taking photos ā€“ the staircases, the marbleā€¦ the chandeliers were amazing ā€“ so beautifully glittering. The Paris OpĆ©ra truly is a sight to behold. Iā€™ve never felt so close to my dreams. I swear I could almost smell the backstage perfume! Oh, if only you could see me doing those grand jetĆ©s across those famous red carpeted floors...

We popped into another vintage boutique nearby ā€“ youā€™ll never believe this, but Chloe picked up an adorable vintage dress (all in pinks and peach tones, of course). I even picked up a little vintage Parisian beret with some gorgeous lace trimming ā€“ perfection. I even saw some very rare pieces of fashion history. I could feel my creative mind whirling with ideas! It was simply too perfect ā€“ all those beautiful costumes, the dancingā€¦ Iā€™m completely inspired, and now I'm just bursting with creativity.

Tuesday: Shopping Spree for Pink Tutus!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, itā€™s Tuesday in Paris, and we all know what that means! Another shopping day! Today, itā€™s all about pink tutus!

You'd think finding the perfect pink tutu would be easy in Paris, right? Well, it's not quite that simple. There are so many different shades of pink! I have to find the perfect shade of pink, donā€™t you know? I wanted something pretty, yet edgy, something elegant, yet vibrant.

My goal was simple: Find the tutu of my dreams. A pink one, of course. And wouldnā€™t you know it, a gorgeous boutique on rue de Rennes answered my prayer. Iā€™m not allowed to name it (I promise you'll never forget it, once youā€™ve been!) It was literally filled with hundreds of tutus. It was a dream. We wandered between racks filled with tutus. They had every style, colour and fabric imaginable. If I could, Iā€™d wear a tutu 24 hours a day. Itā€™s a serious habit! I love a good tutu. And pink ones, of course, are simply my weakness! After careful consideration, a tutu just whispered my name and had to come home with me. I even purchased a beautiful feather boa - I need it for my Paris blog photographs! I hope you all like them!

We wandered along the River Seine again, my absolute favourite thing to do when Iā€™m here in the evening light ā€“ so very beautiful and picturesque, it simply makes me happy. Chloe took loads of pictures, and you better believe I did some seriously twirling in that amazing new tutu! If only my mum could see me now! I promise, I wonā€™t tell her how much I spent. šŸ˜œ

Wednesday: Parisian Delights and Exploring History

Waking up to the morning sunlight shining into our apartment (that gorgeous view again, my darlings!). We went out and strolled along the River Seine before making our way to Notre Dame for a morning coffee and a croissant, just the best!

Did you know, Paris is actually on an island? A long time ago, the Seine river was like a moated castle! How incredible! Whoā€™d have thought?! I must tell my boyfriend when I get back. He always thinks itā€™s a bit boring (because he likes the colour brown, he said ā€“ the opposite of me!), so it'll make such a lovely little fun fact to surprise him with.

The cathedral was magnificent! Thereā€™s nothing that can compare to it. Seriously, those Gothic arches, all that beautiful stained glass. What is there not to love!? The entire place feels steeped in history! You feel it as you enter - a sense of awe and history, and a gentle echo of all the past that was! It really makes me feel like Iā€™m living out a scene from a Jane Austen book ā€“ oh, the romanticism! I must tell you about my little dream for this trip in the eveningā€¦

Thursday: Meeting Up with my Friends

On this day, Chloe and I decided to visit The Louvre. We finally got a peek at the Mona Lisa! Well, more like a peek from quite a distance, there were so many tourists! She looks a lot smaller in person than she does in pictures, but of course, a real icon, nonetheless! She also happens to have a pretty stunning set of very recognisable brows! The galleries in The Louvre are absolutely spectacular. I actually didn't expect the galleries to be so big!

In the afternoon, I met up with my dear friend Charlotte. You know, Charlotte? The other half of The Pink Tutu Squad? Itā€™s been so long since we last saw each other, as we havenā€™t been able to meet up due to work, so I couldnā€™t be happier. Charlotte knows my Paris obsession inside and out.

We met for lunch (the best French onion soup!), then had the most incredible walk along the Champs-Elysees, looking into shops and admiring the beautiful clothes. You really do have to visit it when youā€™re here. It feels so grand. Then, it was time to head to The Seine to meet some friends for a lovely meal on a boat cruise under the beautiful Parisian lights.

Friday: My Secret Parisian Dreamsā€¦

It was time for a relaxing day before the grand finale ā€“ and of course, some serious dress rehearsals. I wanted to look amazing for the showā€¦ I even practiced my dance routines in my Parisian apartment.

Paris really is a fairytale. For my last day in Paris, we went to visit the gardens and admire the beauty of all the flowers and then we found a little cafƩ near The Eiffel Tower to rest our feet and relax before my very special evening.

That night, we went to see one of the most beautiful ballet shows Iā€™ve ever seen ā€“ in my entire life. Itā€™s the one Iā€™ve dreamt of since I was a little girl ā€“ my true dream came true in Le Grand Ballet - and I saw a stunning production of Giselle at Le Palais Garnier. Oh my goodness. The costumes! The dancing! The magic of ballet. I almost cried ā€“ in the good way!. I even saw a gorgeous pink tutu onstage. How incredible. I almost jumped for joy when I saw it. I had the most fabulous evening watching ballet and celebrating Parisian life. This was one of those moments when you feel that life really does deliver something beyond even your biggest dreamsā€¦

And of course, thereā€™s something very special about being in Paris. You don't really get that kind of atmosphere elsewhere in the world, Iā€™ve got to say. It's just a feeling you get ā€“ itā€™s hard to put it into words. I have a funny feeling this trip will have a lasting impact on my dancing and the next Pink Tutu Blog ā€“ just watch this space!

As usual, I hope you enjoyed the blog, my loves! Next Saturday Iā€™ll be back to tell you about more exciting travels! *And for you to read my pink tutu thoughts and review my purchasesā€¦ *

Signing off with love and a little pirouette,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-08-19 Exploring Paris