Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-04-07 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #954: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Saturday 2018-04-07

Hello darlings! Can you believe it's finally here?! I'm in Paris, the city of love, fashion, and all things dreamy! The Eurostar whizzed me through the channel tunnel, leaving behind the familiar rolling hills of Derbyshire, and deposited me in the heart of this beautiful, historic city. I'm so excited to explore every Parisian nook and cranny and to soak up the atmosphere - oh, the magic!

As I write this, I'm sat on a comfy pink chaise longue (can you even imagine the effort it took to find a pink chaise longue in a Paris cafe?! It's definitely been a pink tutu adventure so far!), gazing out of the window at the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower. You know, I was originally going to stay at a little boutique hotel with a balcony and views of the Seine, but that pesky hotel receptionist forgot to book me in! I'm quite upset about it - my travel plans for Paris included a little balcony champagne picnic overlooking the river! I guess I'll just have to try again tomorrow!

I'm determined to embrace all that this city has to offer. We're talking Parisian patisseries overflowing with pastel-coloured macarons, elegant couture boutiques with exquisite dresses waiting to be worn on a romantic stroll down the Champs-Élysées, and, of course, the world-renowned Palais Garnier opera house, where my tutu will be spinning on stage. Oh yes! I'll be performing this week in a show showcasing the finest of ballet - a chance to finally strut my stuff on this grand stage. I feel a magical performance in my heart.

Speaking of tutus, it seems the Parisiennes haven't caught on to my message just yet. A few inquisitive stares are always good for a little giggle, and of course, everyone loves a pink tutu! A pink tutu says “I'm whimsical, fun, and always up for an adventure," and that, my darlings, is the message I want to spread across the world. Just wait, one day, you'll see Parisians skipping down the street in tutus and I'll have been the one to inspire it!

Saturday Highlights

  • Eurostar: Chic and Speedy - What's not to love about whizzing through a tunnel under the sea, followed by an effortless journey into a charming Parisian station. I love train travel! I find something strangely glamorous about settling into my seat with a good book (today, it's "The Secret History" - don't worry, nothing dangerous is planned!) and allowing myself to be transported to my next adventure.

  • Searching for that perfect Pink Chaise Lounge: Today's hunt for that iconic Parisian café pink chaise lounge was fraught with mixed emotions. A sense of defeat and determination propelled me on, and after three cafes (including one with a beautiful turquoise-blue chaise, very pretty but not my colour), I was victorious! My Parisian picnic has just gotten more whimsical!

  • Evening Ballet Inspiration at the Palais Garnier - It's a grand venue, the Palais Garnier. Such magnificent, opulent architecture, and it was the inspiration behind that glorious "Phantom of the Opera" movie with Gerard Butler and that wonderful chandelier. The entire ballet world feels alive in Paris.

  • Pink Tutu Spotted! (Kind of…) I spied the most charming little pink tutu-esque garment hanging in the window of a shop, not in a ballerina shape but a little pleated mini skirt. A vision of frilly pink bliss - perhaps this is what I've been waiting for!

    Pink Tutu Challenge for Tomorrow:

    I have a few ideas, so I'll let you know how I go... but for tomorrow, I challenge you to find a bit of pink magic in your own city. Do something that brings you joy - perhaps buy yourself a pink cupcake or tie a pink ribbon to your handbag? It’s time to embrace the world with a smile and a pink tutu spirit!

Don't forget to check back next Saturday for my next Paris blog! Bisous, babes!

P.S. Do you have a favourite Parisian cafe? Leave a comment with your tip and let's make this Parisian pink tutu adventure truly memorable!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-04-07 Exploring Paris