Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-04-18 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Bonjour, Paris! Post 1060 - Saturday 2020-04-18

Bonjour mes amis! Can you believe it’s Saturday again already? It feels like I was just getting back to Derbyshire, and now I'm already whisking off on a whirlwind trip to Paris! How can life be so lovely?

This week, I've been busy working on my tutu wardrobe (it’s never truly finished, you know!), which involved lots of tulle shopping and delicate needlework. It’s hard to believe it’s already April – Spring is definitely in the air. So I thought I’d treat myself to a quick weekend trip, after all, the world needs more tutus! My little corner of the internet has become quite the sensation – thanks for all your support – it really helps me chase my pink-tutu dream, making the world a happier, twirlier place.

Today’s train journey was particularly exciting as I’ve always been a huge fan of Eurostar. I've gotta say, there's just something glamorous about hurtling through the channel, knowing that Parisian adventure awaits! With the comfy seats and the complimentary croissant (yes, you read that right!) who could possibly be sad?! I must say, travelling by train truly sparks my creativity. My journey was a true ode to a Parisian weekend: pink eyeshadow, red lipstick and a delicate pink tulle layered under a black vintage beret! It really gave me some serious outfit inspo.

Fashion Spotlight:

Speaking of outfits, I’ve always been drawn to the Parisian style: effortless chic meets whimsical flair. And this weekend, I've decided to amp things up a little. I've got a whole Parisian tutu-inspired look planned, but it’s a secret until I unveil it later today!

But what I can tell you is this: I’m taking the whole ‘ballet chic’ concept to a new level with a vintage pink coat I picked up in Notting Hill, a silk scarf tied with a jaunty, ballerina-esque knot and my trusty trusty pink ballerina bag – complete with ballet shoe charm! It’s the perfect combination of classic Paris and my own unique style.

Ballet Dreams in the City of Lights

Okay, so I couldn’t go to Paris without indulging in a little ballet! My afternoon is all about a dreamy performance at the Opéra Garnier, where the beauty of the building rivals the artistry on the stage! You guys know how much I love seeing ballet performances in beautiful theatres – and there’s simply no place in the world better suited for a ballerinas like me! Oh, I can’t wait to soak in the grandeur and grace, and maybe even catch a glimpse of a French ballerina or two, strutting their stuff after the show!

The schedule of ballet performances is all a bit of a surprise, you see – the magic of Paris is in embracing the unknown! It’s about the spontaneity! The mystery! But I have a sneaky feeling I’m in for a real treat… The show is sure to leave me floating!

Discovering Parisian Delights

Tonight, I’m heading off to the famous Tuileries Garden. Did you know that there’s a little secret Parisian café there? And I get to go! After strolling around those beautiful flowerbeds, I’m looking forward to some tea and a French patisserie with all its sweet little flower decorations. Maybe a macaron too… (I’m not fussy, I'll admit, about macaron flavours… but pink, obviously, wins!). It's going to be the perfect way to end this perfect Parisian day.

My Pink Tutu Challenge – Calling All Twirlers!

Have you joined the pink tutu revolution yet? If you’re reading this and you haven’t got a pink tutu, then get one, get twirling, and show off your fabulous selves! It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done a plié in your life! You just gotta embrace the pink!

Don't forget to share your pics using the hashtag #PinkTutuBlogParis!

I can’t wait to see your fabulous photos. Until next week… keep twirling, darlings!


Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-04-18 Exploring Paris