
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-05-02 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post 1062

Bonjour, my darlings!

It's Saturday morning here in Paris, and the sunshine is pouring through my hotel window, just begging me to get out there and explore! You know how much I adore Paris, don't you? It's just brimming with romance and magic, with beautiful architecture and even more beautiful fashion. And it wouldn't be a true Emma-in-Paris moment without a pink tutu, naturally!

Today's adventure was fuelled by a breakfast of croissants and cafรฉ au lait (the perfect fuel for a tutu-wearing, fashion-obsessed girl like me!), followed by a quick spin around the chic Parisian shops. I may or may not have snagged a divine little Parisian beret to add to my growing collection (one can never have too many hats!).

But let's rewind a little. I boarded the EuroStar last Wednesday from London, you know, the train journey that always feels like stepping back in time - plush leather seats, crisp white tablecloths, and the promise of exciting adventures ahead. I was so thrilled to be travelling by train - I can't think of a more civilised way to cross the channel!

Arriving in Paris feels like stepping into a storybook, and that feeling never gets old. The bustling train station, the aroma of fresh baguettes wafting through the air, the chattering French - it all adds to the sense of enchantment.

Now, Paris wouldn't be Paris without ballet, would it? Last night, I finally caught the incredible Paris Opera Ballet perform Swan Lake! It was a magical experience, from the breathtaking costumes (especially the iconic white swan tutu!), to the flawless dancing and the emotional storytelling. I swear, there was a tear in my eye by the time the final curtain came down.

Before that, I spent a few hours at the Centre National de la Danse. It's like a haven for all things dance, and I felt right at home amidst all the practice studios and elegant spaces. It was also my chance to soak up the atmosphere and perhaps learn a step or two from the dancers in training. After all, I'm a firm believer that every day is a day to practise!

And since my visit was on 2nd May, the streets were buzzing with celebrations for the Feast of the Ascension. You wouldn't believe the festive atmosphere! There were beautiful floral displays and bustling market stalls. The whole city was abuzz with merriment, and the locals, clad in their finest attire (including my own trusty pink tutu, of course!), were enjoying themselves to the fullest.

Today, I'm feeling incredibly inspired and brimming with ideas for new content for www.pink-tutu.com. There are just so many fascinating people, sights and stories to share in Paris. After all, my blog is all about sharing my love for life, laughter, and most importantly, dancing! It's not just about sharing my experiences, it's also about encouraging you all to embrace the pink tutu within and step outside your comfort zones! I may be just a girl from Derbyshire, but I have big dreams for this little pink tutu and for every single one of you!

I'll be back next Saturday with another Paris update - stay tuned, my lovely tutus!

Until then, don't forget to embrace the pink tutu,

Emma x

P.S. What's your favourite ballet? Mine's a tough choice between Swan Lake and Giselle - maybe you can help me decide! Don't forget to follow my pink tutu journey on Instagram (@PinkTutuBlog) - I love sharing my adventures with you all!

P.P.S I can't forget to mention that I'm funding my Parisian escapade with a few special ballet performances back in Derbyshire! Nothing brings more joy than dancing for others - especially when it allows me to experience the world's most beautiful city!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-05-02 Exploring Paris