Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2022-03-19 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris, Post #1160 - Saturday, 19th March 2022: City of Lights, City of Tutus!

Bonjour mes chéries! Emma here, reporting live from the most romantic city in the world, Paris! As you know, this Pink Tutu gal is a bit obsessed with the City of Lights - its iconic landmarks, the delicious pastries, the fashion… and the ballet! Oh, the ballet! 🩰

This week, I’ve decided to swap Derbyshire's rolling hills for the chic streets of Paris. My train journey on the EuroStar was, as always, a pure joy. There's something so magical about hurtling through the countryside towards a new adventure. I, of course, opted for a pink and white colour scheme for my travelling ensemble - a chic polka-dot dress, my trusty pink tutu, and a pair of fluffy white bunny slippers. My fellow passengers just adore my look - who wouldn't?

The first order of business on arrival was to find a spot for the most adorable picnic you've ever seen. Imagine this: a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, a picnic basket bursting with the most delightful French delights, and my Pink Tutu gal, enjoying every single bite. I'd have to say the highlight was a perfectly crafted strawberry tart - simply divine!

And let’s talk about Paris fashion! As always, the Parisian ladies are effortlessly chic. Every woman seems to radiate an elegant confidence, with beautiful outfits and perfect Parisian waves. You just have to embrace it - I know I do. You’ll see me sauntering down the streets, twirling a bit here and there, feeling every inch the ballerina fashionista in a fabulously vibrant pink maxi dress and, of course, my trusty tutu. It’s impossible to feel anything less than happy in a city so steeped in elegance and beauty!

But enough about me! Let's get to what’s happening in Paris this weekend. On a Saturday, Paris transforms into a flurry of activities. If you're looking for a cultural fix, I’d highly recommend catching the famous 'Crazy Horse' show. With dazzling costumes, mesmerizing choreography, and a touch of burlesque, it’s the perfect way to experience the Parisian artistic flair.

For those seeking a unique adventure, check out the enchanting ‘L’Homme-Orchestre’ at the Théâtre du Châtelet. It’s a true spectacle of one man performing a whole symphony solo – absolutely remarkable. I’ve got a front row ticket – excited doesn’t even begin to describe it!

Of course, no Parisian adventure is complete without a trip to a gorgeous café, a walk along the Seine, and perhaps a bit of shopping for a souvenir or two. There’s a beautiful Parisian boutique on Rue de Rivoli, overflowing with dainty accessories. They have the most delightful selection of ballerina flats - and they all come in pink, of course!

As for the ballet itself, well, there’s simply nothing better. I've already made reservations at the legendary Palais Garnier Opera House, the ultimate symbol of Parisian grandeur and artistic brilliance. You know I can’t wait to witness the exquisite dancing, breathtaking costumes, and sheer artistry that is always on display. It truly inspires my heart and brings me back to the graceful world of twirls and pirouettes.

Tonight, after the theatre performance, I'll be finding the perfect little spot for a nightcap and some people watching - naturally. I love catching up on Parisian life by simply observing the charm and bustle that surround me. And I have a few extra special plans for Sunday - you’ll just have to wait until next week’s blog post for that juicy update.

Now, off I go, my little tutu princesses! Have a wonderful weekend, filled with happiness and joy, and if you can, add a little bit of pink to your outfit to make it extra fabulous!

Au revoir, and remember: always twirl with a smile. 💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2022-03-19 Exploring Paris