Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-08-04

Prague, My Love, Prague! 🩰🌸✨ Post #223

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, Emma, back with another installment from the gorgeous city of Prague! This week, I'm bursting with excitement because, drumroll ... I finally saw a ballet performance here!

As many of you know, I live for the ballet. There's nothing quite like the grace, the artistry, the emotion that a performance can evoke. It truly is the pinnacle of performing arts, in my humble opinion! So, I simply had to find a ballet to see in this magnificent city. And wouldn't you know it, this Wednesday, August 4th, was a particularly magical night because I witnessed a performance that brought me to tears! But before I delve into that, let me tell you a little bit about my journey here…

Arriving in Prague with a Flair

As always, I travelled to Prague in style – a rather posh sleeper train, with comfy seats that transformed into little beds! It was a delightful experience, as you can imagine. But even a long train journey wouldn't dull my excitement to explore the wonders of Prague. The train station itself was charming, bustling with life and bursting with character.

Then, the highlight! A delightful carriage ride from the train station through the charming cobbled streets of Prague! It was a beautiful, sunny day and the cobblestones shone under the clear blue sky. Just picturing the scene fills me with joy. I honestly couldn't have dreamt of a more magical start to my visit.

Once we arrived at our lovely little hotel in the heart of Prague, I knew that I needed a shopping spree! Honestly, what better way to prepare for a ballet performance than with a new outfit? And I must tell you, Prague is a haven for fashion! The boutiques are a treasure trove of vintage pieces, designer clothes, and whimsical accessories. I felt like a princess wandering through a magical shop.

And, of course, what better accompaniment for a trip to Prague than a pink tutu? It was my pinkest, fluffiest tutu yet, with beautiful layers and sparkly tulle, shimmering like starlight.

A Little Detour – Prague Castle and Tutus!

No trip to Prague would be complete without a visit to the majestic Prague Castle. Its history, grandeur, and charm left me in awe. As I walked the beautiful gardens and explored the castle’s secrets, I couldn’t help but think about how ballet was an important part of royal life in the past, and how graceful the elegant women who wore the first versions of the tutu must have looked in such a grand setting. You can practically picture them, waltzing through the gardens!

But I digress. While enjoying Prague Castle, I met the loveliest gentleman dressed in a dapper velvet suit with a pocket watch that I knew would look absolutely magnificent with a tutu. So, naturally, I pulled out a miniature pink tutu I keep in my handbag (for such special occasions, you see) and insisted on dressing him up.

His expression, you must know, was pure delight! He even spun me around, a broad smile gracing his face as he admired my tutu, with a touch of mischief in his eyes. You wouldn’t believe the joyful laughter that followed. That brief encounter made my entire day! After all, isn’t spreading joy and spreading pink tutus the whole point of my travels?

Prague National Theatre: A Ballerina's Paradise

After the castle and the delightful detour into tutu fashion, I arrived at the magnificent Prague National Theatre. It’s a building of incredible architectural beauty, with a stunning Neo-Renaissance design that instantly made my heart flutter. I knew from the first glance that I was in for a treat.

And indeed, I was not disappointed. That night, I witnessed a performance of “Swan Lake,” and it was absolutely divine. The dancers were so graceful, the music was so magical, and the whole atmosphere was so romantic. It took my breath away!

The first act, of course, had those beautiful white tutus – such elegance! And the black swans in the second act were magnificent, both powerful and captivating. Each step was precise, each gesture heartfelt. The ballerina playing the role of Odette was breathtaking. I just watched her movements in awe, trying to steal a few pointers for my own ballet class back home!

After the performance, the auditorium buzzed with energy, filled with conversations in Czech and a murmur of polite applause as people made their way out. But my attention, naturally, went to the dancers, standing proud as they received accolades and bows. It was truly inspiring.

On The Dance Floor - Finding The Rhythm

Now, I must admit that Prague, a city of culture, didn’t just provide me with a ballet show, but it also provided a place to dance, my dearest readers! On Saturday night, I found myself in a hidden jazz club. Not only did I dance until my heart's content (after all, every day can be ballet practice, if you just look at it in the right way!), but I found myself being spun around by the most charming young man I had encountered since arriving in Prague!

Imagine, my darlings, two tutus in the corner of a jazz bar – his was a more traditionally dapper black one, mind you – whirling with laughter, enjoying the rhythm. This kind of fun is simply the reason why I live to travel, because truly, I am living a dream that has made its way out of a fairy tale.

A Pink Tutu For Everyone

From exploring historic architecture and enjoying fabulous food (those delectable pastries!) to watching a heart-stopping ballet performance and dancing the night away with a captivating stranger in a charming jazz bar, my time in Prague has been a symphony of joy, beauty, and pink tutus.

And as I write this post, sitting at a quaint little café enjoying my favourite latte, I’m reminded of how important it is to spread joy and positivity everywhere we go.

Remember, pink tutus are not just about fashion – they are about celebrating life, embracing joy, and expressing ourselves. And why not make it our mission to ensure that everyone wears at least one pink tutu in their lifetime?

It’s a thought I plan to mull over during the remainder of my time in Prague.

Until next week, darlings! Stay tuned for more stories from Prague on the website every Wednesday, and remember to embrace the joy in everything you do. 💖🩰

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1999-08-04