Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-07-11

Prague: A Pink Tutu Paradise - Post 324

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday again, which means a brand-new pink tutu adventure awaits! This week, I'm writing to you from the beautiful, magical city of Prague.

Just a little backstory for those who haven't hopped aboard the Pink Tutu Express with me before. I'm Emma, a ballerina from Derbyshire, England. I'm obsessed with pink, tutus (obviously!), all things ballet, and travelling the world by train or, in the case of my recent foray into Austria, pony! You see, my mission in life is to spread the joy of ballet and, more importantly, the fabulousness of the pink tutu, all over the world.

Now, this past week has been one of sheer delight. Prague is like a fairytale come to life – cobbled streets, medieval architecture, the most exquisite cafes with delectable pastries, and even more delicious coffee! Honestly, darlings, you just have to see it for yourself!

I arrived by train, naturally. I'm a huge fan of those old-fashioned carriage-style ones, with plush velvet seats, steaming cups of tea, and views that could rival any postcard. I’ve got my trusty vintage suitcase, bursting at the seams with the perfect pink tutus for my trip, a stack of carefully curated ballet books, and enough sparkly makeup for a full-blown fashion show! I mean, what’s a pink tutu aficionado to do without a fabulous eye shadow? It's a well-known fact that no tutu ensemble is complete without a pinch of drama.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, right, Prague. So, my first day in this city was all about settling in, finding a cute little hotel room that could accommodate both my fabulousness and my love for pink tutus (not an easy feat, but trust me, darling, I managed!), and exploring the magical city. Prague's got a unique character – a perfect blend of history and bohemian vibes. It's simply irresistible.

And as I’ve said, the pastries and coffee… divine! I managed to resist my usual pre-ballet banana and chocolate (don't judge, I need those carbs, love!) and indulge in an irresistible Trdelník with a cinnamon-spiced latte, a combination so glorious, I could cry. It's got that irresistible balance of sweet and savoury, with just the right amount of sugar rush to get your day started right. And I don't need to tell you how essential sugar rush is for ballet, am I right, darlings?

Ballet in Prague

Of course, I had to see a ballet show. We’re talking Czech National Ballet here! I spent ages trawling through their repertoire (no pink tutu on display for the performance I went to sadly!), choosing between the likes of 'Sleeping Beauty' and 'Giselle'. Ultimately, though, it was 'Swan Lake' that stole my heart, so it’s that one I ended up seeing. It was pure magic, darling. And guess what? They even have a history exhibition that I was itching to get into, because you know how much I adore learning about the past.

As much as I adore seeing ballet at its best, you’ll never see me shunning a chance to go and see a good, old-fashioned, and perfectly imperfect ballet class! It's one thing to admire the magic on stage, it's quite another to see the dedication and talent required to achieve that brilliance! So I headed to a local ballet studio on Wednesday afternoon (you know, for the quintessential tutu workout). It's housed in a charming little building near the Old Town Square and had an atmosphere of warmth and dedication. It felt truly magical. The instructors were incredibly friendly, and the class itself was a joy. The girls and boys were so enthusiastic and committed, each working to refine their leaps, twirls, and pirouettes. You just know there's a whole new generation of fantastic ballerinas and dancers coming up through the ranks, and, if I have anything to do with it, every single one of them will be sporting their very own fabulous pink tutus!

### The Magic of Prague

Prague is overflowing with beautiful old architecture. Everywhere you go, there’s a building just begging for its very own ballet performance. It was hard to resist the urge to break into a spontaneous twirl in the courtyard of the stunning Prague Castle, and I think even the locals might have been enchanted! You know, when I go on my tutu expeditions, I don't mind having a bit of fun. I really do think pink tutus and their majestic wearers have a way of turning heads and spreading joy, which is why my wardrobe has the finest pink tutu selection you could dream up. But of course, not all of the garments in my tutu repertoire come in a pretty, pale shade. I’ve been a huge admirer of historical ballet tutus for as long as I can remember. One day I hope to recreate all of those iconic ballet garments! It’s a goal for the future…

Speaking of tutus and history, let me introduce you to another must-see in Prague, darling. I managed to visit a stunning little boutique housed in a historic building. You see, darlings, I'm always on the lookout for vintage tutu inspiration! It’s something I get incredibly excited about. As you can imagine, I spend a lot of time travelling. When I do, my suitcases get heavier, because I find it almost impossible to leave a shop or an antique market without a piece of history in tow. But this little boutique… Oh, the amazing vintage clothes and, let's face it, the fantastic old ballet shoes, were almost impossible to resist. In the end, my suitcase was even heavier when I left, but honestly, is a suitcase too heavy if it's carrying the magic of vintage tutus?

### A Taste of Pink and Passion

Now, I can't possibly talk about Prague without mentioning the food, my dear friends. While I must admit I may be more interested in tutus than gastronomy, Prague does present its fair share of fabulous temptations. Every meal feels like an opportunity to get all dressed up, so let me tell you, I really tried to live the high life while I was here. The restaurants here in Prague are delightful – some in beautiful buildings with a vintage feel that made me feel like I had just stepped into a vintage fairytale (complete with chandeliers and elegant furniture), and then there’s the little corner cafe that made the best, biggest slice of poppyseed cake! My goodness! If I didn't need to fit into my favourite pink tutus, I might have had several, because every day was simply fabulous! And I don’t just want to rave about the restaurants either. For any self-respecting ballet enthusiast, a good shopping expedition is a must, wouldn't you say, darlings? Prague's a real shopper's paradise, and after seeing a show and having a ballet class, I made a beeline for some exquisite boutiques and vintage shops where I could find something that reflected Prague's style as much as my own personal love of ballet, tutus, and everything pink.

Of course, one must eat while shopping! But I think you can understand why I indulged in the finest coffee, decadent pastries, and most delectable sweet treats available. You see, a perfect shopping spree deserves an equally glorious sugar rush, so it seemed like only good sense, didn’t it?

After a whirlwind of ballerina adventures – I did say Prague is magical, darling! – it’s now time to catch the train home. It was a whirlwind trip – an amazing week filled with fabulous performances, amazing shops, scrumptious meals, and the undeniable charm of Prague. It was pure perfection. It’s already filled with its place in my tutu-filled memory. But, before I go, I've got a little gift for all you fabulous pink tutu fans! As always, darling, it’s important to keep that tutu spirit alive, so take it from a girl who knows – nothing brings joy quite like a touch of pink in your life. I think we can all agree that the world's a little bit better with a few more pink tutus twirling around. That’s what makes travelling and sharing these stories with you all so incredibly special!

*Pink Tutu Fun for Your Weekend! *

And remember, darlings, even when you're not on an exotic trip or twirling around the stage of an illustrious theatre, the pink tutu magic never has to end. I leave you with this simple, yet utterly joyous challenge: embrace the magic of your inner ballerina. Try putting on your fanciest tutu this weekend and get your twirl on. Go on a spontaneous adventure. Or simply put your pink tutu on as you get ready to greet the day! I’ll be catching you next week on for more adventures in a pink tutu! Until next time, happy twirling!

XOXO Emma.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-07-11