Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-05-29

Prague: Where Ballet Meets Baroque, and Pink Tutus are King!

Post Number 370

Wednesday, 29th May, 2002

Darling readers,

As I pen these words, the melodic notes of Dvorák’s ‘Slavonic Dances’ echo around my charming little hotel room in Prague. I’m positively brimming with excitement, having just experienced a day fit for a ballerina princess – complete with stunning sights, charming cobbled streets, and of course, a magnificent ballet performance that left me spellbound!

It was a truly grand day, I must tell you. I awoke with a delicious symphony of birdsong filling the air, like nature’s own orchestra tuning up for a grand ballet performance. Dressed in a fabulous pink tutu (a whimsical new number, oh darling, you must see it! It has exquisite ruffled layers and the most beautiful sequins that sparkle like tiny stars), I made my way to the grand breakfast spread at the hotel. Mmmm… croissants! You simply cannot visit Prague without trying the delectable local pastries, dear readers. Just remember to be generous with the coffee - I find the Czech pastries practically demand a strong cuppa.

And now for a little behind-the-scenes scoop! Today I embarked on an enchanting journey by train to Prague. The railway carriages, painted a romantic shade of ruby red, whizzed through the emerald green countryside, the rhythmic clinking of the wheels composing a delightful symphony. It was pure magic! I even saw a beautiful pony grazing in a field near a charming little village. The creature’s silken coat shimmered like liquid gold under the morning sun - just the kind of encounter you could imagine happening in a storybook!

Once in Prague, I indulged in the city’s irresistible charm. The Old Town Square is simply a delight, a stage where centuries of history unfold before your eyes. I especially loved the iconic Astronomical Clock, which chimed merrily with whimsical figures parading before my wide-eyed gaze. Did you know, darling, the clock dates back to the 15th century? Isn’t that simply astonishing? It’s proof positive that time is but an illusion and beauty, darling, a timeless treasure.

Of course, a day in Prague is incomplete without a taste of the city's fascinating cultural scene. So, I made my way to the grand National Theatre, its neo-renaissance architecture boasting an undeniable grace, akin to a perfectly executed pirouette. The interior was just as breathtaking, with opulent decorations, luxurious seating, and a stage that seemed to beckon with a silent, enchanting whisper.

The evening's performance, a delightful production of “Giselle”, captivated me with its ethereal grace and captivating narrative. The ballerinas' movements flowed like silken ribbons, a symphony of gestures that captured the haunting essence of this classic tale. And darling, the tutus - pure perfection! They were adorned with intricate embroidery and feathery trim, shimmering with a luminosity that mirrored the fairy lights twirling overhead.

You see, my dears, in my mind, a tutu isn't just an outfit – it's a statement! It whispers of elegance, of grace, of the boundless beauty of movement and, well, simply pink.

But let me not forget about my shopping escapades. The streets of Prague are overflowing with delights, my dear, particularly for the fashion-conscious soul. From intricate jewellery stalls in the Old Town to bohemian boutiques selling quirky accessories, my shopping basket overflows with delights. Just imagine, darling, I found the perfect pair of pink gloves! They match my tutu, and are made of the finest Italian silk. I simply couldn't resist, darling.

Before I end this post, a little anecdote from my day: I encountered the most adorable street performer on the Charles Bridge. He was a charming gentleman in a dazzling white suit, twirling his cane and tap dancing with an energy that was contagious! His rhythmic tap, tap, tap resonated across the bridge, and brought smiles to the faces of every passerby. As the sun dipped behind the ancient city walls, he ended his act with a final bow, a fleeting moment that encapsulated the sheer joy and beauty of performing.

I leave you, my dear readers, with a promise: I'll be sharing more tales from my Prague adventures in the days to come! Until then, stay stylish, stay glamorous, and above all, stay pink.

With love and pirouettes,

Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-05-29