Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-01-07

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 454

Dearest Tutu-lovers!

This week's post whisks us away to the magical city of Prague! A symphony of gothic architecture, cobblestone streets and buzzing energy, Prague is a ballet dancer's dream - think fairytale castles, graceful swans on the Vltava River, and the kind of stunning scenery that simply begs to be twirled in!

I arrived in the city yesterday, after a rather delightful train journey from Dresden. Nothing quite beats the rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks, the panoramic countryside whizzing past the window, and the comforting feeling of a journey truly underway!

As my trusty little train case rolled through the bustling station, I felt a thrill of anticipation. It's always an exciting adventure starting a new blog series, especially one from such a beautiful city! And Prague truly is beautiful. There’s a charming old-world atmosphere here, with cobblestone streets, stunning architecture and the most delicious smells wafting from traditional cafes.

Naturally, I had to find the perfect pink outfit for the journey, so I popped into the chic boutique on platform 17. This adorable little store is filled to the brim with stylish delights. It's a veritable dream for any aspiring ballerina! And guess what? I found the perfect tutu to wear for the occasion! Imagine - a dusky pink tulle, swirled and layered just right, with a hint of silver sparkle and an attached sparkly bow. My train travel attire was a work of art, topped off with my favourite dusty pink silk scarf (naturally!), which casually concealed the rather large tutu bag that wouldn’t fit under the seat. 😉

Prague’s Ballet Legacy:

Once settled in my hotel (a delightful boutique with charming pink-hued interiors!), I felt an undeniable need to explore. Prague is bursting with ballet history! Its renowned ballet scene boasts centuries of tradition, with stunning venues like the Estates Theatre where Mozart premiered “Don Giovanni”, and the exquisite National Theatre with its breathtaking architecture.

My heart did a little skip when I stumbled upon the Prague State Opera. It’s nestled within the neoclassical building of the beautiful Municipal House - an incredible landmark in the city's heart.

A TĂȘte-Ă -TĂȘte with Tradition:

Today, I am venturing out on an early morning tour of Prague’s charming Old Town Square. The aroma of freshly baked pastries is a welcome morning greeting. My morning plan? A visit to the Old Town Hall's astronomical clock!

Then it's off to the charming TĂœn Church - one can't come to Prague without seeing this iconic gothic gem! From its lofty heights, I can imagine watching the swirling rhythms of the city, each movement an intricate step in Prague's historical ballet.

Speaking of ballet, tonight’s excitement involves seeing a show at the Prague State Opera. The ballet repertoire features some of my favourites: “The Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake”, and “Romeo and Juliet”, so there's no way I could leave without witnessing the artistry firsthand!

From Tutu to Tradition:

Prague is a city steeped in tradition. It's an ambiance woven through the centuries, one I find deeply enchanting. From traditional Bohemian glass, and its rich culinary delights to the delicate lace work found throughout the city, Prague's traditional charm adds a special allure to this stunning European metropolis. And let's not forget, this city is a fashion haven too! So tomorrow's adventure promises more of these charming elements
along with a splash of pink, naturally! I'm hoping to unearth some fabulous shops tucked away on the quaint cobbled streets - the kind that hold sartorial gems waiting to be discovered. And I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the perfect Prague souvenirs - anything that whispers of history, dance and of course, a hint of the pink fairy dust!

Don't forget to catch up with me tomorrow on!

Much Love,

Emma x

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 455

Dearest Tutu-lovers!

Prague has a charm that lingers long after you’ve left, it's that special kind of city that sparks imagination. And speaking of sparks, the past day has been absolutely filled with exciting discoveries - the kind of exhilarating moments that set my creative juices flowing!

I began my morning with a traditional Czech breakfast in a cosy cafe - an absolute must-try when you're in Prague. Let me tell you, this meal truly was a symphony of flavours! Imagine crispy pancakes with fresh berries, a symphony of fluffy pastries and a creamy cup of cappuccino to chase it down. I paired the perfect shade of pale pink lipstick to go with my charming dusty rose polka dot top.

My trusty guide book told me all about the enchanting Czech glass art and after a bit of navigating, I found myself in a magical glass workshop hidden in the maze-like streets of the city!

There was so much to explore here, from exquisitely handcrafted vases, delicate sculptures to whimsical decorative ornaments – every single piece was an absolute treasure. I can’t help but feel inspired! Maybe it's time I learn glassblowing
 Imagine the creative possibilities with a vibrant pink-hued glass creation, one worthy of a ballerina’s dressing table. Or maybe a chandelier for a magnificent, shimmering ballroom – I’m a girl who always loves a dramatic entrance!

A City of Whispers

In the afternoon, I decided to go for a leisurely stroll through the cobblestone lanes, savouring the quiet whispers of history, the romantic architecture, and the breathtaking river views. You just know you’re about to be enchanted as you stand in awe before the majesty of Charles Bridge. I found myself swept up in a swirl of medieval grandeur as I gazed upon the gothic statues standing guard, their silent stories swirling through the air. And of course, a pink tutu, just for good measure, felt just right as I embraced the charm and serenity of the setting sun upon Prague.

Tonight was an extraordinary evening! The Prague State Opera truly captivated me, with its beautiful acoustics, elegant atmosphere and, of course, stunning performances!

The production of “The Nutcracker” was a feast for the eyes and ears! I felt mesmerised by the dancers' movements. I couldn't help but be drawn in by the graceful flow of the story and the rich choreography - it’s an absolute ballet masterpiece. As I sat there, I felt transported, watching the performers’ incredible skill and effortless elegance. It reminded me once more that a true love for the dance can be found all across the globe!

### Tutus of a Thousand Hues

The city, just like my tutu-wearing heart, is full of charming delights – I think this is starting to become a trend for my travels! As you’ll see in tomorrow's blog, it’s no surprise I've found a place I adore and have purchased some fantastic pink garments from a stunning vintage shop filled with retro beauties that perfectly captured Prague’s spirit of bohemian chic - Think 1950s frocks with dramatic flounces, and playful tulle skirts that I think would look fabulous when paired with a tutu!

I am off to wander some more - you just never know what new wonders this amazing city will reveal next! I hope to be back to write more soon! Be sure to catch up tomorrow on - more pink and fun awaits!

Until next time, Emma x

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 456

Dearest Tutu-lovers,

Prague - a city brimming with wonder! I think I've said this about many cities, but Prague has a truly captivating charm - It’s like stepping into a fairy tale where the cobblestone streets echo with centuries of history, and the music of the past still dances on the wind.

I love exploring cities with a deep connection to the arts, particularly dance, and Prague really lives up to that feeling!

Every street, every alley, and every turn here is an opportunity to discover something magical, a little bit of sparkle. You just never know what artistic surprises might unfold around the next corner. I started my morning with a visit to the charming local market.

There was such an incredible mix of vendors showcasing everything from handcrafted leather goods, unique souvenirs, freshly picked fruits and vegetables. Of course, I went shopping and got a delicious pink straw hat, for all those adventures in the sun. This will be the perfect addition to my ballerina ensemble while I explore the Prague sights!

And how much more delightful was my discovery of a quaint little tutu shop? Yes, you read that right. A haven dedicated to all things tutus! It had the most gorgeous range of tutus imaginable – they had an array of tulle textures and styles in a whole spectrum of colours – just imagine all the different ways I could twirl and pose with these colourful masterpieces!

From whimsical ballerina tutus to dramatic floor-length styles, each tutu held a captivating story waiting to unfold, a symphony of dance just begging to be twirled! But guess what? I was thrilled to discover some stunning tutus, ready for immediate twirling! Of course, I simply couldn’t resist – I came home with a bright magenta number and a blush-pink creation.

Finding my Feet:

In the afternoon, I decided to take a lesson at one of the city's prestigious ballet studios. Stepping into the space, I felt a little nervous - like stepping into the spotlight on stage! Yet the environment felt welcoming. I can truly recommend it - it’s such a lovely, inspiring setting with light, spacious studios.

It’s been quite some time since my last ballet class but it didn’t take long to rekindle the magic and find my feet. It felt liberating to move my body to the beautiful music. A couple of hours went by in a blink of an eye – it truly is the best way to embrace the joy of dance. The lesson even inspired me to work on my flexibility and take my barre training a step further. After all, the dream of a solo performance still sparks within me - a little tutu-twirling, always a part of my life’s great ambition!

An Evening in Prague:

As evening set in, I felt drawn to the music of Prague's nightlife. A short stroll later, and I had found a delightful little cabaret filled with lively, eclectic energy. It was like a hidden gem – a charming space pulsating with joy, and the kind of bohemian charm that I love so much about Prague. The atmosphere was vibrant, and it had this really fabulous retro vibe, reminiscent of the glamour of a bygone era. It's so refreshing to find spots that haven’t quite forgotten what makes for a great night out – an ambiance that reminds me of old Hollywood glitz, but with a modern, Prague-style twist.

The evening’s music ranged from traditional gypsy tunes to modern jazz, and of course, there was even some fabulous ballet inspired performance! There's something truly magical about discovering music in new and unexpected places, in every city I visit, it enchants and invigorates the spirit! I think it is essential for every ballet-loving soul to embrace these little, enchanting surprises on the path of exploration.

Of course, every adventure, no matter how great, has to come to an end. This means packing up my bags and saying goodbye to this truly amazing city. Prague, you’ve truly made an impression. But before I bid farewell, one last adventure beckons before the return trip - I’m about to embark on a truly wonderful pony ride.

See you tomorrow on – stay tuned! Emma x

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 457

Dearest Tutu-lovers!

Today I've decided to take a moment and enjoy the gentler pace of life in this truly magical city. It’s quite extraordinary how Prague can shift seamlessly from its fast-paced urban rhythms to the most tranquil of scapes! This kind of versatility is definitely what I love most about travelling and experiencing different cities. I love the thrill of exploring a new city’s vibrant heartbeat and discovering its secret moments of tranquility.

Prague, just like any ballerina's tutu, can transform from being an exquisite, dramatic, flamboyant masterpiece to an effortless graceful and light movement, a charming, timeless style.

It was the perfect day for a pony ride, my little foray into the tranquil setting of the Czech countryside, one filled with green meadows and the quiet charm of a traditional village. This part of the countryside felt like stepping back into another era - where the rhythm of life is a gentle slow dance with nature's grace. My trusty guide, a local villager named Hana, told me stories of the ancient forest nearby - tales woven with magic and an ethereal spirit. The village was just a collection of cobbled streets, charming traditional houses, a picturesque church nestled at the top of a hill – truly a perfect fairytale setting. I even learned some Czech phrases. How wonderful is it to be in a land where words weave the magic of a long-forgotten language.

As we made our way through the enchanting landscape and through the forests, I found myself completely absorbed in the present moment. The gentle movements of the pony seemed to create an elegant sway, reminiscent of the delicate rhythms of a ballet routine. My ballet skills are still quite useful even on a pony ride, the ability to move in sync with the gentle rocking motion felt second nature to me.

I find myself falling deeper in love with the quiet grace of Prague. In the peaceful surroundings of the countryside, I was reminded that even amidst the urban excitement of a busy city, beauty and stillness can always be found. It was as if the very essence of Prague's heart was pouring out to me through the soft whispers of the wind and the gentle rustle of leaves. A magical symphony of nature that can only be appreciated by slowing down and embracing every precious moment.

There was a special air about this particular village. Hana mentioned it has a long tradition of weaving - its craft of lace making has been passed down through the generations. There was a charming little workshop nearby where the villagers continue to create beautiful and delicate lace items with an incredible skill that takes years of training. Of course, I couldn’t leave without purchasing a small handcrafted pink lace flower, an exquisite treasure for my collection. There’s something almost mystical about this kind of ancient skill – a tapestry of heritage interwoven with delicate artistic grace, reminiscent of a ballerina’s tutu itself.

A Whimsical Finale

Tonight's entertainment is filled with whimsical wonder. It is time for a little theatrical entertainment at a very special place called the Laterna Magika. Imagine the beauty of Prague’s medieval architecture, then add the charming twist of innovative theatrical projection art – a magical experience waiting to unfold. I can’t wait to see how this combination will make for a unique evening, I know it will be filled with a kaleidoscope of colours, light and magic - all enticing and mesmerising!

Of course, tomorrow’s post will be full of details on this truly magical performance – a true reflection of Prague's artistry at its finest! I hope to catch up with you then, on, to share the secrets of this spectacular experience.

Stay fabulous, Emma x

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 458

Dearest Tutu-lovers,

I hope this post finds you feeling fabulous and filled with an insatiable yearning to twirl and take the world by storm! Just as Prague holds an enchantment for me - every city is waiting to be unveiled with an abundance of inspiring treasures and moments of sheer joy.

There’s a real charm about embracing the spirit of a place through its artistic heritage, through the language of dance and movement. For me, Prague truly is an embodiment of artful elegance – a city that moves in a captivating symphony.

And I found just that with the performance I saw at the Laterna Magika - a truly unforgettable show! I was mesmerized from start to finish. I don’t want to spoil all the secrets of this magnificent production – but I can tell you this, it is a unique and extraordinary blend of artforms that come together in an exceptional way, bringing the magical power of storytelling to life.

It was truly enchanting – the magical blend of film projection, light design and captivating stage movement drew me completely into a realm where reality met the realm of imagination. Imagine beautiful projections and lighting techniques coming alive and merging with incredible physical stage performers! It was truly magical - and incredibly enchanting to experience this in the unique setting of the magical National Theatre.

Prague - a Treasure Chest of Creativity

This trip has made me think that perhaps it is time for me to embrace another art form in addition to ballet. Who knows what artistic gifts await me out there - maybe painting or perhaps photography? I find myself feeling the call of artistic discovery now that I have witnessed so much of it in this amazing city. I want to embark on a journey to explore new artistic landscapes and expand the bounds of my creative expression.

Now for a wee bit of travel news – as we’re coming to the end of this week in Prague I must prepare for a change in my schedule! The journey continues to my next ballet destination – a train trip to the fabulous city of Budapest, a journey packed with a delicious blend of adventure and of course, a little bit of pink.

Adieu, Prague - I'm going to miss your charming cobblestone streets and those delicious pastries! But I know that Budapest awaits with a whole new world of artistic wonders! Until then! Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-01-07