
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-10-06

Prague, darling, Prague! (Post #493)

Hello, my lovelies! It's your favourite tutu-clad adventurer, Emma, checking in from the magical city of Prague! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

This week, I'm ditching my Derbyshire Dales for a taste of Central European charm, and let me tell you, it's divine. Think cobblestone streets, historic buildings, and the most adorable little cafes, all nestled within the heart of this magnificent city. I've come for a special treat, of course: the ballet! But first, let's explore this fashion haven.

Prague: A Fairytale Come True

I've always been a big fan of fairy tales, and stepping into Prague is like stepping straight into one! The Old Town Square, with its iconic Astronomical Clock, felt like something out of a Brothers Grimm story, only with far more captivating outfits than a witch's cape. Speaking of outfits, my pink travel tutu, designed by the divine Mademoiselle Elodie, caused a real stir at the Prague Central Train Station. You know, those enchanting stares, the wide-eyed whispers... everyone's got to know, pink is the new black! ๐Ÿ’–

After settling into my adorable little pink-themed Airbnb (because a girl's gotta stay on brand, right?), it was time for a bit of shopping therapy. Prague is bursting with cute boutiques and independent shops, a fashionista's dream! I stocked up on the most gorgeous lace-trimmed headbands, a beautiful pastel-pink coat, and of course, some Prague-inspired jewellery. You wouldn't believe the divine pink earrings I found in a little hidden shop on the Charles Bridge! ๐Ÿ’–

Ballet, Beauty, and Bohemian Rhapsody

Now, about the ballet! My journey led me to the National Theatre, a magnificent, historic building, worthy of a thousand curtain calls. The grand ballroom was positively breathtaking, and I swear I felt like I was floating on a cloud as I took in the opulence. The evening's performance, Giselle, was truly enchanting. There were moments that sent shivers down my spine, the dancing was simply captivating, and I swear I saw tears in the eyes of even the most jaded critic.

After the performance, I headed out into the bustling city. It was a cool evening, but with a touch of Prague magic in the air. The Charles Bridge was bathed in the soft glow of the streetlamps, the air buzzing with the sounds of the city, and every shop window glittered like a fairy's dream. Prague by night? Pure enchantment.

My Pink Parisian Pony Adventure

No trip to Prague is complete without a whimsical journey, and for me, that meant hopping aboard a pink pony. I found the perfect steed, a fluffy creature named Belle, in the Old Town Square. Her coat was like spun sugar, and her eyes were bright and filled with mischief. The ponying was the perfect way to see the city, allowing me to move at my own pace and appreciate every little detail. I could totally get used to this way of transport! ๐Ÿ’–

A Farewell, Until Next Week!

This has been a whirlwind tour of Prague, a city that truly embodies the beauty of history and the allure of fairytale charm. From its cobbled streets and stunning architecture to its world-renowned ballet performances, this city is a constant source of inspiration and joy. I can't wait to share more stories about my time here in the weeks to come! Until then, don't forget to check out the amazing tutu collection on our website - we've got something for everyone!

Keep those tutus twirling, darlings!

See you next Wednesday, on www.pink-tutu.com!

P.S. I'm particularly thrilled to have spotted a pink pastry in a local cafe here! Naturally it ended up in my pink satchel, because what's a pink-tutu loving girl to do without a pink treat?! ๐Ÿฅ

Love always,



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2004-10-06