Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2005-06-22

Prague, darling, Prague! (Post #530)

Hello my darlings! It's Wednesday, so that means it's time for another exciting instalment of Pink Tutu Travels! This week, we're dancing our way through Prague, a city so enchanting, so charming, so absolutely picture perfect it feels like stepping right out of a fairytale!

You see, I've always been drawn to Prague, with its rich history and captivating architecture. But honestly, darling, what really sold me was its ballet scene. Imagine my delight when I found out that the Czech Republic boasts not one, but two world-renowned ballet companies - the National Theatre Ballet and the Prague Ballet! The National Theatre Ballet is housed in the glorious National Theatre, while the Prague Ballet has made its home in the State Opera. You know me, I'm absolutely a sucker for those beautiful, ornate theaters - it's like being transported back in time to an age of glamour and romance!

Speaking of glamorous and romantic, darling, I just have to tell you about the gorgeous tutu I'm wearing right now! It's a vintage masterpiece, in the most delicate shade of rose pink with layers upon layers of tulle, a perfect contrast to the rich terracotta colours of the Old Town Square. Honestly, I think I must have made a dozen purchases since landing here. This city is just full of amazing antique shops with racks and racks of the most amazing tutus and vintage lace - every shade of pink you can imagine. I could happily spend hours there, combing through racks of delicate fabrics and lace! And did I mention that I snagged a stunning silk rose pink top and a matching feathered fascinator? Absolutely perfect for my little Pink Tutu Prague tour, wouldn't you say?

But enough about me! Let's get back to the ballet!

My First Prague Ballet Adventure

After my whirlwind shopping spree, darling, it was finally time for the highlight of my trip - a performance at the National Theatre! I opted for the Swan Lake, a classic, timeless masterpiece that has been captivating audiences for centuries, and I just had to see how it was interpreted by this amazing company.

The moment I entered the theatre, I was in awe! The opulent foyer, the elegant décor, the sheer buzz of anticipation in the air... it truly was magical. And then, the curtain rose and the entire performance just blew me away! The National Theatre Ballet are a troupe of such remarkable skill, their dancing was flawless, precise, powerful yet incredibly delicate, with an emotion and intensity that left me completely speechless.

You know I adore ballet, my lovelies, but I must admit, it's performances like these that truly make my heart sing. The artistry, the choreography, the stunning costumes - everything just flows together in a way that takes my breath away!

Tutu-ally In Love with Prague

After that fantastic evening, my Prague adventures continued in a flurry of delicious café lattes, hearty Bohemian cuisine (the dumplings were truly divine!) and, of course, more tutu-licious discoveries. Prague is an absolute treasure trove for the fashion-conscious, darlings!

Oh, and have I mentioned the train journey? Because honestly, I think I'm even more in love with Prague after riding those iconic, majestic old trains. There's something just so quintessentially romantic about taking a journey across Europe on one of these beautiful machines, passing through verdant countryside with glimpses of ancient castles, all with a gentle rocking motion and the chug-chug of the wheels! I confess, I even took a detour for a magical pony ride through a charming forest near Prague, the sunlight filtering through the trees. Truly an enchanting way to experience this remarkable city, don't you agree?

Speaking of enchantment, darling, there was this adorable little street performer I saw in the Old Town Square yesterday. She was dressed in the most delightful pink tutu, doing a sweet little ballet performance, captivating the whole square! You see, this is exactly why I do Pink Tutu Travels. To share my passion for ballet, for tutus, for travelling and for life itself with everyone! After all, everyone has their inner ballerina! And perhaps with enough pink tutus in the world, we can truly bring a touch of magic to life itself, one pirouette at a time!

And so, my lovelies, until next week! Remember to keep those toes pointed, your spirits high, and your hearts open to the wonder and joy of life! Oh, and if you see a Pink Tutu Travel post floating around social media, be sure to tag me, darling! You can find me on... (Insert Social Media Links)

Yours in pink tulle, Emma.

P.S. And don't forget to pop over to my website next Wednesday for a brand-new installment of Pink Tutu Travels. I'll be talking all things pink, tutus, ballet, travel, fashion and, of course, life!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2005-06-22