
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2006-10-04

Prague: Where Dreams Come True in Pink!

Post #597: Wednesday, October 4th, 2006

Bonjour, lovelies! 🩰✨

It's Emma here, your pink-tutu-loving friend, ready to whisk you away on a whirlwind adventure to the stunning city of Prague. Yes, my lovelies, this week I'm trading Derbyshire for the cobbled streets and gothic charm of the Czech Republic. The air hums with the energy of history and magic, and I can practically feel the rhythm of the waltz in my soul.

And wouldn't you know it, my arrival coincided with a glorious performance at the beautiful Estates Theatre! Oh, the joy! As a ballet fanatic, nothing beats seeing a live show in a theatre steeped in history. It was a treat for the eyes, ears, and soul. The dancers were absolutely magical, twirling and leaping with effortless grace. And, let's be honest, a performance in such a historic building simply amplified the magic.

Speaking of magical, just look at the outfit I whipped up for the occasion! πŸ’– It wouldn't be a ballet night without my trusty pink tutu, of course. I paired it with a chic white lace top, some sparkling earrings, and my favourite sparkly pink heels. After all, a bit of extra glitter never hurt anyone, did it?

But Prague is more than just breathtaking performances, lovelies. This city truly embraces its artistry, weaving it into its very fabric. We started the day with a ballet class at the adorable Dance Studio in the Old Town. Now, I'll admit, learning the grand jetΓ© on a cobblestone floor is a bit trickier than my usual studio, but it was an absolute joy!

After our class, we explored the bustling streets of Prague, marveling at its beauty. From the towering Astronomical Clock to the intricate architecture of the Charles Bridge, each corner held a new wonder. I even found a charming little shop called 'Tutus of Prague'. They have the most exquisite collection of tutus, with feathers, sparkles, and delicate floral details that are just to die for! Naturally, I had to bring home a few beauties for my own collection.

Oh, and before I forget, a trip to Prague wouldn't be complete without some traditional Czech food! I tried the most delightful creamy potato soup and delicious pork with dumplings - and, of course, I had to indulge in a sweet dessert too. I may be a tutu-loving ballerina, but even I have my weaknesses! πŸ˜‰

Ballet Inspiration Everywhere

Prague seems to whisper stories of ballet history and tutu evolution at every turn. The architecture alone whispers a timeless tale. Imagine ballerinas performing in the royal halls, their tutus swirling under glittering chandeliers!

Speaking of tutu history, I recently learned about a fascinating connection between Prague and the humble tutu. Apparently, the evolution of the tutu was heavily influenced by the Czech tradition of using tulle in clothing. It was used to make beautiful shawls and veils, which eventually paved the way for the evolution of the ballet tutu!

Of course, a ballerina like me has to take advantage of all this stunning architecture and history, doesn't she? πŸ’ƒ Imagine a photo shoot with Prague as my backdrop! I envisioned myself posing gracefully in my favourite pink tutu, maybe even against the backdrop of the Charles Bridge or in a cobblestone courtyard!

Prague's history of dancing is as rich as its architecture. There are records of court ballets dating back to the 16th century. I mean, imagine how glorious it would be to be a ballerina back then, swirling around in a majestic tutu under the gaze of royalty! It truly makes one wish we could step back in time, just for a moment.

Finding Your Inner Ballerina

But here's the truth, lovelies, we don't have to be royalty to find our inner ballerina! Whether it's exploring a new city, learning a new dance move, or just twirling in your own living room, finding your inner ballerina is all about embracing joy, grace, and beauty. And what better way to express all of that than with a fabulous pink tutu? πŸ˜‰

On the Road Again: Riding to Prague by Train and Pony

Speaking of finding joy, my journey to Prague was itself an adventure. πŸš„ 🐴 I started with a comfy train ride from Derbyshire, England. A scenic journey across the countryside – a magical adventure in itself. It's amazing what a simple train ride can do for the soul, you know? There's something about watching the landscape unfold, with each passing station a new story waiting to be written.

Upon arrival, we embraced the Czech spirit and opted for a horse-drawn carriage ride into the city centre! A charming experience for sure. And let me tell you, lovelies, the ponies were the cutest things ever, all fluffy and playful. I think my love for all things pink extended to their cute little noses too.

Next Week's Adventures

My friends, this week's Prague blog is coming to an end. And wouldn’t you know it, I'm just getting started with all the fun! Next week, we’re venturing further into Prague's hidden corners, delving into the art and fashion scene, exploring the hidden ballet secrets, and, of course, I will be sharing some of the amazing tutu finds I unearthed at 'Tutus of Prague'!

Keep a close eye on pink-tutu.com for more Parisian style and a dash of ballerina charm, coming right up next week!

Until then, let your inner ballerina shine. 🩰

Love, Emma πŸ’–

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2006-10-04