Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-03-07

Prague: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! (Post #619)

Hello, darlings! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad travel blogger, ready to whisk you away to the charming cobbled streets of Prague! This week, I've packed my trusty suitcase, donned my most twirly tulle confection (it’s a blush-pink layered beauty with a dash of silver sparkle!), and boarded the Eurostar, all thanks to a magnificent ballet opportunity!

Prague Calling!

Yes, dearies, this city of fairytale spires and golden clocks has been beckoning me for weeks. You see, Prague’s National Theatre is hosting a spectacular ballet festival featuring an incredible performance of "Giselle." The romanticism, the heartbreaking tale of a heartbroken peasant girl who succumbs to the allure of a disguised nobleman – oh, I could practically hear the soaring violins from across the channel!

Of course, I couldn’t resist packing my most elaborate pink tutu for this very special occasion. A full-circle tulle explosion of baby-pink and shimmering gold sequins – it's positively fit for a ballerina royalty. Now, if only Prague held a "Pink Tutu Appreciation Day", my life would be complete! 😉

Adventures in Tutu-land

Arriving in Prague, the city itself seemed to welcome me with open arms! A riot of colour, historic architecture, and cobblestone streets – just the backdrop for a ballet enthusiast like me! My journey included a fun little adventure: I had to navigate the final leg of my journey with a local horse-drawn carriage. Honestly, how perfectly delightful is that? Imagine the scene: me in my pink tulle, bouncing in a charming carriage, while Prague's grand buildings flashed by. The horses seemed to understand the occasion; their glossy coats glistened in the afternoon sun like polished ballet shoes!

Tutu Shopping Extravaganza!

After settling into my adorable, blush-pink-walled hotel, (more on that later – I must share the glorious bathtub with pink bath salts!), my first mission was to scour Prague for some more pink tulle treasures. Imagine, dearies, a boutique hidden away in a cobbled alleyway! This shop was bursting at the seams with vintage tutus – and, would you believe it? They had a magnificent lavender-pink silk tutu, a perfect compliment to my collection. I even bought a miniature pink tutued doll for my darling nephew!

National Theatre - Ballet Magic!

But nothing could compare to the highlight of my trip - the breathtaking ballet performance at the National Theatre! The grand architecture of the theatre itself was awe-inspiring, the intricate carvings and the rich red velvet seating were fit for a princess! The “Giselle” performance was truly spellbinding! The grace and artistry of the dancers brought tears to my eyes - those pirouettes and arabesques just make you feel so utterly alive! Afterwards, I did, of course, gush over the ballerinas, each and every one a pink tutu dream! (Though secretly, I was dreaming of being on stage alongside them.)

Fashion & Friends

Oh, the fashion in Prague! You must come and see! From the vibrant street performers who put on a spectacular impromptu show, (they seemed to have coordinated their tutus perfectly – not as good as mine, naturally!) to the chic women with their elegant ensembles – every street corner in Prague feels like a runway! And of course, I found the most divine vintage lace blouse that pairs beautifully with my favourite pale-pink ballet flats – a truly elegant, Prague-inspired ensemble!

My Pink Tutu Journey Continues…

But this trip wasn't all ballet and fashion, dear friends! I made new acquaintances, both with other tutu-loving travellers, and with locals who are discovering the joy of embracing the pink tutu spirit! And remember, dear friends, my pink tutu philosophy is all about embracing joy, finding beauty in unexpected places, and making everyone feel a little more magical!

So, whether you are strolling down a Prague cobblestone street, taking a carriage ride through a sun-drenched park, or watching the graceful figures glide across a theatre stage, let a touch of pink tutu magic into your day.

Don't forget to check in with me next week! I’m planning on exploring more of Prague’s hidden treasures and sharing all the magical details with you. Remember, dearies, every day is a new opportunity to add a little pink tutu magic to the world!


Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-03-07