Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-06-13

Prague Postcard: Ballet, Bling and a Pink Tutu in the City of a Hundred Spires (Post #633)

Bonjour mes chéries! This week's post is brought to you live from Prague, the glorious, fairytale city of cobbled streets, ancient churches and a million, magical, twinkling lights at night. You know how much I adore a good fairytale, especially if it comes with a castle, and Prague's absolutely bursting with them! This city really is a fairytale come to life and you know what I like better than a fairytale? A fairytale in a pink tutu! So that’s exactly what I’m doing - living out my ballerina dreams in a city dripping with history, culture, and let's be honest, utterly fantastic shopping!

This week I've been touring Prague's grand ballet theatres and finding some hidden gems amongst the cobbled alleys, tucking into pastries bigger than my head (and don't think I didn't enjoy that) and exploring every nook and cranny that this utterly enchanting city has to offer. But before I start gushing like a lovestruck schoolgirl (because, yes, that's what I feel like, except replace the schoolboy with a 16th century, Czech castle), let's get down to brass tacks: what makes this week so special? Well, it's June the 13th, 2007 which, for any self-respecting ballerina, means ONE THING - The Ballet of the National Theatre Prague! And it's not just any performance; tonight, I'm going to be mesmerised by "The Sleeping Beauty"! I know, I'm practically bursting with excitement! The costumes alone are enough to make you weep (in a good way, obviously). Just imagine a room full of tulle, sequins and a healthy dose of velvet!

Speaking of which, it's impossible to come to Prague and not indulge in a little bit of fashion retail therapy. Seriously, this city is like a haven for every girl's fashion dreams - from vintage lace boutiques tucked away on narrow streets to designer shops vying for attention on the grandest squares. My eyes are already getting misty just thinking about it. I think a new pink tutu will have to make its way home with me from this trip. Because what's a fairytale without a pink tutu, right? But let's rewind a little. I can't just waltz into a city as beautiful as this one without you joining me on a little adventure.

Arrival by Train, Naturally

You all know I'm a big fan of train travel, the romantic swaying rhythm of the rails and the scenery flitting past like a scene from a vintage ballet - the smell of the engine, the sound of the train tracks clicking along, the views that change with every mile. This journey started in Derbyshire, England, with a cuppa tea and a last glance at my dear countryside, where everything seems to be wrapped in a layer of mist and gentle peacefulness. After bidding farewell to the Derbyshire countryside, the train journey was a symphony of bustling towns, emerald green fields and towering brick chimneys that danced with the steam rising from the train. Oh, the romance of it all! But then, the train journey suddenly morphed into a whirlwind adventure as it raced through the heart of Germany. You know, they say, Europe on a train is one of the best ways to travel. And you know what? They're not wrong!

Horse Power in Prague

Upon arrival, it wasn’t a horse-drawn carriage for me this time, I needed some fun, some glamour, and yes, a little pink. And the answer came in the form of a sleek and elegant pink horse and cart! Now, I'm not sure if it was the magical atmosphere of Prague or just the sheer beauty of this unique mode of transport, but riding into Prague was like stepping into a storybook - just picture me, hair flying in the wind, with a gorgeous pink pony pulling me down a street that’s absolutely brimming with cobbled magic.

And you just know this wasn’t just any ordinary pink pony – she had her own pink tutu! Okay, maybe it was a bit much, I'm definitely aware of that, but it’s Prague! If it's not extravagant in this city, are you even in the right place?

Finding the Soul of the City

The first thing that hits you when you arrive in Prague is the sheer beauty. I'm talking stunning architecture, towering gothic spires, colourful houses squeezed together like dolls’ houses. It's the kind of city that makes you want to wear your most elegant frock and just lose yourself in its charm. Speaking of charm, let's talk about Prague's soul – its heart, its history. This city is one of those places that whispers stories with every step you take, its history echoes in the cobbles and whispers from behind stained-glass windows. You can feel the centuries swirling around you, all that passion, all that life, all that artistry… I am, as they say, in awe. It’s an overwhelming sensation. You feel like you've wandered into a book, not just any book, but a history book brought to life.

Ballet Delights: Prague's Dancing Heart

Prague, with its elegant boulevards and charming courtyards, feels like a city designed for ballet! With its blend of romanticism, artistry and undeniable grandeur, it's hard not to be enchanted by this magical city. Prague truly seems to dance. You can feel its energy pulsing through the cobblestone streets, and with a heart like that, it’s no surprise that it has an incredible ballet scene!

You guys know I'm obsessed with anything and everything ballet. The tutus, the stories, the music – all of it! And Prague didn’t disappoint – every step of this journey is sprinkled with the grace and magic of ballet. Every corner you turn is like a chapter in a beautifully illustrated ballet book, and you just know the ballerina is about to step on stage!

A Tutu, A Dream, and a City

For my ballet-loving heart, there’s no better feeling than getting lost in a beautiful city with a pink tutu swirling around me. I've already started sketching out the design for my new, Prague-inspired tutu! It’s got to be luxurious and dreamy – like a whisper of the city in a sea of tulle. Lace, sparkles, perhaps some strategically placed pearls to pay homage to the architecture? This city is practically designed to inspire creativity!

The Ballet, The Ball, and Me!

Tonight's performance is not to be missed. It's the iconic, majestic The Sleeping Beauty. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am about seeing this ballet, which is just so unbelievably full of magic and grace and those spectacular’s basically everything a pink tutu fanatic could ever want! You know it’s not just a performance – it’s a story! It’s about dreaming, about love, about beauty in its truest form – it's the same kind of magic that this city exudes! It’s hard to say which I'm more excited about, the city, the tutu, or the ballet – let’s just say, my life is currently complete.

But that's not the only reason why this ballet feels special – I'm lucky enough to be attending The Sleeping Beauty in the National Theatre Prague – one of the most iconic and historically rich venues in Prague! I’m talking architectural marvels, stunning acoustics, and a stage that practically begs to be graced by the most beautiful of ballerinas. I am living for the opportunity to be surrounded by so much artistry and history – just as I am surrounded by the heart and soul of this breathtaking city!

Exploring the City's Heart, One Pink Tutu at a Time!

As for the rest of my time here, I’ve got so much lined up! From exploring Prague’s grand squares to getting lost in its quaint alleyways and even a stop at the Charles Bridge for some Instagram-worthy snaps of my tulle! Yes, Prague has a whole world waiting to be explored! There's a bohemian air to the whole place, a sort of I-could-stay-here-forever energy.

You can always count on me for sharing the beauty of a place with you guys! Prague's beauty isn’t just the historical sights and sounds – it’s about soaking in its character, feeling the joy and love pulsating within the cobblestone streets!

And it’s more than just a fairytale, it’s a whirlwind of elegance and grace, a kaleidoscope of stunning architecture and breathtaking history! Prague, with its rich tapestry of cultural life, seems tailor-made for pink tutu adventures!

I’ll be posting a follow up once my "Sleeping Beauty" experience is complete - you can be sure, darling, there’s going to be a plethora of pictures, memories, and insights! Because Prague and the ballet together - well, you know I’m already counting the days for a return trip, and trust me, it will definitely be with my pink tutu and a notebook in tow!

Until then, don’t forget to catch up with the rest of my blog on! You can see all the latest on my life and ballet adventures and, most importantly, my favourite pink tutus! Until next time, lovelies!

With pink-tutu love,

Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-06-13