Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-10-10

Post 650: Prague, Prague, Prague! Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of a Hundred Spires

Well, hello there, darlings! Emma here, and you're all very welcome to another Pink Tutu adventure! I’m currently sipping on a hot chocolate, snuggled up in the most charming little café, watching the world go by from a window seat. And what a world it is – I'm in Prague, everyone! That's right, the City of a Hundred Spires, a haven of history, fairytale architecture, and… drumrollamazing shopping!

This week's adventures started with a trip to the National Theatre, a majestic beauty with a rich history, that left me completely smitten with its grandeur. I've already filled a notebook with sketches of the beautiful costumes in the ballet, and even snapped a picture or two of my favourite designs for my Pink Tutu Pinterest board. Let's get this pink tutu aesthetic into the National Theatre, I say!

The show was phenomenal, a blend of the old and new with the most delightful choreography. You could feel the passion for the art pouring off the stage, which honestly just fuelled my love for this city. Afterwards, a very chic café was in order to dissect the show, of course, along with the finest pralines I've ever had! Maybe I could even open up my own tutu-inspired chocolate shop here… the possibilities are endless!

After a delightful afternoon spent wandering the old cobbled streets, exploring the quaint shops and admiring the enchanting buildings, I popped by the magnificent Charles Bridge. It was like stepping into a storybook. Every bridge has its own magic, don’t you think? The history, the artistry, the views – pure inspiration!

Now, you know how I love to travel by train - and especially ponies. There is something undeniably charming about pulling up in front of a grand hotel in a carriage, draped in silks and sparkles, don't you think? I can almost hear the whispers as I dismount: “Oh, my, look at that divine Pink Tutu lady – she has a Pony Express to the theatre every night!” (Okay, maybe a touch of wishful thinking – pony taxis in the heart of Prague are quite a rarity, darling! But I'm dreaming…pink tutu dreams that is!).

So, what else can I tell you? Prague is a treasure trove, my dears. The atmosphere is so unique, so captivating – I don't want to leave! My heart already aches for the cobblestones, the bustling squares, the grand buildings and that gorgeous view from the top of the Petřín Hill observatory (more photos coming soon, don't worry!), where I totally bought myself a charming little souvenir (with my favourite colour on it – of course! Pink! Of course! ).

On Wednesday I'll be posting more adventures here at I might even show you the new pink tutu outfit I bought ( that gorgeous silk satin will be going with me to every theatre here, it's perfect! I shall be making everyone stop in their tracks in *my little slice of Pink Tutu Prague). Until then, take a peek at this week's highlights:

Pink Tutu's Prague Photos!

(Image of Emma in a pink tutu in front of Prague's Old Town Square, with a beautiful Gothic church in the background. A street artist in the distance is painting a picture on an easel.)

“Oh, my! This was the most divine city square I've seen – such colour, such intricate architecture – even the cobblestones felt like they were shimmering! Of course, the moment I arrived in this city square, my brain instantly imagined me doing a ballet routine across those cobblestones… It's practically begging for a little Pink Tutu touch, don't you think?"

(Image of a large plate of delectable pastries, a croissant with a dusting of icing sugar, and some gorgeous French pastries – everything is meticulously arranged, looking utterly beautiful.)

"This delicious selection of pastries from the café was a must after such an invigorating morning of ballet class and a truly magical history lecture. Prague's architecture and design are such an inspiration to me! I’m already taking note of ideas for my upcoming Pink Tutu Boutique, hopefully soon to open near Derbyshire. I've had such a rush of creativity while being here in Prague – I can’t wait to share it all with you all.”

(Image of a beautiful ballet costume in a museum. A large display cabinet showcasing an antique ballet dress. It's a rich, vibrant red with beautiful lace detailing and sequins. The dress is in a pristine condition.)

"My ballet muse found me in Prague! This exquisite display of costumes took my breath away – just look at the elegance, the craftsmanship! All I'm missing now is a little *Pink Tutu twist, right?*

*And Now, A Word From the Tutu Queen… *

Did you know there’s something truly fascinating about tutus? Every type of tutu represents an era, from the Romantic to the 20th Century and even beyond! When I see these amazing, historical creations, it almost takes my breath away… My mind simply wanders to the ballets and operas these pieces were worn for – The Nutcracker, Giselle, Swan Lake… so beautiful! Can’t you imagine how those early ballerinas would feel seeing what we’ve got in the *Pink Tutu world?*. I’d like to believe my favourite colour Pink, will forever be a part of ballet history!

(Emma points to the photograph of a ballet dress, her face a mixture of delight and wonder.) “Don’t worry, darling! Pink Tutu is about much more than the colour pink; it's about fun, passion, creativity – it's a tutu lifestyle, and it's something that will hopefully last forever! And I'll be there to show the world that anything can be made fabulous – and fun!– in a pink tutu, just wait and see.

The Ballet World Awaits!

Now, as the sun is beginning to set here in Prague, the beautiful lights in the city come alive – oh my, I’m telling you, it’s spectacular – it's like Alice in Wonderland mixed with a Pink Tutu Dream! I’m sure every evening is magic here, and with so many exciting new performances coming to Prague’s magnificent venues… it’s really quite overwhelming.

I have some incredible shows lined up! (I can't divulge too many details just yet) – but you know it’s gonna be magnificent, and you'll see the magic happen here on my Pink Tutu Prague blog next Wednesday – along with the best outfit and shopping finds, all topped off with some divine photos, of course, what else would you expect?

See you all next week! Until then, I wish you all an abundance of sparkling moments and beautiful memories… and, of course, *lots of love, from your Pink Tutu blogger! *

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-10-10