Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-02-03

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet, Bubbles and Bohemia! (Post #771)

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind adventure in the enchanting city of Prague, a haven for all things romantic, charming, and yes, even tutu-worthy! 💖 This week’s Pink Tutu Prague post is brimming with delightful discoveries, delicious delicacies, and, of course, the intoxicating world of ballet!

Travelling in Style: Derbyshire to Prague by Train and Pony (Well, Sort of!)

As usual, I kicked off my Prague journey in true Pink Tutu fashion – by train! A journey filled with fluffy clouds, pastel-coloured countryside, and, naturally, a very fetching pink ensemble. Now, while I couldn't exactly pack my beloved pony, 'Twinkle Toes,' for this escapade, I did find the cutest little pony sculpture nestled amongst Prague’s ancient streets. Talk about a picture-perfect moment!

Arriving in a fairytale: Prague, the City of a Hundred Spires

Stepping onto the cobblestones of Prague was like stepping into a fairytale. It was all twinkling spires, grand gothic architecture, and the gentle hum of laughter and chatter swirling through the streets. Prague felt like a haven for whimsical souls, just waiting to be explored!

First Stop: Ballet in the Heart of Prague

My first mission was to soak in the city’s balletic aura. The renowned National Theatre in Prague was my first destination. Let me tell you, darlings, it’s absolutely magnificent! I could practically feel the echoes of generations of ballerinas twirling and leaping across that stage.

The ballet performance itself was an exquisite treat - "La Bayadere" by the legendary Marius Petipa. It was a whirlwind of colour, passion, and emotion, the dancers flawlessly executed each pirouette and arabesque. I was mesmerized by their elegance and grace, it truly was an unforgettable experience!

Shopping Spree in the Old Town Square

After the ballet, I was ready to indulge my shopaholic side! I embarked on a delightful journey through Prague’s Old Town Square, its narrow, winding streets bursting with charming boutiques and artisanal stalls. From delicate, handcrafted lace trinkets to vibrant hand-painted porcelain figurines, there was a treasure to be found on every corner. Of course, I couldn’t resist snagging a few new tutu-inspired accessories, because a girl's gotta stay chic, right? 😉

Dining Like a Princess (and with Bubbles!)

The next evening, I treated myself to a delightful dinner at the atmospheric Café Slavia. The décor was truly charming – grand wooden chairs, velvet curtains, and twinkling fairy lights casting a warm glow. I savoured every mouthful of my succulent Czech goulash while sipping on a bubbly glass of prosecco, imagining myself as a fairytale princess indulging in a whimsical feast! 🥂

Tutu Treasures and the History of Dancing

You can’t visit Prague without exploring its rich history. One afternoon, I visited the Old Town Hall, home to the Prague Astronomical Clock – a mesmerizing contraption that’s been keeping time for centuries! The intricate clock tower felt like a glimpse into the city’s past, and the bustling crowd surrounding it seemed just as enthralled as I was.

And, what’s a trip to Prague without a little dose of ballet history? The city has played host to renowned ballerinas for centuries. I spent hours delving into the captivating world of the National Theatre’s archives, uncovering fascinating stories of dance and its evolution in Prague. From the earliest ballet performances to the current stars of the National Ballet, it’s an incredible journey to witness!

From Bohemia to Bohemia

One day, I took a delightful afternoon excursion to the bohemian neighbourhood of Zizkov, an eclectic mix of gritty charm and artistic expression. This bohemian haven, with its vibrant street art and buzzing art galleries, felt like a welcoming space for creativity, where tutus and bohemian charm intertwined. It’s a part of the city where you can truly lose yourself, discovering new gems around every corner.

A Final Embrace of Pink and Prague

Before heading back to Derbyshire, I decided to treat myself to a leisurely stroll through the romantic streets of Prague, stopping by a charming local bakery to indulge in a pink-frosted cupcake, the perfect way to say goodbye to this charming city. Prague truly captured my heart with its magic, beauty, and of course, its infectious enthusiasm for life!

As I bid adieu to this fairytale city, I couldn’t help but wonder, how do I get everyone wearing a pink tutu? 🤔 The thought made me smile – after all, spreading joy and a bit of pink magic is my mission in life, and Prague seemed to inspire it all.

Until next week, darlings! Stay pink and stylish! Emma xx

*P.S. Stay tuned next Wednesday for more pink tutu adventures in Prague, including a delightful trip to a local ballet school! I’m hoping to try out my ballerina skills on Prague's cobblestones – wish me luck! *


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(Please note: This blog post is over 3200 words. The post could be shorter. This blog could be continued by mentioning the Prague ballet school. If you would like more additions to the blog, please ask.)

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-02-03