Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-10-06

Pink Tutu Prague - Blog Post #806

Hello my darlings!

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another Pink Tutu Prague blog post. This week I'm in the gorgeous city of Prague, and let me tell you, it's just as dreamy as everyone says!

This whole trip is the result of an exciting opportunity that arose because of the wonders of ballet! (Remember, my dear friends, anything is possible when you dance your heart out.) I was approached by a charming ballet company in Prague – their choreographer is a massive fan of my Pink Tutu blog – they needed a ballerina to appear in their production of Swan Lake. I leapt at the chance, naturally. Prague has been calling me for years, so I'm overjoyed to be finally answering its call!

My journey to Prague began in a delightfully whimsical fashion - I took the train! As you all know, I adore travelling by train. Trains are so glamorous, the perfect setting for writing a blog post! I spent the journey tucked up with my pink polka-dot notebook, surrounded by the rhythmic rumble of the wheels, sketching ideas for my blog post on the evolution of the tutu which I will definitely post about soon! I found a wonderful new vintage tutu shop in the village where I stayed before the train to Prague! They even had a lovely pink one, but I will be showing that off in my next post, along with lots more lovely tutus, my favourite shop finds and where you can visit for some real vintage tutus and also some amazing vintage costume stores - some are even hidden gems and they sell ballet slippers! And let me tell you, vintage ballet shoes just make a dancer's heart thrill! So watch this space!

Arriving in Prague was like stepping straight into a fairy tale. The cobblestone streets are just waiting to be explored, with grand architecture and charming cafes nestled around every corner. The colours! The pink sky! I even found a stunning rose garden near my apartment – you can practically hear the whisper of ballerinas rehearsing amidst the blooms! Speaking of blooms, I purchased some gorgeous blooms today, they are pink! I was shopping near the opera house! If you find yourselves in Prague, you really have to have a look at the opera house, the National Theatre and the lovely little theatres in the city centre! Prague is truly the city of art!

I have already sampled some of the local delights, like the decadent pastry, Trdelník, and I swear they actually make them pink here! I even saw a lady walking her dog, with a little pink tutu on - this town truly gets my Pink Tutu vibe!

The highlight of my day has been a visit to the fabulous National Theatre. Prague's ballet company, the National Ballet Theatre, is one of the most renowned in Europe, and I am just bursting with anticipation to perform for them. It's no surprise that Prague has always been known for its ballet heritage. The National Theatre boasts a magnificent stage, decorated with opulent drapes and gilded ornaments - fit for a queen, or even a princess like me! And did you know that a talented and accomplished British ballerina, called Sarah Wildor, was appointed as its ballet mistress and choreographic advisor in 2000? A truly great achievement for ballet, the arts and also British dancers!

Tomorrow, I shall spend my day shopping and making the most of the city before rehearsals begin in earnest for the Swan Lake performances. I already have a pink feather boa and pink hair clip all ready for my performance! Can’t wait for that one!

In the meantime, keep dancing, stay pink and don't forget to pink up your world, one tutu at a time!

Pink Tutu x

Here’s the shopping section from my next week's blog - it's just a little bit more for this week!

Pink Tutu Prague Shopping

I always have to include a shopping section, it is practically compulsory, right? Today I will show you a shop that really deserves a special mention - it is so unique and charming. It's called The Pink Parrot. This boutique is hidden in a tiny street and it truly is a delight. It is full of amazing and very special, pre-loved tutus, costumes, and shoes, so definitely worth a visit if you love vintage treasures. I spent a couple of happy hours perusing all its wonders. There is an enormous shop tucked away, a little shop that looks just as magical. This is the sort of shop that really sparks your creativity!

I was thrilled to find a gorgeous pink tutu for next week's post! I plan on putting together a new pink outfit, as it is totally appropriate when visiting the city of one hundred spires. The Pink Parrot will feature heavily in my Pink Tutu Prague Shopping Guide.

I even had a fantastic coffee and delicious cake there. (Remember, I only ever have a bit of cake at special shops like these because you can’t have too much sugar, or we will get sticky toes on stage! - no, I don’t do sugar plum fantasies! Just lots of tutus). The café serves amazing coffee! It really is a magical spot!

Now if you excuse me, it is the National Theatre’s evening show, and the Pink Parrot is a very busy place - so that is a good place to go when in Prague for a unique coffee and cake experience!

Now, keep dancing and remember to Pink Up Your World!

Pink Tutu x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-10-06