Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-11-24

Prague, My Love! A Pink Tutu Tale (Post #813)

Hello, darlings! Emma here, your resident pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed adventurer. Today marks a momentous occasion! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for my weekly Prague blog, and this week I'm positively giddy because it's my second week in this gorgeous city!

Last week, I promised you all a whirl through Prague's stunning Old Town Square, a delve into the city's captivating ballet history, and a peek at some truly beautiful tutus I spotted in the shops! Well, I’m here to deliver!

Let's start with that dazzling Old Town Square, shall we? Imagine cobbled streets adorned with fairytale-esque buildings, a magnificent astronomical clock that tells time like no other, and the vibrant pulse of the city coursing through its very veins.

That, my dears, is Old Town Square. The minute I stepped out of the train station, it felt like I had been swept straight onto the set of a fairytale movie. The streets buzzed with tourists, street performers, and charming cafés, and the iconic clock tower was just begging for a photo op! It was utterly enchanting, and I couldn't wait to get lost in its winding alleyways and uncover all the hidden treasures this square had to offer.

Speaking of hidden treasures, I stumbled upon a tiny, delightful shop nestled in one of these enchanting alleyways. Imagine this, my loves: shelves piled high with tutus of every imaginable colour, shape, and size! I literally had to force myself to leave. Resisting tutus – the thought is practically sacrilegious, but alas, my suitcase just couldn't handle it all.

While exploring, I discovered a fascinating little museum dedicated to the history of Prague's ballet scene. They had this amazing display of costumes, including some spectacular tutus. Now, if you’re as crazy about ballet history as I am, this is essential – it's like a time capsule of Prague's dance heritage. They had tutus from the Romantic era with their ethereal softness and billowing layers, the more flamboyant designs of the late 19th century, and the more minimalist, modern styles of today. A must-see, my lovelies!

The highlight of my week, though, had to be my trip to the National Theatre, the crown jewel of Prague’s theatrical scene. Oh my! Stepping inside is like walking into a palace of elegance and grandeur, and the stage is a real spectacle! This week, I saw "The Nutcracker", and it was so beautifully executed, the dancing was phenomenal, and it brought the story to life in a most magical way!

Now, before we bid adieu to this week's Prague adventures, I simply must mention that my travels here are financed by my ballet performances. I spend the evenings dancing my heart out, spinning, twirling, and captivating audiences. That allows me to spend my days exploring and documenting these beautiful experiences for you all! Isn’t it fab that I can turn my love of dance into my passport to the world?

I'll leave you with a couple of fun things I noticed this week in Prague:

  1. The Pony: My dears, this is how I'm getting around this week! There's this adorable little pony pulling a carriage, perfect for cruising through the park or seeing the sights of Prague in style. Honestly, the carriage is positively delighted in its little pink tutu. Let's just say I'm going to get my money’s worth!

  2. Street Fashion: Okay, Prague knows how to dress! It's practically a catwalk. The fashion here is so chic and eclectic. I spotted one amazing look, the most stylish tutu you can imagine - black mesh, silver embellishments, and a touch of Parisian elegance - the perfect balance of whimsy and sophistication. It truly blew my mind!

Until next week, my lovelies, stay fabulously pink!

P.S. If you have any tips for a pink tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed gal in Prague, drop them in the comments below!

Lots of love, * *Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-11-24