
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-02-27

Pink Tutu Prague: Post #931

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

Oh darling! Can you believe it's already Wednesday? This week has flown by like a dancer's pirouette! And you know what that means? Time for my weekly Prague post on www.pink-tutu.com! Iā€™m sitting in a little cafe overlooking the Charles Bridge ā€“ sipping hot chocolate with whipped cream (pink, naturally!) ā€“ while watching the city wake up.

Prague has a magical atmosphere, even more so than usual. Today is the day ā€“ the day of my long-awaited ballet performance! A little birdie told me thereā€™s a spectacular new production of ā€œGiselleā€ at the National Theatre ā€“ and everyone knows how much I love Giselle! But first, darling, a quick chat about my look for this special occasion!

The Tutu Factor

This weekend's journey began on Tuesday morning, packed with excitement, dreams, and of course, pink tutus. My fabulous vintage number is everything. I snagged it from a charming antique shop in Derbyshire, and it has the most beautiful pale-pink tulle, all shimmering with silver sequins! I even found the most perfect pink feather boa to match - perfect for a dramatic entrance, don't you think? And of course, what is a ballerina without her sparkly shoes?

Speaking of sparkly shoes... did I tell you about my exciting trip to the Bottega Veneta store yesterday? Their shoes! You simply must see their new line - itā€™s an explosion of colour and glamour! But as ever, pink caught my eye. This incredible pink velvet ballet pump with delicate silver embroidery practically called my name. The perfect shoe to complete my ā€œGiselleā€ outfit, I thought. Of course, I had to snap it up!

The Prague Story

Prague, for those of you who have yet to visit, is such a delightful place. Everything feels charming ā€“ the cobblestone streets, the medieval architecture, the little bakeries smelling of fresh breadā€¦ even the sound of the horse-drawn carriage clinking its way around the Old Town Square feels like a magical tune.

We came to Prague by train, as usual ā€“ nothing beats the romance of chugging through the countryside! My mother accompanied me, a loyal travelling companion in my quest to conquer the world with pink tutus.

Now, when I say ā€œweā€, it isnā€™t exactly the most accurate description. You see, I decided to do things a little differently this time. Since I couldnā€™t take my faithful horse, Pip, to Prague, weā€™ve had a rather unusual travel arrangementā€¦ Letā€™s just say, Prague isn't really built for pony-powered transport. Thankfully, my new pal, Leo ā€“ a gentle chestnut who lives here - has been a real champion. Weā€™ve been taking short jaunts every morning, Leo gracefully towing a little pink carriage behind him. I love it!

Travel Tips for Ballerinas (And Other Stylish Souls)

Of course, even when Iā€™m on holiday, the ā€œballet-readyā€ spirit remains! So much is inspired by the world of dance - even the clothes! My mother has actually found us a ballet studio nearby that teaches in the beautiful old style! Iā€™ve taken two lessons so far and, oh my, itā€™s divine. They have a huge mirrored wall, and beautiful oak floorboards ā€“ exactly the sort of space that whispers tales of legendary dancers! I plan on joining them at least three times this week ā€“ if time allows.

Remember my last post about the historical dance workshop I attended in Vienna? Itā€™s really made me curious about the history of ballet costume design. So when Iā€™m not twirling with my fellow dance-lovers or enjoying a delectable pastry, you can find me delving through history books in the charming old bookshops here in the centre of Prague. Did you know the tutu as we know it only came about in the 19th century? I always find those little fascinating details absolutely enchanting.

And just one more little tip for my fashion-forward fellow dancers, you must pop by the National Theatre. Itā€™s a masterpiece ā€“ just look at those statues! Even I, the biggest fan of tulle and frills, couldnā€™t help but find myself transfixed by their graceful figures and dramatic gestures! And speaking of dramaticā€¦

ā€œGiselleā€ - A Night to Remember

Finally! This is the big moment! Tonight is the night! ā€œGiselleā€! I can hardly wait! You can almost feel the magic of the story just floating in the air here.

My Mother and I are about to set off, feeling positively giddy! It's a good thing Iā€™m a ballerina, otherwise I'd probably end up prancing about in my excitement! Weā€™re headed to the opera house for a grand night out, and then, we'll be tucking into some Czech cuisine ā€“ their dumplings are legendary!

Oh darling, itā€™s already almost time for my carriage to pick me up! More about "Giselle" tomorrow - a post all about the show, costumes, music and dancing.

Till then,

XOXO, Emma


P.S. If you're a ballet aficionado who hasn't had a chance to see a "Giselle" production, you are missing a true treat! You just have to see it at least once, it's that special. And make sure you bring your fanciest tutu and sparkles - just like me! šŸ˜‰

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-02-27