Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-07-31

Pink Tutu Prague - Blog Post #953 - 31st July 2013: A Whirlwind of Culture & Cupcakes!

Bonjour mes chères ballerinas!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of the Pink Tutu Prague blog. As I sip my strawberry milkshake (a girl needs her fuel!), I'm reminiscing over another delightful week in this enchanting city.

This week was particularly special, as I finally got to see a show at the iconic National Theatre. Oh, the sheer beauty of the building! It was like stepping into a fairytale, all golden domes and intricate carvings. The theatre itself was opulent and breathtaking, and the performance was captivating! It was a modern interpretation of "Swan Lake" and although I am partial to a classic version, the freshness of the performance truly stole my heart.

Of course, no trip to the National Theatre is complete without a bit of retail therapy! The streets of Prague were awash with delightful boutiques, many brimming with tutus, darling! Yes, you read right! I actually managed to unearth a bewitching baby pink tutu in a hidden gem of a shop near the Charles Bridge. This gem, called "Aphrodite’s Wardrobe" is my new favourite haunt. It felt like a Tutu Wonderland! With tiers of soft tulle in every shade imaginable. I'd planned on purchasing some lovely lavender satin ribbons for my latest choreographic creation, but then I came face to face with a magnificent baby pink tulle tutu... irresistible! The little gem even included some little sequined butterflies... a truly unique touch. The only question now is, how can I possibly wait for my next ballet show to give it an airing?!

And if you thought Prague couldn't get any more fabulous, guess what? I stumbled upon the most exquisite tea salon nestled in the Old Town Square! Just imagine, dainty teacups, delicious scones, and the most delightful assortment of dainty finger sandwiches, all surrounded by beautiful Art Nouveau decor! I felt like a princess straight out of a vintage fairytale!

This whole experience makes me appreciate just how lucky I am to chase my ballet dreams. Dancing across Europe, sharing my love for pink tutus, and discovering hidden treasures, it's the life!

Before I dash off for a much-needed rehearsal, I wanted to leave you with this: life is all about embracing the unexpected! Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and explore the world! Who knows what magical discoveries you'll make?

Au revoir!

P.S. Keep a watchful eye on the website for next week’s post!

Now, onto my ballerina practice - it's tutu time!

A little more about Emma…

For those of you new to my blog, let me introduce myself! My name is Emma, a 20-something ballerina with an insatiable love for pink tutus and travel. I hail from Derbyshire, a picturesque county in England. And guess what? I'm here to spread the Pink Tutu Love across the globe, one dance and one fashionable creation at a time!

My passion for ballet started as a child, spending countless hours in ballet studios, lost in the grace and beauty of each move. Every time I don a pink tutu, I feel empowered, ready to take on the world. My mission? To inspire others to find the magic and confidence within themselves and share the pink tutu joy!

How did I make it to Prague? Well, I love the freedom of travelling by train and pony (whenever possible), but to be honest, sometimes those aren't an option for long distances. So, I've dedicated my time to teaching ballet classes and performing in both traditional theatre and street performance. Every performance is like a stepping stone towards fulfilling my dream of a Tutu World!

### A Week in the Life of a Tutu Ballerina…

This blog is more than just a journal of my travels; it's my chance to share my passion for ballet with the world, showcasing my favourite things - shopping, performance, travelling, and of course, TUTUS! Every week, I aim to give you a glimpse into my life, sharing my adventures, musings, and, most importantly, my unwavering passion for everything ballet!

From delving into the fascinating history of the tutu and sharing my fashion finds with you, to revealing my dance tips, the "Pink Tutu Prague" blog aims to spread joy, encourage creativity, and inspire you to live your life in pink tutu colour!

### Don’t forget to connect!

Now, I love to stay connected to you lovely lot, so find me on my social channels to chat!

Follow my Pink Tutu journey:

Instagram: @PinkTutuPrague


I love reading your comments and hearing about your experiences - you never know, you might even be the next inspiration for my blog post!

Until next Wednesday, may your week be filled with sparkle and grace.

Lots of Love,

Emma xx

Prague Ballet History…

Before we head into my next adventure, let’s delve into the wonderful world of Czech ballet! The ballet scene in Prague has a long and rich history! Czech dance has long been admired for its distinct artistic style, characterized by emotional intensity, expressive movements, and strong theatrical presence.

Prague's ballet roots run deep. It’s a city steeped in artistic heritage, making it the perfect backdrop for such a vibrant and fascinating dance scene. If you’re looking for a unique and enchanting theatrical experience, consider attending a performance!

A peek at my wardrobe…

Of course, a ballet-themed blog isn't complete without a look at my wardrobe. And who doesn’t love a good tutu discussion? So, without further ado, I’m giving you a little sneak peek at my newest acquisition, my darling baby pink tutu:

  1. The Fabric: The fabric itself is incredibly soft. It’s the kind of fabric that feels like a gentle caress. It feels unbelievably luxurious to wear and makes me feel like a ballerina straight out of a dream!

  2. The Colour: As the name suggests, this tutu is dazzlingly baby pink. It's like the shade of cotton candy in a beautiful fairytale. The delicate hue captures that feminine charm so perfectly. Every time I catch a glimpse of this magnificent creation, my heart melts!

  3. The Sequined Butterflies: This, of course, was the feature that caught my eye. These small but beautiful sequined butterflies add that extra sprinkle of magic, bringing a whimsical touch to the tutu. I cannot wait to create an innovative dance sequence inspired by these whimsical butterflies!

Now that we’ve delved into the magic of Prague, it’s time for a quick update from this delightful city! The calendar today (31st July) promises a treasure trove of cultural and culinary delights:

Events & Highlights

  • The “Cimrman Fest”, a popular theatrical festival, will take place in the evening, celebrating the works of Jiri Cimrman, the Czech fictitious “playwright”, who is an institution in Czech comedy! It's said he was ahead of his time, with satirical humour that's always relevant and witty.

  • “Music on the Water” Concert Series. Head to the picturesque setting of the Charles Bridge for the magical performance of a selection of popular classical tunes - perfect for a balletic afternoon!

  • For something more interactive, consider visiting The Museum of the Decorative Arts for its annual "Design & Craft Festival" celebrating everything beautiful from handmade fashion and jewellery to beautiful craft displays.

  • And last but not least, in honour of my pink tutu heart, be sure to stop by “My Cupcake Home” in Old Town Square for the cutest cupcakes ever!

I hope you’ve enjoyed a sneak peek into my enchanting world, ladies! Until next Wednesday, be sure to wear your pink tutus, dream big and always embrace the wonder that surrounds you!

All the very best,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-07-31