
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-09-09

Prague, Prague, Pretty Prague: A Pink Tutu Adventure! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐ŸŒธ (Post #1057)

Wednesday, 9th September 2015

Good morning, my darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Prague post, straight from the cobbled streets of this enchanting city.

As a ballet girl, I've always been drawn to Prague's romantic history. Just the thought of tutus twirling on those gorgeous baroque stagesโ€ฆ it's a dream come true! So, naturally, a trip to the Czech Republic had to be on my pink-tutu-wearing agenda!

But before we get to the ballet, let's talk about how I arrived in this magical place โ€“ by train! My friends, I am a HUGE fan of train journeys, and the train from Vienna to Prague was pure cinematic bliss. Winding through picturesque landscapes, sipping tea with my nose stuck in a book (currently, "The Little Ballet Book" โ€“ an absolute gem!). I'm so grateful to my tutu-funded adventures, it means I get to see the world and enjoy its slower rhythms!

Speaking of rhythms, Prague itself is a city that pulsates with a certain elegant charm. Stepping off the train and onto those gorgeous pavements, I felt like I had stepped straight out of a fairy tale. Everything seemed to be whispering a ballet score, with every turn and every cobbled corner revealing a story. Itโ€™s no surprise this city has inspired countless artists and writers!

Speaking of fairy tales, the first thing I did upon arriving was hit the shops. And oh, the treasures! Think beautiful Bohemian glass beads, delicate hand-painted porcelain, and of course, stunning fashion! The Czechs definitely have an eye for elegance, and I found myself adding several exquisite pieces to my own little "tutu wardrobe" โ€“ because every pink-tutu-loving girl needs a wardrobe fit for a queen, right?!

Now, about the highlight of my trip, the reason why Iโ€™m here: the ballet! It was a whirlwind of waltzes, breathtaking pirouettes, and heart-stopping leaps โ€“ truly the perfect blend of beauty, drama, and artistic excellence! And guess what?! My pink tutu perfectly complimented the stage lights! Let's just say, the other ballet-goers couldn't take their eyes off me โ€“ my pink tulle shimmered under the stage lights, a beacon of feminine joy in that majestic theatre. It truly is a joy to watch how a well-placed pink tutu can transform the mundane to the extraordinary!

After the show, I walked along the magical streets, my pink tutu making a soft, swishing sound, like the pages of a book turning. You just feel that romantic spirit everywhere, the same spirit that whispers in the waltz music, that dances in the river's currents, that blossoms in the delicate designs of the buildings! Prague feels like it was designed to be the perfect backdrop for my pink tutu life. Itโ€™s magical!

Speaking of magic, tomorrow I'm taking a pony-drawn carriage ride! I just know it's going to be ridiculously charming and incredibly beautiful โ€“ you can trust me on this one, dear readers. So, follow me on this exciting journey, through the enchanting streets of Prague.

Remember, stay tuned for more stories and snaps from the beautiful heart of Europe! After all, I have to show you all how my pink tutu adds that extra special something to the experience โ€“ because in Prague, as in life, itโ€™s all about the little touches, those moments that turn a simple moment into a moment of exquisite magic!

Yours in tulle and love,


P.S. I'll be writing more about the shops, the food (oh my!), and the magical streets of Prague in my next post! Remember, you can always find me on my website, www.pink-tutu.com, where I post every Wednesday. Until then, keep dancing, keep dreaming, and wear a pink tutu, darling! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-09-09