Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-03-28

Pink Tutu Prague - Post 1190 - 28th March 2018

Bonjour from Prague, my lovelies! It's Emma, back from another fabulous adventure in my trusty pink tutu, and this week, it's all about Prague, the "City of a Hundred Spires". If you've been following my Pink Tutu adventures (and you definitely should!), you know that my travels are a little unconventional – fuelled by a love of all things tutu-related, and financed by performances, all while spreading the joy of pink, one twirling step at a time. This week, Prague has given me all the inspiration I need, so buckle up, darlings, it's time for a trip down a very pink, very Parisian, and very much me path!

Prague - The Most Romantic City?

Stepping out of the train station, the air was crisp, with a hint of spring in its whisper. Prague is absolutely stunning. The architecture is beyond compare. It feels like you’ve walked straight into a fairytale, full of intricate spires, cobbled streets, and little bridges that could be a perfect backdrop for a waltz. I mean, seriously, I almost felt like I was in a Tchaikovsky ballet!

You’ve got to love the way those Czechs embrace history and charm - the buildings are just breathtaking, so full of detail and stories. I even caught myself imagining the tutus of bygone eras, swirling and pirouette-ing in those grand halls. Now, wouldn't that be a perfect story for a ballet?! Maybe I could set one here… 😉

Finding My Pink Tutu Haven

As a self-proclaimed pink tutu enthusiast, the first thing I needed to do was find the perfect outfit. I couldn’t possibly go traipsing about Prague without the right tulle, and I wanted to stand out, of course.

Imagine this, my lovelies, my first port of call was a charming little boutique right near the Old Town Square. I know, I know, you’re thinking "a pink tutu in Prague? Why?", but hear me out!

It’s the little boutiques like this one that hold all the secret treasures, like a vintage pink tutu hidden on a velvet hanger! Talk about fate! You know how I love a story behind the garments I wear, and this one was a classic: this tutu had been passed down through generations of Czech ballerinas, a testament to their love for the art form. Now it's in my hands, just waiting for a spin! It was like I had been summoned to take part in a ballet history moment! I knew instantly that this tutu would dance in perfect harmony with the spirit of Prague!

I twirled for hours in my pink Parisian dream, its layers of tulle whispering like the whispers of Prague’s history itself.

Food for My Inner Ballerina

The most amazing thing I’ve learned about the Czechs is they take their food as seriously as their history. There's no need to be fancy here, just simple, tasty, honest flavours. They love their hearty dishes like roast pork, goulash and dumplings. And, yes, my dear friends, this is where it gets good. As much as I enjoyed the meat and dumplings (it’s actually surprisingly light, really!) it was all about those delicious creamy cheeses I loved the most! As a fellow cheese fanatic, my heart soared! And all the baked pastries and delicious sweet delights made me feel like I was in a dream.

It’s clear Prague knows the importance of a good meal to give you the energy to really dance your way around the city.

* Ballet Under the Prague Skies*

Speaking of dancing, Prague just happens to be overflowing with ballet talent. The National Theatre here boasts an exceptional ballet company with stunning performances, and, oh my! I just HAD to see a show, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu trip without it, now would it?! You know my weakness, my dear lovelies! It’s like, the moment the curtain rises, the tutus twirling, it’s magic!

But guess what? It was way better than magic - it was REAL, a powerful emotional journey wrapped in sheer beauty. It’s that magical balance between the graceful beauty and the incredible strength, and for those who think ballet is for girls - WRONG! It’s powerful and passionate and beautiful! It made my own tutu dreams even stronger! The Prague ballet company has this passion that just radiates through their dancing, you know? You feel like you are experiencing something very, very special indeed, the kind that touches your soul. It was everything I could have ever hoped for and then some, leaving me feeling truly inspired and empowered.

A Ballet of a Hundred Spires

It wasn’t just the National Theatre either. I took a wander down a street called Celetná and found a street performer doing a show - I love those street performances. Just so bold and out there. And it didn't stop there; I stumbled upon another performance - just a group of young people dancing in a square with a guitar playing. Now that's something special for you - a group of talented souls, performing with such love, bringing such beauty into this city, it really made me appreciate what an inspiring city Prague is for dancers!

The air felt thick with the energy of these amazing dancers - the grace, the passion, and the spirit that resonates with me so deeply. It was an experience I’ll never forget, an impromptu ballet show under the open sky in the heart of Prague. It’s these experiences that truly bring ballet to life and reminds you why you love this art form so much, my lovelies.

Where Ballet & Fashion Collide

You know I can't travel anywhere without shopping, and Prague certainly didn't disappoint. There’s a mix of modern, traditional and just so much of that wonderful unique design everywhere. My mission was to find those beautiful pink gems that reflect the colours of Prague, a combination that will be impossible to resist.

I mean, imagine the pink and red flowers in Prague, like delicate tutus blooming against the stunning gothic architecture - it’s almost a dance in itself. Prague, my lovelies, is all about the details - those hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered - like that little flower tucked in your hair, a statement necklace, or the colour of your lipstick - it all adds up to the perfect outfit, like an unexpected pas de deux in fashion. That’s why I am always drawn to vintage items - it’s like dancing in the past with style.

After a shopping spree like no other, I realised the perfect way to describe this city is as a beautiful ballet itself. With the graceful curve of the Charles Bridge, the intricate steps of the Old Town Square clock, the vibrant and energetic rhythm of the streets – all add up to a perfect symphony of sights and sounds that resonate with my soul.

The Pink Tutu Dream Continues

This trip has definitely sparked a creative fire, with so many story ideas buzzing around my brain like a swarm of pink tutu-wearing bees. This week, I’ve made memories that will last a lifetime and sparked a passion in me that will continue to fuel my love for all things ballet. I am, and always will be, on my mission to spread the pink tutu joy around the world. That’s my ultimate performance, my lovelies.

So, if you see a flash of pink, a twirl, and a smile in a fairytale city, you just might catch a glimpse of your pink tutu loving blogger living out her ultimate dreams.

Until next week, remember to always twirl with grace, darling!


Emma 💕

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-03-28