Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-09-12

Pink Tutu Prague: A Whirlwind of Culture and Tutu-licious Delights! (Blog Post #1214)

Hello my darling tutu-twirling friends!

It's Wednesday, and you know what that's time for another instalment of Pink Tutu Adventures! This week, I'm waltzing my way through the cobbled streets of Prague, a city overflowing with architectural wonder and historical charm. And guess what? It's the perfect place to embrace my love for tutus, ballet and everything sparkly.

But before we dive into the tutu-filled highlights of Prague, I have to tell you about my incredible journey here. Imagine this: me, my trusty pink suitcase (of course!), and a vintage-style carriage drawn by a majestic white pony, clopping through the rolling green hills of Derbyshire, heading towards the vibrant, cosmopolitan energy of London. It was a picture perfect start to my trip.

Once in London, I found myself gazing out the window of a plush first class train carriage, the rolling English countryside blurring into a kaleidoscope of colours as we hurtled towards the continent. Every seat was comfy and filled with the most glamorous travellers - I was even gifted a box of exquisite hand-rolled chocolates! It's the little things that make a train journey truly luxurious, you know.

My arrival in Prague was like stepping onto a film set - ornate gothic architecture soared above me, every corner brimming with vibrant life and history. And Prague has something for everyone, my tutu-loving friends. From medieval castles to hidden alleyways filled with bohemian art studios, this city is a masterpiece waiting to be discovered.

But you know what really grabbed my attention? The magnificent National Theatre, standing proudly by the river Vltava, It's truly an architectural treasure, a testament to the Czech passion for the arts. My first visit was simply magical, especially the stunning interiors adorned with plush velvet and gilded details.

And oh my dear, you haven’t even seen the programme for tonight's performance: the "Swan Lake"! Can you believe it? One of my favourite ballets! I'm just itching to see how the Czech National Ballet interprets this timeless classic. It promises to be a stunning visual spectacle - graceful swan queens, dramatic prince's, and a stage filled with ethereal magic. I already know it will be a magical evening filled with tutu-licious moments.

Speaking of tutus, my explorations in Prague haven't disappointed! You can imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a little shop overflowing with the most gorgeous ballet garments. I just couldn’t resist snapping up a few treasures: a beautiful pastel pink tutu for myself (naturally!) and a delicate ivory tutu for my sweet little niece, Eloise. I simply had to have it, just imagine her dancing in it - my heart melts just thinking about it! She'll look just as cute as a button! And just you wait - I'll be sure to post some pictures of her first performance in the new tutu!

But shopping isn't all I've been up to. To fully appreciate this cultural masterpiece, I've been delving into the history of Prague's ballet scene. I've discovered so many interesting facts! Did you know that the first ballet performance in Prague dates back to the 17th century? Imagine, those early ballerinas performing in the very buildings that still stand today! I can only imagine the graceful tutus that they wore!

Oh, I simply can't get over how beautiful this city is. It feels like I’m in a fairytale! Every street corner offers another unique charm, and I'm utterly smitten with the bohemian spirit that infuses the air here. I have the feeling that I will return here many times, to savour the sights, the sounds, and most of all, the culture and creativity. It truly is a ballet lover's paradise.

Fun Fact: While enjoying my first coffee at a charming café nestled between a historic church and an artisan workshop, I struck up a conversation with the barista, who turned out to be a professional ballet dancer. I guess you never know where you'll find tutu enthusiasts, right?

My darling tutus, I hope this blog has given you a glimpse into the wonders of Prague. I can’t wait to share my experience at tonight's Swan Lake.

Until next Wednesday, may your twirls be graceful, your tutus be fab, and your dreams filled with a touch of ballet magic!

Keep dancing!

Emma x

P.S: Check back next week, my lovely tutu-wearers, for a full, glittering review of the "Swan Lake" and my new pink tutu outfit for a magical evening out in Prague!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-09-12