Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-01-09

Prague Dreams in Pink: Tutu Tales from a Bohemian Ballet Belle (Blog Post #1231)

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, and you know what that means… time for another Pink Tutu Prague post! This week I'm absolutely overflowing with excitement, having just returned from a whirlwind trip to the City of a Hundred Spires, and, well, it's absolutely filled my cup to the brim with inspiration. And when I say inspiration, I'm not just talking about the breathtaking architecture, the cobbled streets, and the mouth-watering Czech cuisine. No, I'm talking about the sheer beauty of ballet – a passion that knows no bounds.

Now, before we get to the good stuff, I just have to tell you how I got here. Picture it: the early morning light filtering through the quaint Derbyshire countryside. I'm bundled up in a gorgeous pink cable knit cardigan, naturally, and with my trusty tutu bag strapped firmly to my shoulder (my precious pink tutu nestled inside, ready for its grand entrance, of course!), I'm bounding down the road, pony Beatrice at my side. Yep, that's right – pony transport to the local station. It's not every day you see a ballerina in full tutu mode riding through the English countryside, is it? 😉 But honestly, what’s more elegant than a majestic pink tutu on a gentle, prancing pony? It’s simply… perfection.

Then, a journey by train! Oh, I adore train travel. There's something so wonderfully romantic about being whisked away, leaving the hustle and bustle behind. I can’t help myself; I usually end up finding a charming spot next to a window, letting my thoughts wander while I dream about upcoming shows, shop window displays (so much fashion inspiration!), and, of course, all the magnificent tutus I'll find along the way!

But this week’s trip was even more special, my darlings. You see, I wasn't just on a casual adventure; I was in Prague for a specific reason… a ballet reason, naturally! The reason I call Prague “Bohemian” – and the reason I made the long journey to see a breathtaking performance. My friends, the “#PinkTutuPrague Ballet” performance, was scheduled for January 9th at the beautiful National Theatre! This ballet was a magical whirlwind of swirling tutus, passionate dance, and beautiful storytelling – and yes, the dancers wore pink tutus – which was absolutely magical! It's a new work from the renowned choreographer Petr Zuska. A bit modern and daring for me, but very elegant, a delightful balance. I love how it’s like a mini journey through a thousand years of history – all with graceful moves, beautifully designed costumes, and incredible stories.

The show was truly captivating! As the curtain rose, I felt a rush of emotions; anticipation, joy, a touch of excitement – maybe even a hint of a flutter at the sight of a few extra-full and floaty pink tutus gliding across the stage…

For those of you who have never had the pleasure of experiencing Czech ballet, you’re truly missing out! Prague’s ballet scene is alive and thriving, full of passion and grace, a beautiful blending of modern and traditional techniques. And I absolutely love their appreciation for history – the costumes and stories were so full of character and charm, bringing to life all sorts of beautiful myths and stories from Czech history. A real “wow!” for this girl!

But I must confess, a ballet experience isn't just about the dancing, my darlings. It's about the whole atmosphere – the air buzzing with excitement, the beautiful venue, and, of course, the fashion! You know me, I love a good outfit! This time, I opted for a blush-pink satin dress, complete with a delicate lace trim, a black velvet bolero, and a touch of glitter. A simple yet sophisticated look, perfect for soaking in all the beauty that surrounded me.

Naturally, I couldn't resist venturing into the beautiful boutique on Vodičkova Street – a haven of gorgeous dresses, sparkling accessories, and some truly incredible vintage clothing. It’s like walking into a fairy tale – one full of fabulous, exquisite fabric, textures, and shimmering colors. And of course, there’s nothing like a shopping spree in a glamorous city like Prague, just as long as I keep one eye open for those wonderful little boutiques… After all, finding that perfect tutu for a special occasion is essential – so it is good to keep your options open, just in case. Ahem…

But Prague is so much more than just shops and ballet. It’s a city that invites exploration; narrow cobbled streets leading to stunning baroque churches and bustling market squares; a city rich in history, where the echoes of medieval kings still linger in the air. There’s simply no shortage of charming, quiet corners to wander through. I even took a delightful stroll through the beautiful gardens of the Wallenstein Palace – all those intricate carvings and sculptures are just beyond compare! And you won’t be surprised that I was absolutely captivated by all the romantic beauty. You simply have to love how history dances with elegance, from the oldest stories to the most beautiful architecture.

I even found the most charming little cafe near Charles Bridge, serving up delicious hot chocolate – absolutely perfect after a long day of shopping and wandering. A spot of tea and a pastry is a must.

You see, Prague has truly enchanted me! The city’s atmosphere is infectious, a magical blend of art, history, and passion. A place where your imagination can run wild.

So, that’s my Prague ballet adventure for this week! Of course, there's much more I want to share with you – but this post has already become a little too long for a casual Wednesday chat.

If you’re looking for a truly unforgettable ballet experience, you must visit Prague! But don’t take my word for it. Go, visit the city. See it for yourself. And when you’re there, remember this pink tutu-wearing ballet girl from Derbyshire – because you never know, we might just meet in one of Prague’s magical, beautiful corners…

And don’t forget! I want to see you wearing a pink tutu! **It's more than a fashion choice. It’s a symbol of strength, creativity, grace, and a sprinkle of magical whimsy. And it makes every girl feel like she’s about to take center stage! 😉

So, spread the pink tutu love!

With a pirouette and a sparkle, Emma

P.S. Remember to check in with my blog next Wednesday for even more #PinkTutuPrague adventures! And feel free to follow me on Insta at #pinktutuemma – let's keep the ballet love going!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-01-09