Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2023-05-10

Prague, My Pink Tutu Dream! (Post #1457)

Hello darlings! 🩰💖

It’s Wednesday again, which means a fresh blog post from yours truly, Emma, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, here in the magical city of Prague! I’m writing to you from the comfort of my hotel room, which is overflowing with gorgeous pink accents and even a little tulle for good measure, naturally! I arrived yesterday by train, a gloriously scenic journey through the Czech countryside. I can’t resist a good train ride, it's just so elegant. And speaking of elegance, what’s more chic than a pink tutu on a train, am I right? It really made for an extra fabulous trip, even if it did elicit a few confused looks (but who cares, they just didn't get it! 😜).

Anyway, let's talk about why I’m in Prague. As you all know, I’m a HUGE fan of the ballet – the costumes, the music, the incredible talent! – but I also adore its rich history, and Prague just so happens to be home to some of the most magnificent ballet traditions. This week is a true ballet lover’s dream, and it just happens to be the best time to visit! There are performances of every genre, and some truly magical historical gems. You’re going to love reading all about my experiences in Prague. Get your pink tutu ready, darlings, this blog post is about to be fabulous!

A Whirlwind of Dance and History

My trip kicked off yesterday at the beautiful National Theatre. It’s a glorious neo-renaissance masterpiece – I’m a sucker for anything ornate! – and its rich history was palpable as I walked through its hallowed halls. Just imagining all the ballet legends that had graced this stage made my heart soar. It’s hard to believe this place has been enchanting audiences since the late 19th century, I swear, I could almost hear the whispers of the ghosts of ballerinas past! 👻🩰

Oh, but enough about history for now! The highlight of my evening was the captivating ballet performance of Giselle - such exquisite movement and incredible drama. I nearly cried! I just love the tragic romance and the delicate steps of the ethereal characters. Giselle never fails to leave me wanting more.

Pink Tutu Adventures in the City

After the ballet, I embarked on a truly magnificent journey through Prague. It's easy to get swept away in the city’s magic with its cobbled streets, grand architecture and those iconic medieval towers. Of course, I made a beeline for the charming boutiques where I stocked up on pink ribbons and fluffy tulle - essential for any good ballet enthusiast’s wardrobe! 😉 I couldn’t leave without picking up some gorgeous local chocolates – those were a real treat, and they tasted as divine as they looked! (Yes, of course, I shared them with my very pink tutu, as it deserved a delicious treat too.)

Exploring the Treasures of Prague

One of my favorite discoveries yesterday was the Old Town Square. The Astronomical Clock, that masterpiece of mechanics, is truly awe-inspiring – especially when it plays out its performance every hour. As you all know, I do adore a good performance. I think my love for the clock rivalled the ballet for sheer spectacle! I practically had to be dragged away by a local artisan (so kind!) who promised me the most amazing Czech pottery (I’m definitely coming back to shop!) – such charming and delightful finds are all over this city! I just wish I had more luggage space. It is a very good problem to have! 😜

Today’s itinerary is jam-packed with more exciting ballet delights: a visit to the enchanting Municipal House - you HAVE to check out the breathtaking interior and admire the vibrant architecture of its neo-renaissance style! Plus, there's a special exhibition showcasing the incredible history of Czech ballet - it’s a real privilege to see all the gorgeous costume designs and be a part of this extraordinary tradition. You can bet I’ll be posting all my favourite pictures on my Instagram, of course. Don't forget to follow me @PinkTutuEmma - I promise you'll be the envy of your whole Instagram feed!

This evening, I’m off to see a stunning performance of the ballet Swan Lake. The music! The choreography! I’m so excited for this legendary ballet, especially the magnificent Swan Lake tutus! And I'm just hoping for some special pink tulle moments, for the record, in case you are wondering. 💖🩰

I’ll fill you all in on all the details about the show in my next blog post, so don't forget to check back next Wednesday. Until then, keep your ballet shoes at the ready, my darlings, and don’t forget to embrace your inner ballerina!

Remember: Tutus Make Everything More Fabulous!

And a huge thank you for being such wonderful followers and inspiring me with all your support for my pink tutu adventures! 😘

The Magic of Prague - Day 2 (Post #1458)

The Magic of Prague Continues

Oh darlings, my Prague adventure is already surpassing my wildest dreams! As promised, last night’s ballet was magnificent. The grand ballroom of the Municipal House just seemed to sigh with excitement, echoing the sheer joy and beauty of Swan Lake. It’s truly a storybook spectacle - from the grand set designs to the poignant tale of love, betrayal, and the triumph of good over evil, the Swan Lake is always a masterpiece!

It was a sheer joy to immerse myself in the Swan Lake spectacle – I felt completely transported, particularly during the enchanting White Swan sequences – the beauty, the grace, the emotional depth. The sheer movement, so powerful yet refined. The story itself – and everyone knows this story, right? - truly resonates. If there was one highlight for me, I adored how everyone, not just the dancers, got so involved, right from the first act. The story is truly everyone’s story, from the peasant girls to the Tsar himself! Such beauty and so well told – it was a pleasure to see this beloved tale brought to life with such power and grace!

Of course, after such a wonderful evening, I did as I do: I headed to the best coffee shop I’ve found – I do have an unquenchable thirst for good coffee! – for my very special, very pink, very frothy caffeine fix. Honestly, this is so Prague - all these charming cafes hidden down gorgeous, quiet side streets with fairy lights adorning the trees! So beautiful, it feels like stepping straight out of a film!

Exploring More Ballet Wonders

I didn't waste a moment after coffee! I took a stroll to The Old Jewish Cemetery, one of Prague's most poignant sights, steeped in history, its somber beauty making a profound impression. It felt so good to see all the vibrant life in the Old Town Square, then find this hushed haven and take in the moment of stillness and history. I even saw the amazing Golem of Prague – though, sadly, he wouldn't be up for a little twirl with me, even though he’s very, very close to a ballet lover’s heart (he was built from clay!) and I felt we were almost kindred spirits, you know, made of clay and passionate about storytelling, but I really did feel we understood each other, the Golem and I! 💖

An Evening of Glamour

And now, I'm preparing for an evening of pure glamour – I've got a ticket to a special performance of a very unique play featuring ballet - something I've been reading about all week and just had to see. I found the perfect pink ensemble, which, I'm afraid, requires an extra touch of tulle - but, of course, a girl's gotta have it all, right? The show, "The Dream of a Ballet Dancer", promises a breathtaking exploration of dance and theatre in its most unconventional form. Imagine everything from a beautiful ballet spectacle to the hilarious world of comedy in one show - my favourite! I will update you all on how it went in my next blog post - you can bet on the most glamorous updates, you’ve heard it here first!

My Pink Tutu Travels

Of course, after the theatre show, I’m treating myself to a delightful glass of wine (pink wine, of course – pink is the ultimate feminine hue! ) - at an atmospheric local pub. I'm getting all excited to discover more magical moments on my pink tutu adventures around Prague.

In my next post, I’ll be sharing all about my spectacular ballet show experience. It’s the perfect time for all things pink and tutu. Until then, remember to follow me on social media! @PinkTutuEmma and - there is plenty more coming up! 💖💖💖

A Tutu-Filled World!

Let's create a tutu-filled world! Because remember - it's always a good time for ballet. The tutus, the graceful moves, the gorgeous clothes, the costumes… everything is fabulous. And don’t forget the fabulous ballet history, from the Romantic period right through the most modern productions.

We love our ballet, my darlings! And never, ever be afraid to make a grand entrance! 😜

With love,

Emma (aka Pink Tutu Emma)

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2023-05-10