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Winter Ballet Season in Kendal

Kendal’s Tutu Winter Wonderland!

Hello darlings! Emma here, ready to spill the tea on the most magical time of year – Winter Ballet Season in Kendal! Honestly, I can't even handle the excitement. Every December, this quaint little town transforms into a wonderland of twirling, leaping, and all things beautiful, and this year has been no exception!

Let me tell you, my fellow tutu fanatics, if you haven't been to Kendal's Winter Ballet season yet, you are MISSING OUT. Forget the Boxing Day sales and the family arguments over who gets the biggest piece of turkey. The real magic is happening on stage, and let's be real, you're only really getting your tutu worth here.

A Dashing Début for the New Year:

Okay, so the main event of course was Swan Lake. A classic, sure, but this year, the Royal Northern Ballet pulled out all the stops. They were just serving us some serious drama and a showstopping performance that left me absolutely speechless! And the costumes? Breathtaking. Think shimmery blacks and pearly whites that really let the choreography shine. The choreography itself was so clever. All the famous moments were there, of course, but there were these cool little flourishes and added bits that I've never seen before, which made the performance feel so fresh and new. I was literally mesmerized, you guys!

But it wasn't just the big-name productions that caught my eye this season. Let’s be honest, you’ll find that there’s always a place for the classics at any ballet, but we've gotta talk about the up and coming ballerinas, the absolute stars who stole the show for me. Kendi Ballet was my absolute favourite. They are this awesome local company of talented dancers who put on a totally original piece inspired by, get this, DISCO! It was, dare I say, sparkly AF! I mean, talk about fabulousness. Imagine glitter, disco balls, bell bottoms, and of course, tutues galore, all set to the rhythm of a killer 70s soundtrack. I loved every second of it!

I’ve never been such a sucker for local productions. Kendi Ballet was totally effortless on stage, and it was just plain joyful to watch! And the energy from the crowd? Infectious! You could tell that everyone in the audience was completely immersed in the experience. Honestly, seeing these talented young dancers shine like that, knowing they're probably just starting their own ballet journey? It's all I can do to not burst into tears every time. So inspiring!

The Festive Feeling and Pink Power:

And the atmosphere in Kendal itself? Don't even get me started! It's like the whole town just gets caught up in this joyous ballet fever. You could feel the buzz everywhere, from the shops with their festive displays (hello, sparkly pink reindeer, we've got to be friends!), to the friendly smiles and cheerful greetings exchanged in the local pubs. You could almost hear the waltz music playing in the air, if you weren't actually at the ballet, you know? I had this pink cashmere beret for the season, obsessed. Honestly, the entire town felt like one big ballet class - but instead of being all rigid and disciplined, it was relaxed, free-flowing, and FUN!

One more thing that makes Kendal’s Winter Ballet Season so unique, is the accessibility of the experience. While big cities often have ballet that feels all fancy and intimidating (which let's be honest can be totally fun sometimes), the performances here are just warm and inviting. The theater, The Brewery Arts Centre, is so cosy. It makes you feel like you’re just in on a little secret that the entire town is keeping. Plus, there were even events that ran alongside the ballet, like art exhibitions with a ballet theme, and workshops teaching little kids to dance like tiny little ballerinas. They really do embrace ballet and make it accessible to everyone!

This is what I call a real, genuine passion for dance - a passion you just don't find in some of these larger, snooty venues.

To Kendal Ballet: My Deepest Respect:

To the dancers, the staff, the organizers, and even the amazing audience – kudos. You have given me another reason to love winter even more, a feeling of belonging and excitement in a community. You truly have created a tutu wonderland that warms my heart even in the chilly Kendal air! And remember everyone, if you want a bit of sparkle and grace in your life, don’t just buy tickets to the performance, live the experience. Let yourself be carried away by the beautiful music and the enchanting movements of the dancers, and trust me, you’ll be leaving with your soul fully replenished, just like mine!

So thank you Kendal! You have made winter even more sparkling! Until next year, darlings.

#tutuwinter #tutuseason

Winter Ballet Season in Kendal