Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Winter Ballet Season in Wellington

Wellington's Winter Ballet Season: A Sparkling Whirl of Pink & Tutus!

Hello my darlings! Emma here, your resident tutu-obsessed ballerina, and this winter, Wellington has truly outdone itself with its dazzling ballet season. We’re talking sparkling tutus, mesmerising choreography, and enough glitter to make a disco ball blush – it's all happening here in the capital, and I'm absolutely living for it!

The moment I step into the theatre, I'm swept away by the magical atmosphere. A shiver runs down my spine (yes, I’m a dancer, but a British one - we all know it gets chilly in these parts!) as the stage lights illuminate the majestic curtains. The anticipation builds, my heart beats to the tune of a hopeful symphony - it’s like a whirlwind of dreams swirling in a pink and purple tutu!

This year, Wellington's dance scene has embraced the bold and beautiful, presenting a lineup that's bursting with talent and creativity. Each show is like opening a gorgeous, intricately wrapped gift box of artistic genius, and I’m eager to share some of the gems I’ve uncovered this season:

The Royal Ballet: A Symphony of Style

For those of us who live and breathe the graceful world of classical ballet, the Royal Ballet's visit to Wellington is a monumental occasion. They truly live up to the royal name, showcasing a stunning spectacle of pure, exquisite skill. The dancers, both male and female, are effortless, a dream to watch! And oh, the costumes - think classic white tutus with a modern twist! One of the highlights was their rendition of "Giselle". This production was a breath of fresh air - beautifully understated, elegant, and simply captivating! The choreography, so light and ethereal, evoked a genuine emotional response. It’s a show that will stay with me for a very long time.

The Wellington Dance Company: Local Talent That Dazzles

This group never fails to surprise, offering a mix of styles and talent. This year's repertoire had a beautiful mix of classical and contemporary, highlighting the sheer diversity of Wellington's dancers. I was absolutely mesmerised by their interpretation of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," a delightful dance exploration of Shakespeare's classic play. It’s clear they have their finger on the pulse of the dance world and aren't afraid to push the boundaries.

New Zealand Ballet: A Celebration of Artistic Exploration

If you're looking for bold and inventive dance, then the New Zealand Ballet is for you! They’re all about experimenting with new movements and pushing the boundaries of traditional ballet. Their piece "Symphony of Dreams" was pure genius. A beautiful blend of classical technique with contemporary flair, accompanied by music that seemed to seep into your soul.

Wellington's Winter Ballet: A Feast for the Senses

What truly elevates this season is the sense of community that surrounds the performances. From pre-show chatter in the foyer to the post-show discussions with friends, there’s an unspoken understanding amongst the audience; an appreciation for the magic of dance. It's this connection, this shared experience of artistry and emotion, that makes Wellington's winter ballet season truly special.

I’ve never been a fan of the winter chill (who can resist a good tan?) but the energy emanating from the performances quickly warms even the most frost-bitten soul. The beauty of the dancers’ movements, the mesmerising costumes, and the magical atmosphere are enough to chase away any lingering winter blues.

A Tip for my Fellow Dance Enthusiasts

I know many of you love the excitement of attending gala evenings and premiers. And while these glamorous events are definitely a highlight of the season, let me let you in on a little secret: some of the most truly intimate and engaging dance moments often take place at the smaller, less well-known performances. This year, I took a chance on "A Dance Extravaganza" at a local studio, and it turned out to be a brilliant discovery!

*So, dear friends, grab your warmest coat, your favourite disco scarf (I am, after all, a bit of a disco diva!), and get yourself to a Wellington ballet performance. It's an experience that will lift your spirits and make your winter sparkle. *

Don't forget to join in on the fun! Share your ballet experiences and connect with fellow enthusiasts online using the hashtag #tutuwinter or #tutuseason - I’ll be keeping an eye out!

I’ll be posting about all the latest happenings in the dance world, so stay tuned for more of my tutu adventures!

Love & Tutus,


Winter Ballet Season in Wellington