Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

## The Art of the Tutus: February 2007 February. The month of love, of romance, and oh, the exquisite beauty of **ballet**. And what better way to celebrate than by exploring the delightful world of costumes! I mean, the **tutus**, darling! Now, while I do adore a classic **white tutu** - nothing says ethereal beauty like it, honestly! - the world of dance is brimming with creative expressions of movement through fashion, and it's these designs, these *bold strokes* that excite me. Let's embark on a fabulous journey around the globe, shall we? Let's see what's in store for this year's productions... **A Romantic Evening in Paris** Firstly, Paris. Always Paris. The city of light, the heart of romance, where fashion, naturally, reigns supreme. It's no surprise then that the **Paris Opera Ballet** (and darling, who *doesn't* want to be whisked away to the Opera Garnier? Such glamour, such history) often leads the charge in showcasing bold costumes that leave audiences enthralled. This month they are performing **La Bayadère** and *oh, darling, you must see it!* **The Bayadère**, an opulent tale of forbidden love, betrayal, and (spoiler alert!) reincarnation. The costumes! Divine! The **corps de ballet** swirl and float, encased in dazzling silk gowns. But, let's be honest, the real eye-catcher here is Nikiya, the temptress who captivates the Prince's heart, adorned in a **tutu** crafted of white lace, delicate beads and shimmering sequins - a feast for the eyes. **Into the Heart of Japan** Let's hop across the globe and dip our toes into the vibrant culture of Japan. The **Kyoto Ballet** is known for its masterful execution, the perfect blend of tradition and modernity. But you see, it's their stunning costumes that truly captivate! In **Giselle**, a haunting love story steeped in folklore, the **ballerinas** emerge dressed in beautiful, shimmering kimonos. Now, imagine the intricate, ethereal embroidery - every movement creates a dazzling cascade of colours. **Across the Continent to New York** But no exploration of ballet fashion would be complete without mentioning New York City! The home of the **American Ballet Theatre**, the heart of vibrant and experimental productions! Just this month, the **ABT** is presenting **Romeo and Juliet** and I've heard tell of costumes so stunning they're simply **unforgettable**. A sleek, modern **tutu**, sleek lines accentuating the female dancers, adorned with a beautiful blend of ivory, silver and shimmering blacks. Juliet's costumes are pure magic! And **don't** get me started on Romeo! I hear his costume, with its *striking* lines and a dramatic crimson cape, will have the audience swooning! It’s the modern vision of the heartthrob! **Oh, Moscow! The Jewels of the Stage** Now, let's talk about Moscow's **Bolshoi Theatre**. A stunning spectacle that I am forever obsessed with, honestly. They do **Giselle**, darling! And they always deliver an exceptional, and dare I say *flawless* display of the costume’s beauty! Just take the **peasant girls**. Their **dresses** are crafted from linen, a subtle earthy texture, so different to the shimmering silk of Nikiya in Paris. It captures the village feel, but their delicate embroidery is still present! It's an effortless juxtaposition of elegance and simplicity, and absolutely captivating. **Looking for something beyond tradition?** I find that some of the most beautiful costume choices move beyond the expected **tutu** or the grand gowns of the Romantic Era, especially when they use unexpected materials! And what are ballet costumes without a splash of *daring* to make the dance feel fresh, bold, and utterly *unforgettable*? **The Power of Imagination:** Take for example **The Royal Ballet** in London! They push the boundaries, challenging the established norms with **choreographic vision** and bold costume choices. Just this season, the **Royal** is presenting **The Winter's Tale** and this play with material is quite *extraordinary*, darling! They've created *textured** costumes using wool, felt and leather – it's almost like watching a story come to life! They've truly re-imagined what a costume can be and made it beautiful! **Where can we go from here?** The joy of **ballet**, beyond the elegance, the finesse of the choreography, the expressive potential, is seeing this artistry unfold in costumes that go far beyond the traditional! Just think for a moment about how an artist might be able to enhance, complement, and enhance the choreography itself by choosing the most *unconventional* materials, the boldest colours, the *most extraordinary** silhouettes, and ultimately... let's be honest, darling, create a **look** that we, and our audience, can *never forget.* It's an exciting prospect and, I am sure of it, the most exciting chapter in the world of **ballet costumes** is yet to unfold.