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Just back from the most divine weekend at the Paris Opera, darling, where I witnessed the absolute perfection of "Swan Lake" - simply exquisite. And the dancers? Breathtaking! Their lightness, their precision, the utter purity of their movements! Oh, how I envy them their grace, the way they float across the stage, all black tutus and flawless limbs. I confess, I cried a little during the famous "Dying Swan" scene. Such heartbreak! Such emotion!

And before I get too swept up in my own balletic fantasies, let's chat about all the fabulous ballet events that took place last month, shall we? I mean, November was simply buzzing! I simply had to catch the premiere of "Romeo and Juliet" at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. Now, this was no ordinary production! This one featured some truly spectacular costumes - all glittering silks and velvet, darling. Just divine. And, as for the dancing, well, let's just say I was completely swept away by the sheer passion, the tenderness, the raw, beautiful tragedy of it all. This was not a production for the faint of heart. Oh, and darling, I saw a pair of truly luminous young dancers; they brought the young lovers' love story to life in the most magical, utterly captivating way.

My whirlwind November tour started off in the heart of London's cultural scene, and then, in a delightful twist of fate, took me to a vibrant arts festival in my beloved Vienna. Honestly, this was pure artistry heaven, darling! From experimental contemporary pieces to classical masterpieces, the programme was simply dazzling, and, well, I had to indulge in every last decadent morsel.

Speaking of decadent, you absolutely must see "La Sylphide" in Vienna. A fairytale ballet performed at the iconic Vienna State Opera, darling, the stage was adorned with breathtaking sets, swirling with enchanting music. I'd recommend "La Sylphide" to everyone. It's a real must-see. I was absolutely spellbound. Such ethereal grace, such dreamy choreography. It left me utterly breathless!

I did a little impromptu waltzing myself in Vienna, just after catching the show, a little bit of Viennese charm. Do try to get a dance at a ball yourself if you happen to visit, dear, it is so much fun!

Of course, no ballet-lover's month is complete without a visit to the home of all things classical: New York's iconic Lincoln Center! Honestly, darling, I simply can't get enough of American Ballet Theatre! The energy is just electric. They seem to live and breathe dance, they bring a unique kind of power and elegance to everything they do. This month, they were showcasing "Giselle." Now, you'll just have to trust me on this one, it's a classic, and this time around they managed to outdo even themselves.

But that's not all! You all know my weakness for modern and contemporary, don't you? Well, my little Parisian escapade concluded with the most delightful modern ballet extravaganza I've seen in years! Honestly, I couldn't help but gasp and then swoon a little bit. Imagine if, darling, we could incorporate some of these creative techniques, these fresh takes on the classics into our repertoire, imagine how modern, how captivating, how captivating a contemporary performance would be!

And to round off the month, a small, yet absolutely beautiful showcase in London! This delightful little ballet company showcased the most beautiful, enchanting, contemporary work. Oh, the creativity! They really put everything we were seeing all month into perspective. It is all about expressing yourself, and that company was so very true to themselves.

Well, my dear readers, what do you say? I've been positively spoilt this month! My feet, my darling, they ache. But it's a delightful sort of pain, one I wouldn't trade for all the world. Now, if you will excuse me, I must go practice. I hear the stage is calling my name. I wonder what new, enchanting ballet adventures December will bring...

  A Spotlight on The International Dance Scene
  • Paris Opera: A flawlessly executed "Swan Lake." Simply divine, darling.
  • Royal Opera House, Covent Garden: A thrilling "Romeo and Juliet." A show of both dramatic passion and exquisite elegance.
  • Vienna State Opera: "La Sylphide" - Pure Viennese magic.
  • Lincoln Center: American Ballet Theatre brought to life "Giselle," with new heights of artistry.
  • New York City: An enthralling, breathtaking showcase of modern ballet.
  • London: A delightful "small" ballet showcase that reminded me of the beautiful rawness of dance.

Ballet by the Numbers:

I don't want to bombard you with stats, darling, but how can I leave this part out! Just to add a dash of elegance to this month's dance review, here are some facts and figures:

- Over 1,500 dancers around the world, dedicated to the art form! Just think of all that dedication!

- A record number of 100,000 ballet-lovers filled the Royal Opera House in November to watch "Romeo and Juliet."

- Over 15 million ballet enthusiasts attended performances world-wide this November alone. Simply astounding.

Behind the Scenes:

A ballerina’s life is glamorous on stage, my darling, but it’s also about a lot of hard work and dedication. The sheer artistry and grace you see on stage - those perfect movements, those elegant jumps, the delicate balances - are all achieved through countless hours of training and rigorous practice, darling! Ballet demands complete physical and emotional commitment. And every performance is a masterpiece in the making, a collaborative effort that involves not just the dancers but also the choreographers, the composers, the set designers, the seamstresses, the lighting technicians, the stagehands… It’s an army of devoted individuals, and together, they create magic every night.

And, just imagine the endless costume fittings and makeup sessions that a ballerina has to endure before a performance. Let's just say the “beauty” of ballet is truly a pain! But one I will readily endure - for it’s the pain that gives it an extraordinary, aching beauty! We all deserve a moment of this magic.

Just like a fashion show, darling! We spend countless hours backstage before that beautiful moment, that moment of glory, in the spotlight. The work is often invisible, but it is just as important, and truly worth admiring.

Ballet for Every Woman:

Let’s get honest, darling. For most of us, it’s a life behind the velvet ropes! And though ballet is synonymous with the delicate and feminine, there's something for every woman to enjoy in this art form.

Just look around! There’s so much going on. I often think that one day we may see fashion designers start including their interpretations of ballet in runway shows and shows in haute couture as we are definitely on trend with these types of theatrical and glamorous outfits! But for now, you can go to see productions all over the world, at some wonderful grand houses or even small studios!

Perhaps it is time for a new trend darling, why not introduce your friends to ballet, I’ll wager you’ll discover a wonderful new social set, and get that perfect, elegant pose.

It's an art form that teaches grace and strength, discipline and perseverance. Ballet inspires creativity and encourages imagination, darling, but mostly it helps you learn to embrace your true self! And isn't that the real magic?

And finally ... The Ballet Wishlist for December

You simply must have this darling! So many pieces of Ballet memorabilia to adorn your home or, of course, your dressing room:

- The Ballet Diaries of Anna Pavlova: A glimpse into a true legend of dance history.

- A “swan lake" inspired ballerina pendant. This must-have will grace your wardrobe beautifully, or even look great in your boudoir.

- The Bolshoi Ballet, an absolutely fabulous new book capturing the breathtaking spirit of this iconic company. I mean, come on darling!

You deserve a little something luxurious, my dear! Now run, find yourself a gorgeous ballerina costume. Perhaps some white tulle or perhaps black silk! Then grab your ticket to a local show, and feel the music fill you with grace and inspiration.

Until next month, dear reader, let the dance begin!