Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Darlings, the February air is crisp, the light still shimmers with the afterglow of festive excess, and yet, here we are, poised and ready for the grand ballet season. And what a season it promises to be, brimming with the artistry of international virtuosos and the elegance of breathtaking costumes. Let us slip into our finest sequins and step into the spotlight for a truly breathtaking month.

Oh my, I simply couldn't resist the allure of Giselle at the Bolshoi. The grandeur of the theatre, the swathe of velvet curtains, the hush as the lights dimmed, and then - pure magic! Natalia Osipova as Giselle was, simply, breathtaking. The heartbreaking innocence of her first act, the wild, frenzied movements as she descended into madness – a masterclass in emotional ballet. Partnered by the statuesque Vladislav Lantratov, they moved with such effortless grace and breathtaking passion. His Albrecht, the charming, deceitful noble, held me captive with his power, and yes, a touch of melancholy. The corps de ballet was simply sublime, weaving their story with each subtle gesture and delicate pliĂ©. I’m quite convinced that every single soul in the audience, myself included, wept. I confess I couldn’t tear my gaze away from Osipova, particularly during the Wilis's scene. The haunting, ethereal dance, with their long, flowing white dresses – a symphony of beauty and heartbreak. If you only catch one ballet this month, darling, let it be this one!

Speaking of elegance and heartbreaking emotion, how about the ravishing Romeo and Juliet by the Royal Ballet? Now, I may be slightly biased, having performed this myself in my younger days, but the passion, the desperation, the tenderness that they brought to this classic – truly incredible! Carlos Acosta and Sylvie Guillem, ah, a couple with more chemistry than a laboratory, their every gesture filled with emotion. I confess, my darling, their “death” scene reduced me to tears, a tear I wouldn't be embarrassed to admit to.

Then we must visit Paris, of course, where the Palais Garnier itself becomes a living, breathing stage for the OpĂ©ra de Paris’ production of Swan Lake. Here, the exquisite AurĂ©lie Dupont reigns as Odette/Odile. Her performance, oh, a breathtaking ballet of duality – fragile and powerful, dark and light. The way she transitioned from the swan's ethereal beauty to the Black Swan's sultry allure was simply mesmerizing. Her performance left me breathless, each step a work of art. My heart especially swooned for her entrance in the Black Swan's famous, dramatic coda, truly a moment of triumph. Now, the set design was an elaborate vision, inspired by the ethereal beauty of swan feathers and reflecting the depths of the lake, leaving no room for a dull moment, darling.

Oh, and the costumes! Oh my goodness, you’ve never seen such extravagant couture. So exquisite, darling, so incredibly chic. Let's not forget the legendary dancers of New York's American Ballet Theatre, for the performance of La Bayadùre. This exotic masterpiece captivated us all with its intricate footwork and vibrant costumes. It’s the story of a love so strong it transcends time and the boundaries of the earthly world. Svetlana Zakharova, her portrayal of Nikiya, oh darling, it was divine! Her arabesques were stunning, the intricate choreography demanding such agility and artistry, truly an artistic feast! And that final scene, where she is reunited with her beloved Solor, so powerful, so heartbreaking – the true beauty of tragic love.

My love affair with ballet this February? Unending! As we dance into the last few weeks, let's delve into the artistry and captivating beauty of smaller productions.

Beyond the Ballet: The Little Treasures of February

  • The Dance Theatre of Harlem's The Four Temperaments. An homage to the great ballet masters. Here, darling, the company embraced a choreographic feast for the eyes, blending classical technique with a thrillingly dynamic, captivating energy that you wouldn’t expect from such a small group. This piece will transport you through the four classic temperaments - the melancholic, the sanguine, the choleric and the phlegmatic – in a dazzling journey of emotive movements and fluid grace. Be sure not to miss their performance of Firebird – a vibrant masterpiece, bursting with energy. You'll simply be captivated.
  • In the United Kingdom, look out for the Ballet Rambert’s The Rite of Spring. This powerful interpretation of Stravinsky’s legendary composition brings out the raw and primal beauty of its creation. It’s like watching a breathtakingly fierce performance of evolution in human form. Absolutely fascinating.
  • Meanwhile, the English National Ballet is touring their new adaptation of Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty. It's beautifully whimsical, my dear. And as an added treat, you can indulge in the stunning scenery and fairytale costumes, an enchantment you don’t want to miss. Oh, I must warn you, you will feel as though you've just walked into a scene from a charming fairytale.

Beyond the Stage: The Glamour and Sparkle

You see, my darlings, even the most accomplished dancer finds their inner sparkle mirrored in the fashion world, for February’s catwalk was just bursting with tulle, silk and sequins, yes! There’s a reason they say a little black dress will never go out of style, and this month, the runways have proven this theory correct.

  • Yves Saint Laurent -Oh, darling! This year's collection was an explosion of refined grace and classic style, evoking an elegance worthy of a grand ball. The bold cuts, sleek silhouettes, and daring flashes of vibrant colour spoke volumes to the femininity of it all.
  • Chanel- As ever, the epitome of sophistication, their signature boucle, with pearls, jewels, and delicate fabrics, created looks so timeless, so utterly wearable.
  • Christian Dior- oh, a masterful use of drapery and delicate floral prints, echoing the feminine movements of ballet, an intoxicating mix of softness and structure. The beautiful dresses simply whispered, "I am elegant. I am beautiful. I am grace."

Remember, my loves, art in its most stunning forms lies not only within the confines of a grand theatre but also within the artistry of fashion. And with a simple twist, darling, every one of us can embody this exquisite elegance.

So there we have it, a whirlwind of artistic grandeur. From the elegant arabesques of Bolshoi to the passionate rhythms of Harlem's finest, February’s ballet world beckons us to dance into its glittering heart, to immerse ourselves in the sheer artistry, the exquisite emotion. So, ladies, embrace the rhythm of your own inner grace, let the lights of the stage guide your footsteps, and let February paint the town with a stunning flourish of movement and style. You go, girl!