Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

March, 1998: A Breath of Fresh Air

Darling, February was simply divine. My trip to the Met for “Swan Lake” was such a joy! The exquisite choreography was so breathtakingly elegant. Of course, the finale was just glorious – all that white tulle fluttering, the passionate swan queens, the beautiful prince, absolutely dazzling. I'm a little obsessed with the swan costumes right now. Just heavenly. And then, of course, my birthday in New York! Absolutely divine! A private dinner with some of my dearest chère amies and a late-night revelation at the Boom Boom Room. The next morning, we dashed down to the Chelsea Piers for the annual ice-skating competition. The young Russians, as always, were a joy to behold, so full of grace, strength and panache. I did rather wish they hadn’t quite *that* much shimmer on their costumes, though! It was just a touch over the top, darling. Just a touch.

I'm utterly obsessed with the colour lavender right now. Such a delicate hue. Just a hint of sweetness and mystery and something ethereal which seems to reflect my latest feelings, don’t you think? I can just see myself in a lavender tulle skirt with matching chiffon scarf, all fluttering on the stage... or in the grand lobby of The New York State Theater.

Speaking of which... did you know that Sylvie Guillem has started to use those adorable velvet ballet flats? You simply must find a pair darling. I adore the look of them. They look so very chic. And as everyone knows, one never goes wrong with a touch of velvet. So stylish.

But darling, let's be honest - everyone is just buzzing about “The Sleeping Beauty” which just opened in Paris! Yes, they do "The Sleeping Beauty" EVERYWHERE these days. But honestly - this version? Fabulous, darlings! Just wait till you see Sylvie Guillem as Aurora! Breathtaking! The exquisite choreography, the breathtaking costume designs – pure brilliance! You’ll be dancing down the Champs-Elysees like a mad thing after. And by mad I mean “Absolutely Heavenly”. I wish you could be here for it darling. Oh and make sure you get a peek at the little Prince, I just love him, he's simply charming.

And speaking of ‘Sleeping Beauty’, we simply must discuss the New York City Ballet’s production, darlings! Did you see it? I nearly burst into tears! Such talent and such an enchanting performance! The company is at the height of its power, full of energy and a certain elegance you don't find anywhere else. That darling Sara Mearns - did you see her as Aurora? Such a delightful surprise! And Tiler Peck? The whole evening was exquisite.

I confess, however, I wasn’t quite so thrilled with “The Nutcracker”. This is always a rather ‘meh’ production for me, especially this rather tame interpretation. Darling, do we really need to keep rehashing the same story year after year? I felt that the young dancer who took on the role of Clara did give a truly breathtaking performance. However it really needs more passion, don’t you think? I know, I know, it’s “The Nutcracker”. It’s supposed to be for children and a more delicate performance makes perfect sense. But I crave something a little bit edgier, more expressive! Do we really need that dancing snow? Such tedious stuff! The Sugar Plum fairy? Such predictable twirling, honestly. Maybe the Russian ballet is better?

Darling, speaking of Russia, did you see the wonderful performances at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow? Just sensational! Yes, their sets can be a little, well, shall we say, a bit gaudy! They really seem to love those dramatic velvet backdrops! But the talent… just unbelievable. And of course, I adored their spectacular ‘Swan Lake’ production with Svetlana Zakharova! Absolutely divine!

Speaking of ballerinas who dance like goddesses, we have to talk about the extraordinary Tamara Rojo! Her ‘Giselle’ performance at the Royal Ballet in Covent Garden was a tour de force of emotion! Oh my gosh! I couldn’t believe it was even possible for a body to be that graceful. Truly. And the performance had such power. I dare say that the ‘Mad Scene’ in the second act has finally reached its full potential! She’s a woman at war with the forces of good and evil! And yet, she’s also just so vulnerable! I'm not sure anyone else has managed to find that incredible tension on stage in ‘Giselle’. She simply radiated power and vulnerability! I swear the whole audience was holding its breath when she entered the stage! It’s certainly given my whole view on the role of Giselle a completely new perspective, darlings! She makes the character seem utterly new and completely believable, like she’s somehow taking on this ancient form in a very real way.

We simply must speak about the stunning dancers at the Bolshoi Ballet – the Russian dancers are just so unbelievably expressive – such an explosive power, such effortless control, such charisma! They certainly have the edge when it comes to sheer dynamism, don't you think?

And of course darling, no ballet discussion would be complete without a little chat about the stars of London’s Royal Ballet. The company simply keeps raising the bar for performance and elegance. I was at the performance of ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ – you must see it if you have the chance! The entire thing was just exquisite! I particularly loved the way the entire company joined in for the wedding finale! Such an enchanting conclusion to the whole performance, all those tulle skirts swirling and swaying and a hint of shimmery blue here and there - it just captured that magic moment beautifully. And the ballerina in the lead? I can’t quite remember her name! Darling, it begins with ‘D’? And such wonderful timing and effortless grace… oh but what I am saying? They’re ALL so beautiful and graceful.

Anyway, the performance just went on and on for what seemed like hours of absolute bliss and luxury! I confess to leaving the theatre that night and rushing to the local market for an emergency supply of beautiful champagne! My dearest friend said the following morning “ darling! you look quite tired, did you not get to sleep at all?”. I gave her a knowing smile and replied - ‘darling, sleep was the last thing on my mind!’. This season has simply been the best! We simply cannot ask for more. The excitement and beauty surrounding dance this month just makes you want to take to the stage and join in!

Speaking of excitement and energy! We simply cannot forget the amazing production of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ at the Royal Ballet. Now, darlings! The performance simply set my heart alight. This really is a classic story that deserves to be revisited – and in the most exquisite way. It was all I had ever hoped it could be – an amazing performance – just as passionate, just as tragic! A beautifully sad and exciting story! But darling! Did you catch the stunning production of ‘Swan Lake’ by the American Ballet Theatre? Another truly stunning performance! The young starlets were superb. Such passion and joy on display on stage!

I dare say the ballet this season is truly full of energy and magic! From “Sleeping Beauty”, to the American Ballet Theatre to the wonderful performance of ‘Swan Lake’ by The Bolshoi Ballet, we've been treated to some exquisite performances, darling! So keep your eyes peeled! I've no doubt that March is going to continue to captivate with new energy and even more exquisite performances! I can't wait to discover more delights in store! Now darling, I simply must rush away, I have a long line of fabulous dinners and openings planned! So much to see, so much to explore! Till next month!

Yours in dance,
