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## May, my darlings, is upon us! And with the warming weather comes a bloom of balletic delights around the globe, promising artistry that will leave you, like a freshly spun tulle skirt, utterly enthralled. First, my trip to Paris for the **Ballet de l’Opéra National de Paris**’s revival of **La Bayadère**. Now, this is no mere re-staging; this is a dazzling spectacle designed by none other than the esteemed **Christian Lacroix**. Imagine, darling, the grandeur of his designs. A kaleidoscope of color, a riot of ruffles, and a stage shimmering with opulent detail. And let’s not forget the dancing. The sheer power of **Sylvie Guillem** as Nikiya, a tragic heroine as breathtaking as she is heartbreaking, and the captivating athleticism of **José Martinez** as Solor, a prince torn between love and duty – pure cinematic poetry, really! Across the Atlantic, the **American Ballet Theatre** held court in New York City with a double bill featuring **Twyla Tharp’s “The Brahms-Haydn Variations”**, a masterpiece of abstract expression in which the dancers’ bodies became extensions of the music. Such elegant precision, darling, a true display of athletic grace! Paired with the **Paul Taylor’s “Sunset”** with its haunting beauty and emotional depth. I simply can’t forget **Ethan Stiefel’s** performance. It left a lump in my throat. A highlight for me this month was **Birmingham Royal Ballet**'s breathtaking production of **"Swan Lake"**. I simply *had* to see the luminous **Alina Cojocaru**, known for her breathtaking lightness, as Odette. And, my darling, she was everything I hoped for! Every pirouette, every delicate extension, the vulnerability of her sorrow, her ethereal beauty... she truly transformed into a swan. And **Carlos Acosta** as Prince Siegfried - he exuded a regal charm that just sent shivers down my spine. My calendar also brought me to a most captivating performance by the **Royal Ballet** of **“Giselle”**. This ballet, darling, always manages to capture the soul and draw the heart to its poignant story. I was particularly captivated by the beautiful portrayal of **Darcey Bussell**. Such expressive storytelling. Her fragile delicacy, the passion of her heartbreak… she made Giselle come to life. And **Johan Kobborg**? He brought such strength and tenderness as Albrecht that I was simply captivated. And no month is complete without a dash of the avant-garde! So, off to London I flew for **Matthew Bourne’s “Cinderella”**. Now, darling, Bourne is a true visionary. He’s dared to rework this beloved classic, casting Cinderella as a spunky WWII era factory worker and stripping away the usual fairytale tropes. I found the resulting dance theatre work both exhilarating and incredibly moving, a stunning reminder of the timeless power of love in even the most unexpected forms. Speaking of the avant-garde, a most intriguing experience was the **Nederlands Dans Theater** (NDT) performance. Their movement language, my darling, was truly remarkable - intricate and innovative, an almost improvisational dialogue between bodies. It wasn't a traditional ballet by any stretch of the imagination. It challenged every preconceived notion of what dance could be, offering instead an intriguing glimpse into the future of movement and performance. I had a fabulous evening at **The Royal Opera House’s gala**. A gathering of the most stylish and influential names in ballet, from leading ballerinas to the crème de la crème of the art world, it was simply electrifying. **I felt truly glamorous**, my darling! Imagine, wearing my favourite emerald green sequined dress and jewels sparkling beneath the dazzling chandelier… a true moment of cinematic magic! Finally, let me confess, the true gem of my May journey was **“The Nutcracker”** at **New York City Ballet**. The artistry, the sheer magic! **Maria Kowroski**, with her radiant energy, embodied the playful innocence of Clara. She twirled, leaped, and danced with such pure joy, as though she were transported back to her childhood. And her “pas de deux” with **Peter Martins** was nothing short of breathtaking. Of course, dear reader, these are merely glimpses into a world of incredible talent and artistry unfolding all around the globe. So go out, my darling, embrace the warmth of the spring sun and lose yourself in the balletic wonders of the month. Each performance, each exquisite move, is an enchanting escape, an ephemeral and timeless form of art that speaks to the soul.