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October has arrived, and with it a delightful whirlwind of ballet and art that's just *begging* to be savoured. This season, the world of ballet is ablaze with fresh interpretations, captivating narratives, and performances that will leave you speechless (well, perhaps just muttering *divine* or *utterly divine* under your breath).

Let's start with the magnificent Royal Ballet in London. My dearest friend and I were positively *enchanted* by the company's revival of Kenneth MacMillan's Manon. You know, darling, that delicate dance between the innocent and the forbidden? This production had it in spades, with the luminous Alessandra Ferri (in her last performance) embodying Manon's youthful naivete with breathtaking grace. The drama unfolded beautifully in that first act - you could practically feel the heat of the Parisian streets shimmering through the choreography! Of course, the dancing was impeccable. Jonathan Cope was utterly believable as the charming but ultimately doomed Des Grieux, his vulnerability and desperation a sight to behold. I dare say, it's not for the faint of heart - the emotional depths reached are truly profound, leaving you breathless with both tragedy and the beauty of it all. Oh, I mustn't forget the costume! The exquisite pastel silks and velvets made each character appear a masterpiece in motion.

But let's flit on to the bright lights of New York, shall we? This month the **New York City Ballet** is presenting a particularly divine program with a world premiere from the brilliant Alexei Ratmansky. My dears, it was a revelation. This new creation is based on a fairytale, a story of forbidden love. The movements were absolutely captivating, like whispered secrets woven into a dream, the choreography truly ethereal. I could not help but be transported by the emotions of the ballet, laughing, weeping, and cheering along with the dancers. It was a feast for the senses, and I suspect that the critics will be raving for weeks to come.

Now, across the pond to the breathtaking Opéra Garnier in Paris, the Parisian jewel box where every moment seems to glimmer with Parisian enchantment. I was recently mesmerized by a production of "La Bayadère". The sheer grandeur of the setting is a marvel in itself, a symphony of opulence and detail that would leave even the most jaded art critic awestruck. It's all about that "grand romantic ballet" style, and let me tell you, this performance made even the most cynical art critic feel a touch of *je ne sais quoi*. The dancers of the Paris Opera Ballet, in their exquisitely crafted costumes, gave new meaning to the term 'artistic synergy.' Every movement was perfectly in sync, each step executed with flawless precision, an absolute marvel to witness. And the story, my dears, the story was absolutely riveting, a tapestry of forbidden love, revenge, and, of course, a touch of exotic allure that only a grand opera house like the Garnier can offer.

And while we're on the subject of opulence, did you know that in the enchanting world of **fashion and design** this season is all about delicate embroidery and the romance of antique jewellery? You must, *simply must* check out the recent collections at the major haute couture houses! It seems the entire fashion world is echoing the themes that run through those ballets we've just explored - love, desire, the struggle between freedom and convention - it's all so utterly divine! And oh, darling, I just know that the jewellery this season will absolutely *make* a gown - these pearls and sapphires, and even a touch of ruby, all strung into pieces that are as grand as the very dances themselves. The interplay of light and shadow is captivating, it makes those jewels shimmer and dance as much as any prima ballerina.

Speaking of pearls, I had a rather grand night out a few weeks ago at the "Bal des Débutantes" hosted at the **Hôtel Crillon in Paris**. You know, the one in that beautiful grand building right on the Champs Elysées. Oh, to glimpse into that magical world of Parisian sophistication. Everything from the decor, the guests themselves to, of course, the dancing was simply a dream. It made me reflect, it seems the allure of ballet continues to be a touchstone, not just for art but for fashion, design and social grace - an element of grace that makes all of us a little bit more elegant and chic.

Now, dear readers, before we step onto the dance floor of some extraordinary event of our own, a word to those of you at home who simply *adore* the ballet. I've had many queries about where to discover all that *divine* ballet, where to immerse yourself in its extraordinary artistry. So, darling, take my advice and have a look at this month's picks from the world of ballets. They may just become your latest obsession.

  • For those with a taste for the modern, **The Scottish Ballet** is presenting a vibrant contemporary piece called *Whispers From the Past*. I hear it's a wonderfully compelling dance piece full of energy, which is certainly my *cup of tea*, don't you think?
  • If you simply adore classic ballet, then **The American Ballet Theatre** is showing the *The Sleeping Beauty*. What could be more breathtakingly beautiful, right?
  • For the truly daring, there is a little-known jewel of the ballet world called *Carmina Burana* - it's full of primal emotion, raw energy, and absolutely mesmerising choreography.
  • If you crave a dash of romance with a side of humour look no further than *Giselle* - a must-see for any serious ballet aficionado!

Remember darling, a ballet production is a complete sensory experience - you can practically taste the artistry, smell the history, and feel the energy pulsing through the stage, it is an art form that is utterly captivating! You can spend hours contemplating the details of the costume, the choreography, and of course, the sheer grace and elegance of each dancer. There is no feeling like being swept away by the music, transported by the performance and captivated by the entire experience, truly an affair for the senses.

So, my dears, grab your tickets, find your perfect frock, and get ready to immerse yourself in the breathtaking world of ballet - and, of course, to feel every single, deliciously delightful sensation. I know, just know that, you will *simply adore* it.