Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Darling, it's November already! How the year just flies by. Honestly, it feels like yesterday we were twirling through summer's ballets by the beach. But don't despair, because as the leaves turn and the air chills, the world of ballet only gets more exciting.

Let me fill you in on the delicious, decadent delights that caught my eye this month. First stop: the Bolshoi. Oh, the grandeur! They opened their season with a lavish production of Giselle. This one was for the purists. I’m talking exquisite, delicate, traditional choreography with none of that 'modern' business. Absolutely ravishing. I practically melted at the tragic story, especially with their ballerina, Anastasia Volochkova, a real swan princess in that role.

Across the Atlantic, at New York City Ballet, it was a real feast of neo-classical styles. That incredible choreographer, Alexei Ratmansky, unveiled his latest piece. He's got a genius for making ballet contemporary yet effortlessly beautiful. I'm talking sculpted lines, fluid movements and a touch of playfulness. They say he's the future of ballet - and darling, I'm inclined to agree. His Concerto DSCH is a real eye-opener, a masterclass in modern choreography. I felt myself transported, just floating, as if the music were guiding every movement.

Speaking of the future, I couldn't let you miss the young star, Maya Hayakawa. A stunning young woman - she's not just a dancer, she's a real force on stage. You know how much I adore ballerinas with this kind of power, especially when it's coupled with grace. This was one of those nights that leave a lasting impression. The choreography itself was playful, light-hearted even, yet her presence commanded your attention. I see a great career ahead of her.

Let's talk about San Francisco for a moment, because the story of their new principal dancer is the talk of the town. This darling has it all - the elegance, the physique, the dazzling smile! His name is Julian, and his debut with the company last week was spectacular. The rumour mill says he’s dating a young designer, too. You just know they'll make such a beautiful pair.

In London, things are heating up with the Royal Ballet. The buzz was around the latest contemporary dance production called 'Threads of Memory' by David Dawson, a real visionary in this field. A bit abstract, a bit ethereal, but in a totally compelling way. There was this beautiful tension throughout, with the dancers' bodies creating these fluid shapes. And you know how much I love the use of light in dance. Dawson used it like a paintbrush, turning the stage into this amazing world of dreams. Definitely one for your 'must-see' list, darlings.

If you prefer a good old-fashioned classic, the Bolshoi is offering another fantastic opportunity, this time with a production of 'Sleeping Beauty'. I can't wait! And while the ballet world may feel a tad competitive these days, darling, what I adore about this world is its shared passion for movement and beauty. Every night, when those curtains rise, it’s like we’re all connected. The shared experience is utterly magical, isn’t it? It truly makes all the rehearsals and hard work so worthwhile.

Let’s talk costume, because how can I resist? Oh, I loved the colours and textures on display! In New York, they opted for a soft, fluid aesthetic. Imagine swathes of silken fabric, all ethereal and dream-like. At the Royal Ballet, things were a tad darker and more dramatic, with blacks and midnight blues taking centre stage. A definite trend toward the opulent this season.

This brings us to my personal highlights:

  • **The Bolshoi's Giselle**. Perfection! A must-see for those who appreciate a classically stunning production.
  • **Alexei Ratmansky's Concerto DSCH at NYCB.** Modern, compelling, a true innovator.
  • **Maya Hayakawa's electrifying performance at NYCB. **She's got the star factor.
  • **The Royal Ballet's 'Threads of Memory'** for the avant-garde, abstract lover.
  • **London's Royal Opera House**. A constant source of elegance. Their program is jam-packed, so choose wisely!
  • **The Bolshoi's 'Sleeping Beauty'.** Coming up next month and guaranteed to delight.

Remember, darling, ballet is like a secret world we're invited into each time the music starts and the lights go down. So keep your eyes on those programmes and book your tickets, you won’t regret it. I'll leave you to your ballet plans and catch up soon for a full report from my latest show!
