Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

**Darlings!** I do hope you're all ready for an absolutely **divine** month of July, with summer's heat and an abundance of ballets to tempt even the most discerning dance devotee! As your personal muse for all things fabulous and twirling, I simply had to spill the tea on some of the **jaw-dropping** performances I've had the exquisite pleasure of attending lately. Get ready for an epic dose of artistic brilliance, shimmering tutus, and some serious leg extensions - darling, you won't want to miss this! First stop, a **gem** of a performance right here in London! **The Royal Ballet**, you know they always deliver, brought back **Frederick Ashton's 'La Fille Mal Gardée'** - utterly delightful, darling! The staging is so charming, a countryside idyll brought to life, with those beautiful, bright colours - perfect for a summer afternoon. The choreography is full of panache, the playful, exuberant moments intermingled with some beautiful, lyrical passages. **Jonathan Cope** was simply magnificent, capturing the swaggering charm of Colas with ease, and **Sarah Lamb** was every inch the winsome Lise - her light footwork and expressive acting were a true delight. If you haven't seen it yet, book your tickets now! This production is pure sunshine! Paris, City of Lights, City of Dance! The **Paris Opera Ballet**, always pushing boundaries, gave us an absolute feast for the eyes. **Benjamin Millepied's** new creation, **'Daphnis et Chloe,'** is a ballet in two acts, inspired by the ancient Greek romance. The dancers - **amazing!** I was particularly struck by the fluidity and strength of **Sylvie Guillem**'s Chloe, and the tenderness of **Manuel Legris** as Daphnis. It's an innovative and visually stunning work, but darling, do bring a good, sturdy pair of opera glasses for the second act - it’s **very** minimalist.
But I digress... Moving on, we had the ultimate dance triptych in **New York** this month! Let’s start with **American Ballet Theatre**, darlings. The return of **Mikhail Baryshnikov**, he of the heavenly legs and exquisite leaps, as the **Prince in 'Swan Lake'**, was an event you couldn’t miss. **Alina Cojocaru** as Odette/Odile was a sight to behold - her strength and beauty in both roles were mesmerising, particularly when transitioning between her delicate portrayal of Odette and her fiery, bold portrayal of Odile. But the real draw was watching a true icon dance, and to watch Baryshnikov return to the role he danced so flawlessly for over two decades was, frankly, awe-inspiring! Of course, we couldn't go to New York and miss a **New York City Ballet** performance. **Peter Martins** knows his dancers so well, and they absolutely delivered. I especially loved seeing **Maria Kowroski** perform in **Jerome Robbins' 'The Concert'**. Her performance, coupled with **Tiler Peck's** incredible technical prowess, made it a joyous, sparkling piece that was full of life and spirit - what's not to love, darling? And let’s not forget the magnificent **Balanchine** - what a **legend**! And for a **completely** different feel, I couldn't resist checking out **Martha Graham Dance Company's** return to New York - always a force of nature! The company's rendition of the iconic **'Appalachian Spring'** is, simply put, a masterpiece! The dancers, **utterly mesmerising,** take you on an emotional rollercoaster of hope, resilience, and loss. There were moments of profound beauty in this choreography, but darling, be warned - it’s not all sweetness and light. Get ready to feel the **raw emotion**, because it is raw, fierce, and incredibly powerful. And for something completely different… I *simply had* to mention this stunning, avant-garde exhibition I saw! The **Tate Modern**, always the avant-garde darling, presented a breathtaking show by **Marina Abramović**, the **divine queen** of performance art! This exhibition, **'Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present,'** was about presence, time, and the relationship between the artist and their audience. I was completely captivated, it was so utterly fascinating to watch visitors simply sitting across from Marina, lost in the gaze of a person they didn’t know, for hours! The artist, unflinching and incredibly powerful, radiated both vulnerability and an incredible presence, reminding me just how truly captivating human connection can be. The art world, darling, is bursting with so much talent. This was just a little glimpse of what is on offer in the international arts scene. Go out, get your tickets, and prepare to be swept off your feet! As for me, darling, I am heading off to watch a couple more productions before they're gone. Be sure to give me a good whisper about what catches your fancy.
**Yours ever so truly,